Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4311: Ancient battlefield

at this time.

The headquarters of the Temple of Heaven.

The six six gods returned with Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

In the discussion hall, the eight main gods of the Tiandao Temple are discussing some things inside the Tiandao Temple.

Suddenly, the six main gods walked in with Lin Fei and Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.


Didn't you go to deal with the affairs of Tianjian Pavilion?

Back so soon.

What happened to these two young human beings?

How did you bring the two juniors here?

Here, is the important place of our Heavenly Dao Temple, not outsiders can come in casually, let them both go out. "

The Lord of Heavenly Dao Hall frowned and said.

He looked at Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast's gaze, and looked very disdainful.

Just now, the eight main gods in the discussion hall of the Tiandao Temple did not pay attention to the Tianjian Pavilion army at all, so they didn't know what happened.

"This..." The six main gods, one by one, don't know how to answer.

"Come here, drive out these two ignorant juniors!"

The Lord of Heavenly Dao hummed coldly, a little unhappy.

You know, this discussion hall can only be entered by the upper level of the Heavenly Dao Hall, and the two juniors actually entered here, it is simply not knowing the importance.

"Hall Master..." The six main gods were all very embarrassed for a while without knowing how to explain them.

"Temple of Heaven, it's so majestic."

Lin Fei suddenly spoke softly.

While speaking, an invisible energy coerced instantly in this discussion hall, making every main **** in the hall of Heavenly Path Hall feel shock and jealousy from the heart.

At this moment, everything in the hall was quiet.

It seemed that time and space had disappeared, leaving only Lin Fei's voice.

Lin Fei's current strength was much stronger than that of the general Lord God.

Every move can release very terrifying energy and laws, easily controlling the entire space-time.

"Hmph! You guys from the Heavenly Dao Palace, who are not very strong, but each of you are self-righteous and have a great ability to show off."

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also spoke aloud.

At the same time, a terrifying force, like a landslide and a sea vent, crushed the main gods.

Immediately, in the hall, a dozen of the main gods of the Heavenly Dao Temple were discovered one by one. It seemed that there were hundreds of millions of invisible mountains, falling from the sky, pressing on their own heads, and almost knelt down one by one.

Finally, the Lord of Heavenly Dao understood that the strength of these two young people in front of them was extremely terrifying! "what happened?

Who are they?

How can you have such a terrifying strength at a young age! "

...The main gods of the Heavenly Dao Temple were full of horror and felt very shocked.

"Face the enemy!"

The Lord of Heavenly Dao, the first to react, shouted.

Shoo...he waved his hand, and thousands of top-level gods' laws rushed out of him and appeared in front of him. Every one was activated, and powerful powers exploded.

The other main gods also released their energy and magic weapons one by one, ready to face the enemy.

Only the six main gods who led the way, motionless, secretly shook their heads.

They knew that these two young people were invincible, and it was useless to fight.

"Be quiet for me."

Lin Fei spoke.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei directly took action, arranging dozens of time-space formations, covering the eight main gods.

Of the eight main gods in the Temple of Heaven, the most powerful is the hall master.

However, for Lin Fei, this palace master was also a trivial character.

Compared to Dijiang, it was too far away.

"You guys, be obedient in the end, otherwise, I'm not polite to you."

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast threatened.

With the threatening sound of the chaos swallowing the sky, the power of terror, like a rolling ocean, drowned the eight main gods, and the eight main gods felt that their flesh and soul bodies seemed to be crushed into powder at any time, frightened. His face turned pale.

Now, the main gods of these heavenly temples finally fully understood.

In front of these two young people, there is no possibility of resistance at all.

"You..., don't mess around!"

The Lord of Heavenly Dao, his face turned pale in fright, said with a trembling voice.

"All right.

Now, let me ask, you answer.

Cooperate a little bit, understand. "

Lin Fei's gaze stared at the Lord of Heavenly Dao.

"Young man, what do you want to ask?"

The Lord of Heaven's Path said with trepidation.

"Do you know something related to reincarnation in this sea of ​​space."

Lin Fei asked.

"Something related to reincarnation?"

The Lord of Heaven's Path was taken aback.

He thought that the two young men in front of him, with great fanfare, slammed into the headquarters of the Heavenly Dao Temple, they must be asking about the secrets of the Heavenly Dao Temple, or they were preparing to grab the treasures of the Heavenly Dao Temple.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be asking such a question.

"Our sea of ​​space, things related to reincarnation, there is the sea of ​​reincarnation."

The Lord of Heavenly Dao thought for a while and replied.

"Except for the sea of ​​reincarnation?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Except for the Sea of ​​Reincarnation..." The Heavenly Dao Hall Master quickly recalled.

"Everyone, help think about it!"

The Lord of Heaven's Path shouted to the other Lord Gods.

Therefore, the main gods of these Heavenly Dao Temples searched the Sea of ​​Consciousness one by one, desperately recalling that there was something in this sea of ​​space that was related to reincarnation.

After a while.

"Ah! I remembered that there was a terrifying ancient battlefield. In that battlefield, there were a lot of reincarnation energy and laws of reincarnation.

Many strong men have deduced that ancient battlefield and believed that there was something to do with a certain ancient reincarnation religion. "

The Lord of Heaven's Path suddenly smiled and said in a loud voice.


An ancient battlefield? "

Lin Fei's expression moved.

"Well, in that case, take me to see."

Lin Fei said.

This time, Lin Fei left the boundless sea of ​​chaos and entered the sea of ​​absolute space. The purpose was to find the debris of the cycle of reincarnation. Lin Fei would track down everything related to reincarnation.


I will take you there now. "

Seeing Lin Fei's tone, the Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace seemed to soften, and he couldn't help being overjoyed.

It seemed that the young man in front of him was not specifically aimed at the Temple of Heaven, but more like looking for something related to reincarnation.

So, the Lord of Heavenly Dao took the lead, walked out of the discussion hall, and began to travel through time and space, toward the ancient battlefield he said.

The other main gods of the Heavenly Dao Temple also quickly followed up, solemnly.

They knew that only by flattering the two young people in front of them, could it be possible to let the Heavenly Dao Palace escape.

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast followed behind.

About an hour later.

at last.


In front is the ancient battlefield. "

The Lord of Heaven's Path suddenly said excitedly.

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