Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4322: go away

"I don't know what the master is doing now."

At this moment, in the headquarters of Qingyang Sect, Liu Feng was standing on a mountain, looking at the time and space in the distance, and said to himself.


A powerful divine consciousness penetrated the distant time and space and came to Liu Feng's body.

"Quickly come to the palace of the wind demon ancestor.

This is the space-time coordinates. "

Lin Fei's voice sounded and reached Liu Feng's ears.


Liu Feng couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard Lin Fei's voice.

"The palace of the wind demon ancestor?

Master unexpectedly found the ancestor of Wind Demon! "

Liu Feng was surprised and delighted.

You know, the ancestor of the wind demon is one of the most powerful masters in this space sea, and is the master of this space sea.

After receiving Lin Fei's transmission, Liu Feng didn't dare to slow down, and immediately set off, according to the time and space coordinates given by Lin Fei, toward the palace of the ancestor of the wind demon.

call out! Liu Feng turned into a sword of light and moved forward quickly.

During this time, he worked hard to practice the kendo inheritance taught to him by Lin Fei, and he made rapid progress.

His current level of kendo, compared to before meeting Lin Fei, at least, has improved more than ten times! This made him admire Lin Fei even more.

After a long time.

Liu Feng came to the palace of the ancestor of the wind demon.


Liu Feng rushed directly to Lin Fei and bowed down.

"Get up."

Lin Fei waved his hand, and a huge force lifted Liu Feng.

"I will leave this space sea soon."

Lin Fei said.


! Master, are you leaving now! "

When Liu Feng heard this, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Master, can I also leave with you."

I want to follow you and practice kendo. "

Liu Feng said.

"When I go, I will continue to roam in the sea of ​​absolute space, which is dangerous.

Your strength is still too weak, it is not appropriate to follow me.

In the past few days, I can give pointers to your kendo.

As long as you work hard to cultivate the kendo that I inherited from you, it will be enough for you to truly rise in this sea of ​​space. "

Lin Fei said.

"Master, I understand."

Liu Feng strongly endured his grief.

How much he longed to be able to follow Lin Fei and practice kendo with Lin Fei.

However, he could see that Lin Fei would not take him with him.

Therefore, in the next few days, Liu Feng stayed in the palace of the ancestor of the wind demon, learning kendo from Lin Fei.

Although Lin Fei has not yet agreed to accept Liu Feng as a disciple, he has already passed on the art.

In Lin Fei's mind, he was already regarded as a half apprentice.

Therefore, there is no hidden secret, and some real kendo is taught to him.

Under Lin Fei's guidance, Liu Feng's progress was amazing in just a few days.

In the past few days, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast was wandering around in this sea of ​​space. His character is just active.

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​absolute space without boundaries and without the concept of time and space, at a certain location, there is a sea of ​​black mist overlying the sky, and the space sea filled with dark laws everywhere.

"Huh! Unexpectedly, there are so many remnants left in the line of reincarnation.

Moreover, I was still thinking about rebuilding the cycle of rebirth.

It was a dream. "

In the depths of this sea of ​​space, there is a huge figure that surrounds the rich dark law, the law of death, suddenly said coldly.

"With my dark clan, the line of reincarnation, one day that will never be reorganized! The order is passed down, and the troops will be sent into the sea of ​​absolute space to hunt down all the remnants of reincarnation!"

This huge figure, rumbling words, spread throughout the sea of ​​space.


More than a dozen black silhouettes exuding a weird aura appeared at the same time, respectfully saluting this huge silhouette.

Then, these dozen figures left at the same time to make arrangements.

After a while.

Team after team of creatures shrouded in the black mist left this sea of ​​space and entered the sea of ​​absolute space.

at this time.

In the sea of ​​space where Lin Fei is.

Ten days, in the blink of an eye, passed.

"Young man, I'm ready.

You can start at any time. "

The ancestor of the wind demon came to Lin Fei and said.

"Well, in that case, we will set off right away."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei was anxious to find the reincarnation fragments, but didn't want to continue to stay in this space.

Lin Fei sent a transmission.

Soon, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast returned.

Over the past ten days, he has been in this sea of ​​space, wandering around, almost the entire sea of ​​space.

On the square in front of Fengmao's palace.

A group of Wind Demon Ancestor's men, and Liu Feng, sent off to Lin Fei, Chaos Sky Devouring Beast and Wind Demon Ancestor.

"Ancestor, take care all the way!"

The hands of Feng Mo ancestor knelt all over the ground.

For a long time, they have relied on the ancestors of the wind demon, in this sea of ​​space, they have high power and status.

It can be said that the ancestor of the Wind Demon is their biggest backer.

Now, the ancestor of the wind demon is leaving and going to the outside world, and he doesn't know when he will come back.

Of course, these men are very sad.

However, they also knew that they could not stop Wind Demon Ancestor.

"Master, I don't know if we will meet again in the future."

Liu Feng looked a little bit reluctant.

It can be said that encountering Lin Fei really changed his life trajectory.

Not to mention anything else, relying on his current level of kendo, in this sea of ​​space, he can truly rise.

Moreover, during this period of time, Qingyang Sect also developed rapidly.

Because of Lin Fei, Master Zifu, and the ancestor of the Wind Demon, have all given orders to support Qingyang Sect.

The two masters of this space sea personally ordered that the status of the Qingyang Sect instantly rose. In this space sea, no one dared to provoke them.

"Haha, Liu Feng, there is always a banquet in the world.

You don't have to be too sad. "

The ancestor of Wind Demon came over and said to Liu Feng.

"By the way, you remember, in the future, if possible, you will spend more time with Qingyang Teacher."

The ancestor of Wind Demon said to his men.

In fact, he has already explained it.

Now, he once again emphasized that he wanted Lin Fei to know.

"If there is fate, in the future, maybe we will still have a chance to meet."

Lin Fei said to Liu Feng.


Master, I understand. "

Liu Feng focused his head.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast, Wind Demon ancestor.

Whoosh whoosh! The three of them stepped out at the same time, crossed into the depths of the void, and then disappeared.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely try my best to cultivate and strive to one day be able to walk out of this sea of ​​space and follow your footprints.

We will meet again in the future. "

Looking at where Lin Fei disappeared, Liu Feng could not help but tears in his eyes, and said in his heart.

"Master Liu, don't be too sad.

From then on, Mr. Liu is welcome to visit frequently. "

An old man came over, patted Liu Feng on the shoulder, and said in a friendly manner.

This old man is a subordinate of the ancestor of Wind Demon.

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