Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4285: Buddhism's reincarnation

"Appreciate further details."

Lin Fei replied.

"Actually, our Buddhist reincarnation is a small reincarnation.

It is much simpler than the reincarnation circuit guarded by your reincarnation line.

Whenever there is a high monk who has a hunch that he will reach the end of his life, he will use one of our Buddhist supernatural powers to condense a reincarnation seed.

This reincarnation species can break away from the flesh and float in the long time and space.

Once the chance of [58 fiction] arrives, when you meet the destined host, the mother, you will reincarnate and begin your next life.

Moreover, the reincarnation species will choose the host, and only the host that is destined to our Dharma will choose the reincarnation species.

It can be summed up in one sentence, our Buddhism's reincarnation is realized through reincarnation.

Of course, one must be an eminent monk with great success in the Dharma to have the ability to condense the reincarnation species.

Ordinary Buddhist followers do not have this ability. "

The middle-aged monk said.

"So that's the case.

In other words, in the world, most of the creatures are reincarnated through reincarnation, while your Buddhist monks are reincarnated through reincarnation. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but suddenly.

"Not bad."

The middle-aged monk nodded.

"So, the Buddha will not really die.

Even if he falls, he will be left with the reincarnation seed, and sooner or later he will reincarnate and reappear in the world.

Our Buddhist heritage will never be cut off. "

The middle-aged monk said.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, can you go back with me?"

Lin Fei looked at Rong'er and Wan'er and asked.

Although Rong'er and Wan'er are now the leaders of Buddhism, they are also their own wives.

"Lin Fei, this Buddhist Pure Land is a secret realm where the Buddha once practiced.

The Buddha is here, leaving behind many profound Dharma.

In the future, the two of us will often stay in this secret realm to understand.

However, we can often go back to the plane of immortality.

Now, we will go back to the plane of immortality with you, and stay for a while, and then we will come back here again, retreat and enlighten the Dharma. "

Rong Er said.

"Lin Fei, I'm sorry, we can't help ourselves now."

Wan'er whispered to Lin Fei.

"It's okay.

I can understand. "

Lin Fei nodded and touched Wan'er's head.

Of course Lin Fei can understand Rong'er and Wan'er's choice.

Just like Lin Fei himself, as the successor of the cycle of reincarnation, he must shoulder the heavy responsibility of reviving the cycle of reincarnation and rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation.

Now, Rong'er and Wan'er, the leaders of Buddhism, also shoulder the important task of reviving Buddhism.

"Let's go, let's go back to the plane of falling immortal."

Lin Fei said to Rong'er and Wan'er.


Both women nodded.

So Lin Fei took Rong'er and Wan'er, left this Buddhist pure land and returned to the plane of Falling Immortal.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, you two are finally back.

I happen to be looking for you for something. "

When Lin Fei's mother saw Rong'er and Wan'er, her eyes lit up, and she immediately stepped forward and took Rong'er and Wan'er's hands, looking very enthusiastic.

"What's the matter?"

Both Rong'er and Wan'er are a little curious.

Qingluo and the three shark girls were nearby, covering their mouths and laughing.

The three of them naturally knew what the mother-in-law wanted to say.


"I issued military orders to Xiaoyue, Xiaoqiong, and Xiaoya, so that the three of them, each of them give me a grandson.

Xiaoya has completed the task honorably.

Xiaoyue and Xiaoqiong are also cheering on.

My requirements for both of you are the same.

Everyone, give me a grandson as soon as possible.

Do you understand it? "

Lin Fei's mother said.

"This..." After listening to them, Rong'er and Wan'er couldn't help but blush, not knowing how to answer.

"Mother..." Lin Fei was beside him, dumbfounding.

"shut up.

All other things must be discussed.

However, there was no discussion on this matter.

I am old and have no other wish. The biggest wish is to hope that my children and grandchildren can enjoy the family happiness. "

Lin Fei's mother said.

"Where are you old?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

You know, Lin Fei's mother is now a god, where will she grow old?

Now, it seems that the appearance is completely complete, just a girl! "When I say old, I mean old.

Even if a person is not old, his heart is old! "

Lin Fei's mother stared.


Lin Fei simply shut up.

"how is it?

You two, have you heard what I said. "

Lin Fei's mother looked at Rong'er and Wan'er.

"Let's do our best..." Rong'er and Wan'er both lowered their heads, their pink faces flushed, and whispered.

"That's good."

Lin Fei's mother gave up.

Next, Lin Fei and his family spent more than a hundred years, happy days.



"Lin Fei, come and fall into the Valley of God."

Lin Fei received a voice from Luoshen Valley, from Master Statue.


So Lin Fei immediately left the plane of Falling Immortal, and in a moment, he came to the Valley of Falling God.

"Master, what do you want me to do."

Lin Fei came to the depths of Luoshen Valley, in the square, and asked.

"My enemy, has discovered my whereabouts."

The statue master said.


Lin Fei was taken aback.

You know, the enemy of the statue master is a chaos god.

A chaos god, too terrifying.

In the current state of the statue, I am afraid that I cannot cope with it.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos will also be confined to extreme danger.

"He has deduced to my approximate position now and is looking for it.

I believe that soon, he will find that I am in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

The statue master sighed softly.

"Master, is your enemy strong?

Is it possible for me to fight him? "

Lin Fei asked.

"He is a Chaos God, you say strong or not.

Do you think you can fight against a chaos god? "

The statue master asked.

"Can't fight."

Lin Fei was silent for a moment and replied.

Although Lin Fei had never seen it before, the true God of Chaos.

However, I have already contacted many things left by the Chaos God.

Moreover, apart from anything else, the statue master was once a chaos god, but he was seriously injured.

Lin Fei knew that he was definitely not the opponent of Master Statue now.

Not to mention, a true chaos **** in peak state.

"Master, what shall we do?"

Lin Fei asked.

"I am going to leave the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

See if you can escape his tracking.

In the past, the reason why I stayed here without moving was because my enemy had not yet grasped my whereabouts.

It's different now.

He has deduced to my general direction, and it makes no sense for me to continue hiding here. "

The statue master said.

"Master, are you leaving the boundless sea of ​​chaos?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

"Not bad.

I can only leave. "

The statue master nodded.

next moment.

Boom... Suddenly, the tall statue in front of Lin Fei directly exploded to pieces.

Then, a man walked out from the broken statue.

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