Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4218: All to be defeated


The four-hoofed monster was unbelievable, and was shocked by a move with his strength.

He found that in the course of the battle, the war sword in the hands of the human young man became stronger and stronger, especially the last one, which was terrifying! "That's it!"

At this time, Lin Fei had a deeper understanding of Dao Dao in his heart.

The knife just now was almost the most powerful knife attack that Lin Fei could display.

"Come again, do it again, I'm not convinced!"

The four-hoofed monster got up and roared.

"The trick just now was your luck and I was too careless! Do it again!"

It can be seen that the four-hoofed monster is very unconvinced.

"That's good! Let's fight again!"

Instead, Lin Fei was very eager to fight at this time, and had to use the fight to raise his level of sword skills to a higher level.

"Well, let's fight again!"

The four-hoofed monster rushed towards Lin Fei at an alarming speed.

Lin Fei raised the sword in his hand and rushed forward.

Rumble...The two sides fought together again, and the fight was very lively.

The energy bursting from the sword in Lin Fei's hand is getting stronger and stronger, and there are a large number of sword path laws that are continuously released from the sword.

This made Lin Fei's understanding of the law of swords more and more profound.

A lot of insights about Dao Dao constantly appeared in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

In this way, as the battle continued, Lin Fei's sword skills were once again improved.

Every time it was cut out, the four-hoofed monster shook back again and again.

"What exactly is going on?

The more he fights, the more powerful this little guy! How do I feel that he is training me? "

The more the four-hoofed monster was hit, the more depressed he became. Gradually, he found that facing Lin Fei's attack, he had only to retreat and escape.

"Forget it, you have lost! You are no longer the opponent of this human young man.

You step back. "

An old voice sounded.

In the distance, a four-hoofed monster that looked older was slowly speaking.

"The patriarch..., I..." The four-hoofed monster was somewhat dissatisfied.

"The sword technique of this young human being has become more and more sophisticated, haven't you seen it yet?

He simply used you to practice the knife! If you continue to fight like this, the result will be one, and you will definitely lose! "

The old four-hoofed monster shook his head and said.


After hearing what the patriarch said, the four-hoofed monster that was fighting Lin Fei obediently bowed its head and admitted that what the patriarch said was correct.

After all, the prestige of that patriarch in this race is still very high.

"Well, you won the little guy.

End the battle! It won't be interesting anymore. "

The four-hoofed monster looked at Lin Fei and stopped.

Lin Fei also stopped the attack, standing there holding the saber in his hand, closing his eyes motionless.

The many sword-dao laws and sword-dao comprehensions in the sea of ​​knowledge slowly flowed through, and they were eventually absorbed by Lin Fei and became part of Lin Fei's sword-dao level.

"This young man is not easy!"

"Even in the battle, he got an understanding! No wonder the more he fought just now, the stronger he showed. This is a breakthrough in the battle.

What a terrible young man! "

The monsters in the distance sighed one by one, and looked at Lin Fei with admiration.

About an hour later, Lin Fei opened his eyes violently. In his eyes, there were endless domineering sword lights tumbling, roaring wildly, and even a large number of sword lights burst out of Lin Fei's eyes. The time and space around is cut out of shape.

The battle knife in Lin Fei's hand also burst out with bright blades, dazzling and dazzling, it looked very strange.

"Well, little guy, you want to get that tree that never grows old.

We must defeat all the members of our two major races.

take it easy.

Do not worry.

There is time. "

After Lin Fei's feelings were over, he opened his eyes, and another flood dragon moved his huge body and walked towards Lin Fei.

Defeat all the monsters here! Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a little numb after hearing the dragon's words.

Although Lin Fei's current level of swordsmanship has improved a lot.

But each of those monsters possessed terrifying strength, and it would take how long it would take to defeat them all.

"And not only you, but also the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast.

He must also defeat all the members of our two major races.

Then the two of you can get close to the immortal tree.

So work hard! "

The flood dragon said to Lin Fei.

"Well, it's what you say."

Lin Fei was very helpless, showing a wry smile.

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast also felt a little helpless when standing by.

Next, Lin Fei raised the saber in his hand and fought with this dragon.

Rumble... The battle was fierce.

Both sides are powerful, and the energy released by the attack is very violent, making this space-time swaying, seeming unbearable.

This battle lasted a full day.

A day later, Lin Fei slashed the dragon's back of the dragon, and a huge wound was made.

There was a steady stream of blue blood flowing out of the wound.

"Don't fight anymore! I give up!"

The flood dragon looked very jealous of the battle sword in Lin Fei's hand, yelled, and moved back.

After this day's battle, Lin Fei's sword skills have naturally improved to a certain extent.

Although this kind of battle takes a lot of time, the gain is not small.

Therefore, Lin Fei still had a good impression of those monsters in his heart.

The reason why these monsters prevented themselves and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast from approaching the Immortal Tree of Heaven was to obey their master's orders, not to be embarrassed intentionally.

And these monsters have never meant to hurt themselves and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Lin Fei could still feel this.

"By the way, this is the reason why the monsters of the two major races live on this star, and their purpose is to protect the immortal tree.

If I defeat them all and take away the immortal tree, will their task be completed?

Once their mission is completed, they should be able to leave this star and go to the outside world freely.

I don't know if I can bring all the monsters of these two big races back to the Boundless Chaos Sea.

If all these monsters are brought back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, then that fellow Dijiang will have a hard time.

You must know that the monsters of these two races are each equivalent to a chaos-swallowing beast! The blood of the Primordial Ancient Alien Beast is not much different from the Chaos-Swallowing Beast. With so many monsters swarming, Dijiang will definitely be unable to resist it no matter how strong it is! "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of this.

However, Lin Fei knew that he had to wait until he and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had defeated all the monsters of the two major races before he could get the Immortal Tree of Heaven.

Then, talking about this issue with the monsters of these two major races will be effective, and now it is useless.

"Let's keep fighting!"

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

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