Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4334: The palace lord is coming

"For dark creatures to reproduce, they must have dark energy as nourishment.

Therefore, to prevent the dark creatures from reproducing offspring, it is necessary to cut off its energy source. "

At this time, the second round of God suddenly said.

In the second reincarnation, the **** has a ray of remnant soul, which is placed in the reincarnation tower, and can perceive the external situation.

"How to cut it?"

Lin Fei asked with a move.

"Isolate it from the surrounding space.

Because the dark energy comes from the surrounding void. "

God said in the second round.

"Isolate it from the surrounding space?"

Lin Fei's heart moved.

Lin Fei does have this method.

Therefore, Lin Fei waved his hand and displayed the formation energy.

Boom boom boom... In one breath, Lin Fei arranged dozens of time-space formations, shrouding the dark creature that was constantly breeding new offspring.

Suddenly, that dark creature was besieged in a huge array of time and space.

These large time-space formations completely isolated him from the surrounding space.

Then, Lin Fei was surprised to find that the speed of the dark creature's reproduction of offspring really began to drop.

"Really useful!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but relax.

The reproduction ability of these dark creatures is terrible.

If on the battlefield, a steady stream of offspring is reproduced, and endless dark creatures are born, it is really inexhaustible and there is no way to fight.

"The dark creatures you met are relatively weak.

If you encounter those powerful dark creatures, especially those dark creatures of the Chaos God level, a large number of dark creatures will reproduce within a single thought, which is terrible.

Therefore, you must be psychologically prepared for the ability of dark creatures. "

God said in the second round.

"Okay, senior, I understand."

Lin [] Fei replied.

"Look! The other dark creatures are also breeding offspring!"

Suddenly, the ancestor of Wind Demon cried.

Lin Fei looked at it, and sure enough, the other dark creatures began to breed offspring.

One after another, a large number of dark creatures are constantly being produced.

In just a moment, there were six or seven hundred more dark creatures.

Boom...Lin Fei kept arranging time and space formations, one after another, and constantly shrouded those dark spirits.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's formation level is already very good, much more powerful than Dao Pa ancestor.

After a while.

Those dark creatures have all been shrouded in the space-time array.

As a result, the speed at which the dark creatures reproduced their offspring began to drop greatly.


Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast rushed over together, continuously beheading the dark creatures. by one dark creatures, constantly being shattered.


Lin Fei displayed the sword of reincarnation of the years, one after another of sword light, to take all the vitality of those dark creatures away.

Rumbling rumble...The second reincarnation tower was also released by Lin Fei, passing by, smashing the dark creatures into fear of breaking.

"Give me food!"

The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast roared, and a **** mouth appeared, swallowing away at the dark creatures.

Puff after another dark creatures were constantly being devoured.

at last.

Ahhh... those hundreds of dark creatures have begun to truly die.

In the end, all the dark creatures were killed by Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

"These guys are really hard to deal with."

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast couldn't help sighing.

At the beginning, only a dozen dark creatures appeared.

However, afterwards, they became six or seven hundred dark creatures.

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast joined forces, and it took a while before they were all killed.

One can imagine how difficult these dark creatures are.

Lin Fei finally understood why the reincarnation line that was so powerful back then was destroyed in the end.

"how is this possible!"

At this time, the high-levels of Feixian Palace were panicked to the extreme.

Those a dozen dark creatures are their greatest support.

Unexpectedly, now, they have all been killed! "Feixian Palace, colluding with dark creatures, the sin is inexcusable."

Lin Fei looked over and said lightly.

"What do you want!"

Palace Master Fei Xian was taken aback by Shang Lin Fei's indifferent gaze, and bit his head and shouted.

"Boy, who are you.

You don’t seem to be one of us in the world! "

A high-level Fei Xian Palace scolded Lin Fei.

"go to hell!"

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast stepped forward, rumbling, and a big mouth of a blood basin appeared, swallowing towards the high levels of Fei Xian Palace.

"Get out of the way!"

"He is the legendary beast, the chaos swallowing beast!"

... Those high-level members of Feixian Palace had long recognized the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

They were still in awe of this legendary beast, and they didn't dare to fight the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

In fact, they are not opponents of the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast.

"Huh! Feixian Palace, this palace is here, you have to pay for the murder you committed against Samsara Palace now."

Suddenly, in the distant void, a beautiful girl stepped out and shouted coldly.

Then, a large number of people followed the girl, rushing out of the void behind her.

"She is the Lord of the Samsara Palace?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but stared at the beautiful girl.


Just when Lin Fei was stunned, the beautiful girl, already carrying the people from the Reincarnation Palace, rushed towards the Feixian Palace.

Some time ago, Feixian Palace suddenly launched a war against the Samsara Palace, defeating the Samsara Palace and fleeing in embarrassment.

Now, because of Lin Fei's arrival, all those dark creatures were killed, and the people in the Feixian Palace were also crushed to death by Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Therefore, the palace lord of the Samsara Palace, upon receiving the news, immediately took the men and horses and killed them directly.

Because the owner of the Samsara Palace has been in contact with Xiao Zi, and has a very clear understanding of the situation in Feixian Palace.

"Well, let's get rid of Feixian Palace first, let's talk about it."

Lin Fei said to the ancestor of Wind Demon.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand, and dozens of time-space formations were shrouded toward the high-levels of Fei Xian Palace.

Then, Lin Fei's heart moved, heart swords, attacking the past continuously.

Ah ah ah ...... executives who fly Asgard, under the sword of Lin Fei heart attack, constantly screaming again.

The heart sword that Lin Fei is now displaying is much stronger than before.

Ordinary main gods simply cannot afford it.

"This young man is too mysterious and terrible."

Seeing the high-levels of Feixian Palace, they suddenly screamed one by one, the palace owner of the Reincarnation Palace, the beautiful girl, couldn't help but glance at Lin Fei, and secretly praised.


"Kill them all and avenge the dead in our reincarnation palace!"

...The people of the Samsara Palace, one by one, are like wolves and tigers, with murderous aura, killing those people in the Flying Immortal Palace, constantly retreating.

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