Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4315: Master of Truth

It's just that, although these high-level members of the Qingyang Sect cannot believe it, Elder Xiao from the Temple of Heavenly Dao actually arrived and said it himself.

Therefore, the senior officials of Qingyang Sect understand that this matter is probably true! "how?

Guru, what do you mean?

Could it be that you Qingyang Sect, don't want to establish a friendly relationship with our Tiandao Temple? "

Elder Xiao looked at these high-level Qingyang Sects who were in shock, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, of course! Elder Xiao, hurry, hurry up and invite in! Come, immediately prepare the highest standard banquet for Elder Xiao!"

Only then did Qingyang Guru come back to his senses and said quickly.

Then, the senior officials of Qingyang Sect respectfully invited Elder Xiao into the headquarters for detailed discussions.

"Well, dad, I have said that with a master, things will definitely be solved perfectly."

Liu Feng spoke to his father triumphantly.

"Not bad.

Feng'er, it is really the blessing of our Qingyang Sect that you can worship such a master.

Now, the Temple of Heaven must be based on your master's face, that it attaches so much importance to our Qingyang Sect.

Our Qingyang Sect has established a friendly relationship with the Tiandao Temple. In the future, our Qingyang Sect will be able to walk sideways in this sea of ​​space! Our Qingyang Church will usher in rapid development! "

The leader of Qingyang was extremely excited, even more incoherent.

"By the way, Feng'er, you must take good hold of this master! This is the greatest opportunity in your life for you! As long as he is willing to carry you in his hand, you will definitely rise to the sky from now on. !"

Qingyang leader said.

"Father, I understand!"

Liu Feng took a deep breath and nodded in reply.


Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged in the secret room.


Lin Fei received a voice from the ancestor of heaven and earth.

"I found some traces of Wind Demon ancestors.

It turned out that the ancestor of Wind Demon once accepted a disciple called Master Zhenfu.

Now, Master Zhenfu is also the main god.

Master Zhenfu should know the whereabouts of the ancestor of Wind Demon.

I went to find Master Zhenfu.

It's just that Master Zhenfu refused to tell me the whereabouts of Feng Mo ancestor at all.

Almost did it on me. "

This is the voice of the ancestors of heaven and earth.


Now take me to see Master Zhenfu. "

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast walked out of the secret room.

The ancestors of heaven and earth have already been waiting outside.

The ancestor of Heaven and Earth took Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, leaving Heaven and Earth City, and constantly traversing the void.

After a while.

Came to the top of a very large continent.

This continent is suspended in the chaotic void.

"This continent is the territory of the Master of Truth."

The ancestor of heaven and earth said.

"That palace is the place where Master Zhen Fu retreats and practices."

The ancestor of heaven and earth pointed to a palace on the mainland and said.

"Well, let's go directly."

Lin Fei said lightly.

So, Lin Fei, Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast, and the ancestor of Heaven and Earth walked to the palace.

at this time.

Inside the palace.

A green-haired old man is sitting alone drinking.

These wines are the high-level divine wines he carefully brewed. Those mortals who have not practiced, if they have the opportunity, can drink a sip, it is estimated that they can prolong their life span by hundreds of years.


The green-haired old man frowned.

"Humph, this ancestor of heaven and earth, I don't know what is good or bad.

It's here again! "

The face of the green-haired old man suddenly became angry.

"Hmph, I want to find out the trace of my master. This is absolutely treachery.

Well, since this ancestor of heaven and earth dares to provoke my master's majesty so repeatedly, don't blame me for being rude! "

The green-haired old man angered and put down his wine glass suddenly.

This green-haired old man is exactly the disciple of Master Zhenfu, the ancestor of Wind Demon.

"Come here, please invite the ancestors of the world!"

Master Zhenfu thought for a while and said with a sneer.

This palace is his site, and many smart formations have been arranged in it.

Therefore, he wanted to introduce the heaven and earth ancestors into the palace, and then do something.

After all, the ancestor of heaven and earth is also a master god, and his strength is not trivial.

Outside the palace.

A real god, a high-ranking god, hurriedly walked out of the palace and came to the ancestor of heaven and earth.

"My master would like to please."

This upper god, true god, respectfully saluted the ancestors of heaven and earth.

"Hehe, it seems that Master Zhenfu is going to do it on you."

Lin Fei smiled.

"This..., shall we go in?"

The ancestors of heaven and earth also discovered this.

Because, the last time he came here, Master Zhenfu almost fought him.

This time, it was so enthusiastic and obviously there was a problem.

"What are you afraid of.

We go in. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"it is good!"

The ancestor of heaven and earth gritted his teeth and said.

He had seen Lin Fei's strength and had confidence in Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the three followed the upper **** True God, walked into the palace, and came to the front of the true master.

Master Zhen Fu is looking at the three ancestors of heaven and earth with a sneer.

He felt that since the three of them had entered his territory, they would not be able to fly with their wings, and he could only let him kill them.

"Huh! Heaven and Earth ancestor, you disrespect me too much.

You come as soon as you come, so why should you bring two younger generations?

When did I allow you to bring people in?

Come, take down these two juniors! "

Master Zhenfu pointed at Lin Fei and said with a sneer.

Immediately, more than a dozen high-level gods appeared and walked towards Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

The ancestor of heaven and earth remained silent, he knew that the Master of True Talisman was using the topic to make a fuss.

"Hehe, what a mighty prestige."

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast sneered.


A terrifying energy pressure was quietly released from the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and crushed over those high-level gods.


Bang Bang...The dozen or so high-level gods, true gods, were shocked into the depths of the void like cannonballs out of the chamber, quickly ejected and disappeared instantly.

The chaos swallowing beast, as a legendary beast in the world, possesses so terrifying energy.


! "

Master Zhen Fu feels something is wrong.

He found that the young man in front of him seemed more difficult to deal with than the ancestor of heaven and earth.

"Huh! Patriarch of Heaven and Earth, it's no wonder you dare to come to me, it turns out that you are looking for a helper!"

Master Zhenfu said coldly.


He waved his hand and played a magic trick.

Rumble... immediately, the whole palace trembled violently.

Boom boom boom... Then, one formation after another, constantly emerged, appeared in the palace, covering Lin Fei and the three people heavily.

"Haha..., ancestor Tiandi, aren't you looking for the whereabouts of my master?

These formations were taught by my master, so let's break these formations first.

Otherwise, you will never leave here! "

Master Zhenfu laughed wildly.

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