Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4223: Improvement of the Law of Reincarnation

"If you don't hand over the immortal tree today, you will never have a chance to leave here."

The master master roared sharply.

Killed Lin Fei again.

"If you want an immortal tree, just take it with your ability! Don't talk too much nonsense!"

Lin Fei sneered.

The law of reincarnation! Lin Fei directly used the laws of reincarnation that he was best at, and none of the other laws were used.

Since this Master Domination only used a single law of ice to deal with him, then Lin Fei simply used the law of reincarnation to deal with him.

In an instant, the mighty law of reincarnation was released from Lin Fei's body, turning into thick iron chains that shuttled in the void, bombarding the master master.

Sure enough, casting a single law will make the attack more concentrated and more focused.

Lin Fei felt it carefully.

It's just that this kind of law needs to be cultivated to a supreme realm in order to exert its tremendous power.

This power may be greater than using multiple laws at the same time.

Lin Fei had some understanding in his heart.

"Boy, I can't think of your law of reincarnation, it is so powerful!"

The master's face changed slightly.

He could see that Lin Fei's law of reincarnation was particularly pure, and it had reached a fairly high level.

"It's just not enough!"

The Master Master yelled and waved the full moon scimitar in his hand, with a continuous sword technique, and it turned into a monstrous light, slashing towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei raised the sword in his hand and greeted him with a roar.

The endless domineering sword light slashed out from the sword in Lin Fei's hand continuously.

This sword was left by a Chaos God. Although Lin Fei could not fully display its power yet, it should not be underestimated.

Moreover, in the course of the battle, Lin Fei continuously arranged one formation after another, and these formations also exerted great power.

Therefore, although the sword light that the master master slashed over was extremely fast, the battle knife in Lin Fei's hand could barely resist.

In this way, the two sides played inextricably.

In the course of the battle, as only a single law of reincarnation was used, Lin Fei gradually found that his understanding of the law of reincarnation seemed to have increased.

But also, in this kind of high-intensity battle, it is the easiest to get promotion.

"In this case, I simply took this opportunity to hone and feel the law of reincarnation."

Lin Fei thought secretly in his heart.

So Lin Fei began to comprehend carefully.

Originally, Lin Fei had already practiced the law of reincarnation to a very high level, and he also carried the second reincarnation tower on his body, and had practiced many kinds of secret techniques related to the law of reincarnation.

Lin Fei was blessed with reincarnation. He felt like a fish in water after experiencing the law of reincarnation.

Gradually, Lin Fei began to immerse himself in the realization of the law of reincarnation, as if he had entered a very mysterious state.

Countless runes related to the law of reincarnation are constantly released from Lin Fei's body like snowflakes, permeating the surrounding time and space.

Under these runes, Lin Fei's body seemed to have entered a distant and clear strange time and space.

This made Lin Fei's figure more and more erratic, more and more mysterious, visible, but untouchable.

At a certain moment, even Lin Fei felt that he was really walking in a strange period of reincarnation, leaving the original time and space.

The master master was surprised to find that his attack made it increasingly difficult to reach Lin Fei's specific location.

The full moon scimitar in his hand was clearly slashed towards Lin Fei's body. Lin Fei didn't seem to avoid it, but when the light of his sword went, Lin Fei moved to another strangely. position.

Lin Fei suddenly returned to his original position after the light of his sword was recovered.

The master master found that it was getting harder and harder to capture Lin Fei's exact position.

This shocked him.

You know, what strength he is, and his sense of consciousness is extremely powerful.

However, even he had difficulty capturing Lin Fei's exact location.

This shows that Lin Fei's law of reincarnation is more powerful than he imagined.

As the battle continued, Lin Fei's understanding of the law of reincarnation became more and more, and his body skills became more mysterious.

Many times, in the face of the attack of the master, you don't have to resist with the sword in your hand, and you can easily avoid it by directly using the law of reincarnation.

"Sure enough, the power exerted by only one type of law may be greater than that of multiple laws at the same time.

But the prerequisite is to practice this law to a very high level. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"This young human being is really amazing! He didn't lose even after fighting against this master master for so long!"

"Not only did he not lose, but I felt that the more he fought, the more braver he was!"

"Yes, I found that in the course of the battle, the combat power he displayed was slowly increasing!"

"This young kid is really a freak, no wonder we can beat our two races!"

The wild and ancient strange beasts all around were exclaiming.


Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was also relieved, no longer worrying about Lin Fei.

"How is this possible! It's amazing that a young kid of the younger generation can beat the master to this level!"

"There's really no heaven, there's someone outside the world!"

The subordinates who dominated the adults also exclaimed one after another, feeling very shocked.

You must know that in their minds, this master is equivalent to an invincible existence, and now a young man suddenly appeared, and he was inextricably beaten with this master, how could they not be surprised.

With the passage of time, Lin Fei’s understanding of the law of reincarnation has become more and more profound, and the power he exerted has become stronger and stronger. From the beginning of the upper hand, he became evenly matched with the master, even faintly. There are signs of suppressing the master.

"Boy, I don't believe it, you can't be my opponent, I'm going to kill you!"

The more you hit the master, the more angry he got, and he kept roaring.

"Is it interesting to say so much nonsense?

Do you really think you are great?

Then you should use your skills. "

Lin Fei said with a sneer.

In this way, the two sides continued to fight, and I don't know how long it lasted.

"My current level of cultivation based on the law of reincarnation is at least a thousand times the previous level."

Lin Fei smiled.

At this time, Lin Fei's combat effectiveness was already stronger than that of Lord Dominator. During the battle, he began to suppress the Lord Dominator everywhere, and he could only fight back.

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