Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4267: Coming back to the abyss

at this time.

In the dark abyss, the location of the core area.

Countless temporary camps are densely packed.

There are many creatures that are active in this area.

In one of the camps, there were eight fierce figures sitting, each with a hideous face, but their faces were worried.

If Lin Fei were here, he would immediately recognize that these eight figures were the eight heavenly kings of the eight tribes.

"The eight of us, when can we counterattack?

Staying here all day, bored and suffocated! "

King Yasha said loudly, his character is the most ostentatious, staying here all day, very bored.

"Now, the animal clan is very powerful, we are so many tribes, what do we use to counterattack?"

Heavenly Kings said in a deep voice.

"Not bad.

Don't be impatient about counterattack.

Now, the strength of the animal family is too strong.

The eight of us are incomparable.

I think we should stay here for the time being, develop well, and wait until later, with enough confidence, to counterattack.

Otherwise, relying on our current strength to force a counterattack, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

King Kinnaruo frowned and said softly.

"Not bad.

I agree.

King Yasha, have you forgotten.

We and the beasts have been fighting for decades. All the time, our eight tribes have lost more and less victory. Otherwise, we would not have to escape into the dark abyss. "

King Garuda also nodded.

For a while, the atmosphere became silent.

Even the king of Yasha stopped talking.

In fact, he also knew that the strength of the eight tribes, now, impossible, is the opponent of the animal family.

If a counterattack is really carried out, I am afraid that there will be more and less luck.

"Forget it, let's bear it for a while.

Now, the most important thing for us is to increase our strength.

Strength is everything.

Without strength, what you say is fake. "

The King of Heaven sighed softly.

"Now, the eight of us are already the main gods.

However, it is not enough.

There are already dozens of main gods in the animal family.

We have eight tribes, but there are eight main gods.

This is also the main reason why our Babuzhong cannot beat others. "

King Kinara sighed.

"This can only be done slowly.

Want to break through to become the main god, where is so easy. "

King Tianbu said.

"Okay, everyone go back and practice hard."

Babuwang said.

Just now.


"The big thing is not good! The big thing is not good! Report that the eight great kings, the army of the beasts, are all assembled and are coming to the abyss of darkness.

This time, the army of the beasts was almost all dispatched! "

A middle-aged man rushed in, panicked and gave a report.


! "

When the Eight Great Heavenly Kings heard this, they were shocked and stood up at the same time.

"Damn! We fought those beasts!"

The king of Yasha roared, with endless terrifying energy all over his body, erupting, and his fighting spirit was boiling, he was about to rush out.

The Yasha clan are the most militant and grumpy.

"King Yasha, don't be impulsive.

Don't expose the deeds of our eight minions because of you! "

The King of Heaven roared.

Several other heavenly kings rushed up and stopped the king of Yasha.

"King Yasha, as soon as you go out to fight, you will let the beasts and horses know where we are.

You will kill all of us! "

King Kinara said.

"Immediately pass the order! Let all the tribes, pack up, we are ready to move the position! In addition, send a death squad to contain the army of the beasts! Remember, absolutely not, exposing the whereabouts of our army!"

The King of Heaven roared.

Among the eight heavenly kings, the majesty of the heavenly king is the highest.

His words are often orders! King Yasha, at this moment, also calmed down.

Soon, all the people of Babuzhong began to pack their bags and prepare to transfer positions.

at this time.

Secretly beyond the abyss.

Lin Fei, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, and hundreds of Primordial Primordial Beasts, were at the forefront.

Behind them are the main gods of the animal family.

Behind is the army of beasts.

Majestic, heading towards the dark abyss.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness had already locked down the chief gods of the beasts. Once they wanted to escape, Lin Fei could immediately kill them.

At the same time, Lin Fei arranged several large time-space formations around the bodies of the chief gods of these beasts, covering them.

These large space-time arrays can move constantly and are very clever.

With Lin Fei's formation level, any formation he wanted to set up was easy.

After a while.

The army came out of the dark abyss.

Lin Fei's gaze looked towards the dark abyss, and he couldn't help but remembered the time he spent here before, a little sigh.

At that time, all his opponents were Heavenly Wonderland.

Now, Heavenly Wonderland, to himself, is already as weak as an ant.

"do not know.

Little Wild Beast, is it in the dark abyss? "

Lin Fei thought of Little Wild Beast.

This time, Lin Fei's purpose in entering the Celestial Realm was to find people.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately went into the dark abyss and sensed it.

Lin Fei's sense of consciousness, now, how brilliant, immediately, he perceives the core area of ​​the dark abyss.


Rumble...A mysterious energy, and a chain of mysterious laws, rose into the air, repelling Lin Fei's divine power.

Then, Lin Fei found that his divine consciousness was repelled and kept backing away.

"These seem to be the energy of reincarnation, and the law of reincarnation!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked to the extreme.

Those energies and laws that prevent Lin Fei from perceiving are the energy of reincarnation and the laws of reincarnation, but these energies and laws of reincarnation are different from the energy and laws of reincarnation that Lin Fei has practiced before! Make a difference! "Could it be that this dark abyss has something to do with reincarnation?"

Lin Fei was surprised at the same time.

"In the six realms, above each continent, there is a reincarnation grinding wheel, and in the dark abyss, there is such a strong reincarnation energy, and the law of reincarnation..." Lin Fei couldn't help thinking.

"it is good.

After I find the little wild beasts and them, I must study this six realms.

This six realms, and the line of reincarnation, must have a very deep relationship! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"You immediately send someone to enter and find out the whereabouts of the Eight Buds."

Lin Fei said openly to the chief **** of the beasts.

"Young man, we understand."

Those main gods all nodded their heads and answered very respectfully.

They knew that their lives were in the hands of this young man and they couldn't resist.

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