Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4306: Retreat Army

"This senior, may I ask, why are we blocking the way of our Heavenly Sword Pavilion army?

Does our Heavenly Sword Pavilion offend seniors? "

The Deputy Pavilion Master said.

He finally realized that the master of the sword light in front of him must be a terrifying powerhouse, and it is possible that he is a big figure that the Heavenly Sword Pavilion cannot afford.

Therefore, his attitude began to change.

"From now on, you are not allowed to provoke Qingyang Sect.

Otherwise, you are at your own risk. "

In that sword light, a voice came out and said coldly.

"Senior, did Qingyang teach it?"

The deputy cabinet owner was taken aback.

"What kind of remuneration does Qingyang teach Senior? Our Heavenly Sword Pavilion is willing to pay ten times! As long as Senior doesn't ask Qingyang teaching about it."

The Deputy Pavilion Master continued.

"The Qingyang teacher is not qualified yet to move me.

Therefore, it is useless if you pay a hundred times, one thousand times the reward.

Remember my words, otherwise, at your own risk. "

A voice came from the sword light.

The deputy pavilion master's face was green.

Originally, he was aggressive and brought a large army. Later, he could destroy the Qingyang Sect in one fell swoop and raise the power of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion. Unexpectedly, he was blocked by a sword light halfway through.

"Your Excellency, do you have to embarrass our Heavenly Sword Pavilion?

I want to remind you that behind our Heavenly Sword Pavilion is the Heavenly Dao Temple.

What is the strength of the Temple of Heaven, I think, needless to say, your Excellency also knows. "

The Deputy Pavilion Master said in a deep voice.


That sword light seemed to be impatient, and said coldly.


Swishw...that sword light suddenly burst out a mighty sword light, like a frenzy of raging waves, flooding towards the army of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion.


In an instant, all the members of this Heavenly Sword Pavilion's army were seriously injured.

Including the deputy pavilion master and those high-levels, none of them can escape, and there is no even the slightest strength to fight back.

Fortunately, the swordsmanship seemed to be merciful and no killer, so no one was killed.

"Withdraw, all withdraw!"

The deputy pavilion master was so frightened that his face paled, where he dared to stay any longer, he immediately shouted.

As a result, this army fled in embarrassment and disappeared into the chaotic void in a moment.

"That sword light is terrible.

Actually severely wounded the army of Tianjian Pavilion one by one! "

"Oh my god, this sword light, which peerless strongman displayed it, is terrifying!"

"I guess it might be the Ancestor of Thousand Hands, Master Zifu, or Ancestor of Wind Demon, one of these three peerless powerhouses.

Otherwise, how could a sword light embrace such terrifying power. "

...In the distance, the creatures onlookers were all talking in shock.

at this time.

In the headquarters of Qingyang Church.

"Good news, good news!"

A senior rushed back to the headquarters to report to the leader of Qingyang.

"Master, there is a sword of light that has repelled the army of Heavenly Sword Pavilion!"

The senior said excitedly.

"Not bad.

I saw.

That sword light is too powerful.

The army that actually defeated the Heavenly Sword Pavilion had no strength to fight back! "

The leader of Qingyang and a group of high-level officials were in the meeting hall of the headquarters, all very excited.

Liu Feng is also there.

"Father, don't ask, the master must have done it.

Only Master has such a terrifying sword technique. "

Liu Feng said excitedly.

"Master's kendo level is really incredible.

I must practice hard, the inheritance of kendo taught to me by master.

If, one day, I can have such a strong strength like Master, it would be great. "

Liu Feng has unlimited yearning.

at this time.

The army of the Tiange Sword had already fled back to the Tianjian Pavilion headquarters in embarrassment.

In the lobby of the headquarters.

All the high-levels of Tianjian Pavilion are there, and their faces are gloomy.

What happened just now was clearly seen by all the senior officials.

"Who is it?

Cut out a sword light, can have such a powerful combat power, must be a very terrifying powerhouse.

At least, it is the existence that our Heavenly Sword Pavilion cannot resist at present. "

The Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master said with a gloomy expression.

"Damn it, Qingyang Sect is just a weak sect. When did it climb onto such a terrifyingly strong one."

The Deputy Pavilion Master said bitterly.

When he thought of the power of that sword light, he had a lingering fear.

"In any case, the master of that sword light is not something our Heavenly Sword Pavilion can fight against.

Now, we can only ask for help from the Temple of Heaven.

Humph, the two masters of the Heavenly Dao Temple, but the main god.

Lord God, but the most powerful existence in this world.

I believe that the master of that sword light, no matter how strong, can't beat the two main gods.

As long as the Heavenly Dao Palace is willing to take action, our Heavenly Sword Pavilion will no longer have to be afraid of the master of that sword light.

At that time, our Heavenly Sword Pavilion will send another army to completely destroy the Qingyang Sect.

Qingyang Sect has caused us Heavenly Sword Pavilion to suffer such a great loss, this hatred must be reported! "

The pavilion owner of Tianjian Pavilion said in a deep voice.

"Not bad.

We can only ask for help from the Temple of Heaven.

As long as the Temple of Heaven is willing to take action, we don't need to be afraid. "

The other high-level members of Tianjian Pavilion nodded their heads.

"I will go to the Heavenly Dao Temple myself!"

The pavilion master stood up, walked out of the hall, rose up into the sky, and headed towards the heavenly hall.

at this time.


"It's a sect that's not influential.

I can destroy it with one palm.

Why talk to them more. "

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast pouted and said.

"I want to destroy the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, it's very easy, just one sword.

It's just that when the cultivation base reaches our level, once it is shot, it will destroy the world and destroy the world at every turn.

I don't think it is necessary.

Just like the dragon in the sky, it is easy to kill a group of ants on the ground.

But, have you ever seen the dragon in the sky, to care about the ants on the ground, and kill them? "

Lin Fei smiled.



As long as you find it fun. "

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast shook his head and said.

He is a sacred beast. Once he is born, he is aloof, and he doesn't care about the lives of the weak.

But Lin Fei is different. Lin Fei came up from the weak and low level step by step, knowing how difficult it is for the weak to survive. Therefore, after reaching a certain height, he does not want to care about the weak and kill casually. Up.

Lin Fei's mentality, the chaos-swallowing beast, is difficult to understand.

"I don't know, the ancestor of heaven and earth, found Master Zifu, whether the whereabouts of the ancestor of the Wind Demon.

Lin Fei said to himself.

So Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to the ancestors of heaven and earth.

"Some clues have been found.

However, it will take some time to determine.

After all, Master Zifu and the ancestor of the Wind Demon have not shown their faces in this sea of ​​space for a long, long time. "

The ancestor of heaven and earth replied.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded.

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