Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4255: What to do with you

The wooden puppets in the distance were silent after hearing the mother tree's words.

These wooden puppets knew that the human young man in front of them was too powerful.

Together, the entire wooden puppet clan is definitely not an opponent.

In this case, you can only bow your head.

Otherwise, the wooden puppet clan is likely to be annihilated.

Therefore, these wooden puppets all understand why the mother tree made such a choice.

The mother tree stretched out a branch and aimed at Lin Fei.

call out! A message composed of divine consciousness entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

It is information about the mystery of the mind and the laws of life.

"it is good.

From now on, my grievances with your wooden puppet clan will be wiped out. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"let's go."

Lin Fei took the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, and left the ancestral land of the wooden puppet clan.


After Lin Fei left, the main gods of the wooden puppet clan came to the mother tree one by one, their expressions were very complicated.

"Actually, he didn't mean to destroy our wooden puppet clan from the beginning."

The mother tree looked at the direction Lin Fei was leaving and sighed slightly.

"The order continues, from now on, our wooden puppet clan will never be an enemy of this person!"

The mother tree thought for a while and said.

"Brother Lin Fei, what's next?"

After leaving the ancestral land of the wooden puppet clan, the Great Sage looked towards Lin Fei.

"Next, of course, go to the ancestral land of the Face Race."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Okay! Let's go to the ancestral land of the Face Race!"

The Eight Stone Saints are all overjoyed.

The eight of them are all militants, and they like this scene the most.

So, Lin Fei took the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, swaggering towards the ancestral land of the Face Race.

at this time.

In the ancestral land of the face tribe.

"Old ancestor, ancestor, big business is not good!"

A main **** of the Face tribe hurriedly ran out of the closed chamber of the face tribe ancestor and shouted.

"What's the noise."

The ancestor of the face clan walked out of the secret room with an unhappy expression and said.

"Report ancestor, the young human man named Lin Fei suddenly appeared."

The main **** of the face race said breathlessly.

"Oh! Has he finally appeared! This is a good thing."

The ancestor of this face tribe couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"I have been looking for him for a long time.

Where is he, take me there immediately.

This time, he must not be allowed to escape! "

The ancestor of the face race said.

"Ancestor, listen to me first.

That Lin Fei, who had just defeated the ancestor of the Wooden Puppet Clan, the entire Wooden Puppet Clan, together, could not beat him.

He is now coming towards the ancestral land of our face race. "

The main **** continued.


He defeated the main **** of the wooden puppet clan?

! "

The ancestor of the face tribe couldn't help being shocked after listening.

You know, that young human named Lin Fei was not the opponent of the ancestors of the two races back then.

Now, after reappearing, the strength has become so terrible.


How long is this, how is his strength, how is it possible to improve so fast.

Have you inquired into it clearly? "

The ancestor of the face tribe seemed a little bit unbelievable.

"Ancestor, at this time, it's true.

Moreover, that Ye Fei is now coming towards the ancestral land of our face race. "

The main **** replied.

"Order the army to prepare for the enemy.

Humph, I want to see if that human kid is really so powerful! "

The ancestor of the face tribe still didn't believe it very much.

He felt that the human kid back then was his own defeat, no matter how strong he was, there was a limit.

Following this ancestor's order, the face tribe's army in the ancestral land of the face tribe was quickly organized.

"Faces, get out and die!"

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded outside.


Ten figures came from distant time and space, and in an instant, they came to the ancestral land of the Face Race.

"The enemy is coming!"

"That kid named Lin Fei is here!"

"Face the enemy!"

...The faces are densely packed, guarding outside the ancestral land, and the fighting spirit is boiling.

"Hmph, it seems that you guys want to fight."

Lin Fei brought the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints to the ancestral land of the face tribe, looked at the army of the face tribe, and couldn't help sneering.

"Lin Fei, you are so bold, you dare to enter the ancestral land of our face race."

The main **** of the face clan roared.


Lin Fei shouted coldly.

Boom... A powerful law of reincarnation turned into a chain of laws, suddenly appearing around the body of the main god, and all of a sudden, it surrounded his body, forming a law enveloped.

Lin Fei's law of reincarnation, in fact, has a hint of the ultimate law, where can these ordinary gods be able to fight.

The main **** of the face tribe was quickly sealed and could not move.

"Be careful, everyone, this human kid is very powerful."

The faces of the other face races changed drastically.

A master **** was defeated by a single move.

Such combat power is simply shocking.

"Go, let's go straight in.

Go find that old guy. "

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, and broke into the ancestral land of the Face Race.

Lin Fei didn't want to waste time with these ordinary strength faces.

Lin Fei's goal was the ancestor.


The goblin and the Eight Stone Saints roared and rushed to the army of the face race.

Over the years, the wooden puppet tribe and the face tribe have sent people and horses to hunt down the goblins and the eight-stone saints, making the goblins and the eight-stone saints long ago suffocating a grievance. This time is the best opportunity to vent.

Boom... the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, showing their power, rushed into the army of the face race, and fought.

The goblins and the eight-stone saints have spent almost every day in battle over the years. They have strong combat awareness and rich combat experience.

Although playing more with less, it did not lose the slightest disadvantage, but, for a while, prevailed.

Moreover, they knew that with Lin Fei, there would never be an accident.

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, and soon found the location of the face clan ancestor, and strode over.

There were many faces, trying to rush over to prevent Lin Fei from entering the ancestral land, but Lin Fei slapped them one by one and threw them all out.

After a while.

Lin Fei walked into the depths of the ancestral land of the Face Clan.

There, there was a huge old face floating there, looking at Lin Fei quietly.


Your strength has actually reached this step.

Young man, I have to say, you are the most enchanting and terrifying young man I have ever seen. "

The old face couldn't help sighing.

"Hehe, what's the point of such flattering words just now?

Say it.

What should I do with your faces. "

Lin Fei stared at the old face with a playful look, and said lightly.

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