Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4278: Master of Darkness

"Okay, I meant it a long time ago."

Xiao Huang Beast nodded and said.

"However, I have some friends in this small world. I want to say goodbye to them."

Little Wild Beast said.

"Go ahead."

Lin Fei nodded.

So, the little wild beast turned into a stream of light, and went away to bid farewell to his friends.

"Young man, come here to me."

At this moment, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the voice of the yellow-robed old man suddenly sounded.

So, Lin Fei moved towards the direction where the old man in yellow robe was.

After a while.

Lin Fei came to a beautiful mountain peak.

On the top of the mountain, there is a pavilion, and the old man in yellow robe is sitting in the pavilion.


Lin Fei walked into the pavilion.

"I am the sixth reincarnation god."

The yellow robe old man said.

"I know."

Lin Fei replied.

Lin Fei had already guessed it.

Because, in the second reincarnation, he called this yellow-robed old man the sixth.

"Senior, tell me about reincarnation."

Lin Fei said directly.

Regarding the cycle of reincarnation, what Lin Fei has always wanted to know most is the cycle of reincarnation.

In fact, Lin Fei had already heard some information about reincarnation from the second reincarnation before.

However, Lin Fei felt that it was not enough.

"Lin Fei, the second child must have told you about the reincarnation situation.

What I know, and what my second child knows, are actually the same.

Reincarnation is a passage for all souls in the world to reincarnate after death.

The soul body of all things and all souls, along the cycle of rebirth, has been going on until the end, and there is a chance to reincarnate and become a new life body.

The cycle of rebirth carries the hope of all living creatures in the world.

It is also the most basic order in this world. "

God said in the sixth round.

"And our reincarnation gods were selected to guard the reincarnation circuit, so they are called reincarnation gods."

The sixth round of God, continue to say.


Seniors, are you selected?

So, who selected you?

Above you reincarnation gods, is there a higher level of power? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Our reincarnation gods are indeed selected.

When we were very weak, rebirth chose us.

Then, train us to be strong, to be the guardians of the cycle of rebirth.

As for whether there are any higher-level powerhouses above our reincarnation gods, I am not very clear.

We only know that we are cultivated by reincarnation, and we are only loyal to reincarnation. "

God said in the sixth round.

"Is the reincarnation training you?

Could it be that the cycle of rebirth is conscious? "

Lin Fei was surprised when he heard it for the first time.

"Of course the reincarnation is conscious.

Moreover, the strength of reincarnation is very strong.

Our reincarnation gods are all vulnerable to reincarnation. "

God said in the sixth round.

"That's it!"

Lin Fei was very surprised.

"If this is the case, then, who broke the cycle of samsara back then?

The strength of reincarnation is so powerful, is there anyone in this world that is stronger than reincarnation? "

Lin Fei couldn't help asking.

"The reason why the cycle of reincarnation was broken back then was because among us reincarnation gods, there were traitors, and not one or two, but a group of reincarnation gods who betrayed the cycle of reincarnation.

Those traitors colluded with some dark creatures and launched a surprise attack on the cycle of reincarnation, which eventually shattered it. "

In the sixth round, he returned to God and said to Lin Fei.

"Dark creatures?

What is the dark creature? "

Lin Fei was very curious.

"Dark creatures are some very special beings.

Dark creatures do not need to reincarnate.

They reproduce in other special ways.

Dark creatures want to rule all the world and eliminate all other races.

Their ideal is that there is only one species left in the world, and that is the dark creature.

However, as long as there is a cycle of rebirth, all kinds of creatures in the world can be reborn even if they die, and they will never truly die.

Therefore, the dark creatures regard the cycle of rebirth as a natural enemy, single-mindedly, accumulate with all their hearts, and want to disappear. "

God said in the sixth round.

"There is such a thing."

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard it.

"Back then, in order to protect the cycle of reincarnation, we reincarnation gods did not know how many terrible large-scale wars were fought against dark creatures.

It has always been our reincarnation line that has the upper hand.

Later, the dark creatures began to secretly draw in the camp that divided our reincarnation line.

There are many reincarnation gods who cannot bear the temptation to rebel.

Finally, those traitors and dark creatures joined forces inside and outside to launch a surprise attack. After a terrible battle, our reincarnation gods, dead and wounded, were almost wiped out.

And the cycle of reincarnation was also shattered by the dark creatures in that battle.

Since then, there will be no rebirth in the world. "

God said in the sixth round.

"That's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

After the sixth reincarnation, Lin Fei had a lot more knowledge about reincarnation.

"By the way, Senior, since the reincarnation line has been wiped out and the cycle of reincarnation has been broken, then the battle should be the victory of the dark creatures.

Why, now, a dark creature is missing?

If the dark creatures win, shouldn't the dark creatures rule the world? "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of this and asked in a loud voice.

"In that battle, we reincarnated in the same line. Although the entire army was annihilated, almost all of the dark creatures died in battle.

Moreover, the moment the cycle of reincarnation was broken, it suddenly exploded, producing violent energy, sealing the ruler of that dark creature.

So, really speaking, in that great battle, our reincarnation, and the dark creatures, should end up together. "

God said in the sixth round.

"So that's the case.

No wonder, in the present world, there is neither reincarnation nor dark creatures. "

Lin Fei suddenly nodded and said.


the difference is.

Not only was the cycle of reincarnation broken, it also blew itself up.

The master of the dark creatures is sealed.

In other words, the master of the dark creatures is still alive.

And, one day, it will get rid of the seal and get out of trouble.

At that time, I really don't know, who else in the world can control the master of the dark creatures. "

In the sixth reincarnation, God recalled the events of the year, and couldn't help but sigh slightly, and at the same time showed a worried look.

"Is the master of the dark creatures powerful?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Of course great.

With a strength like yours, it can kill one hundred and eighty thousand with a single breath. "

God said in the sixth round.

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