Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4351: Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman

"Okay, I see, speed is the most important thing anyway!"

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast nodded.

"Then let's do it!"

Lin Fei said.

As soon as Lin Fei's words fell, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast had already rushed towards the white-robed man, just blocking him.

The white-robed man was fleeing in embarrassment when he suddenly found a figure in front of him, and couldn't help being furious.

He stretched out his right hand and blasted the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast with his endless power. In an instant, the endless and terrifying divine power condensed into a white magic knife and slashed at the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

At the same time, the white-robed man waved his hand and arranged dozens of large formations to suppress the chaos-swallowing beast.

"It's not that easy to set up a formation in front of me!"

The next moment, Lin Fei appeared next to the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, waved his hand, dozens of large formations were deployed at the same time, protecting the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast against the formation set by the white-robed man.

In this way, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast was not affected at all.

Then Lin Fei kept arranging the formations. In the shortest time, at the fastest speed, he arranged more than one hundred formations at once, directly suppressing the white robe man in these formations.

Where did the white-robed man want to get it, besides him, there are people who have such a clever means of array formation.

Unprepared, his body was heavily suppressed, unable to move.

Lin Fei moved instantaneously, appeared directly beside him, snatched the Nine Extreme Yin and Yang Talisman in his hand, and then Lin Fei waved his hand and arranged dozens of large formations and hidden formations. He and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast were heavily covered up.

"Leave now!"

Lin Fei said to Chaos Spring Beast.

Then, Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast crossed and left at the same time.

After obtaining a Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast began to flee frantically.

Both of them use their speed to the highest degree.

Especially Lin Fei, who used the reincarnation method, all around his body was surrounded by heavy reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation.

Lin Fei had never applied the law of reincarnation to this level before. Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that the path of reincarnation that appeared under his feet was at least ten times larger than before. Correspondingly, Lin Fei found that he was moving forward. , Also more than ten times faster than before.

In this way, the speed of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast reached a very alarming level, and it seemed that they had completely entered another different time and space in the process of escaping.

Those main gods who were chasing behind found it increasingly difficult for them to capture the specific locations and escape routes of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

They felt that they seemed to be chasing two people in another time and space.

Sometimes, he had already chased Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, but they couldn't reach them. No matter what kind of attack they sent, they couldn't help but hit Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

This is the mystery of the law of reincarnation [Biquge]! "I see, the two of them are in the same line of reincarnation!"

Suddenly, a main **** yelled.

"Yes, this is the reincarnation body technique!"

The other main gods also screamed.

"Hasn't the line of reincarnation already perished?

Why did two suddenly come out? "

"Regardless of whether they are in the same line of reincarnation, stop them quickly, and they must not let them take away the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman!"

A large number of countless main gods, densely packed like locusts crossing the border, chased Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast mightily.

Lin Fei desperately used the reincarnation method, and led the chaos-swallowing beast to flee frantically on the path of reincarnation.

Suddenly, more than a dozen mental power worlds descended from the sky and enveloped Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

"Be careful! This is the world of mental power, which can penetrate all obstacles!"

Lin Fei immediately reminded the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

Then, Lin Fei also displayed his heart sword and attacked the dozens of mental power worlds.

Although Lin Fei's mental strength level is not as good as the dozen or so strong, it can also slightly block the extremely short moment of the dozen or so mental strength worlds.

"Let's speed it up!"

Lin Fei yelled to the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

Then, the two of them tried their best to release all the energy that could be used, and ran desperately on the path of reincarnation.

In the end, there was no danger, and avoided the dozens of mental worlds.

After all, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast are both very powerful. They are much stronger than ordinary Lord Gods. Under such a desperate state, the energy that bursts out is very amazing, and then cooperate with that reincarnation. Xiaolu barely escaped the attacks of the dozens of mental power worlds.

Lin Fei knew that once he and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were suppressed by those dozens of mental power worlds, the speed would definitely drop significantly, and the astonishing number of Lord Gods would immediately catch up and be surrounded by them.

At that time, it was harder to escape than to reach the sky.

"Let’s do our best. Under this situation, we can only escape with the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman only if we have the spirit of desperation and can’t relax. Otherwise, the end of the two of us will be a bit bad. Up!"

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

"Not bad."

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast nodded.

The pressure on both of them is very high. After all, too many main gods have participated in the snatching of the Nine Extreme Yin and Yang Talisman. No matter how strong Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast are, it is impossible to beat so many main gods at the same time.

Fortunately, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were both very strong and very fast.

"You two stop for me and hand over the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman!"

Finally, a lot of main gods walked around in front of Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, blocking their way.

"Let’s work together to solve these main gods!"

Lin Fei shouted.

The two attacked at the same time, displaying their strongest combat effectiveness, attacking the main gods who were blocking the way with thunder and thunder.

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were too powerful in their combat power, and the lethality exploded when the two people worked together was very terrifying.

All of a sudden, the master gods blocking the road in front of them exploded, almost a flash effect! Along the way, Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast encountered several waves of Lord Gods who were in front of them, and they were all quickly resolved.

"These two people in the same line of reincarnation are terrible in strength, everyone must be careful!"

"Everyone do it together, don't be alone!"

The lord gods who were chasing after saw Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast show such terrifying combat power, they were all startled and reminded each other.

In this way, I don't know how much time passed. Finally, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast fled to the edge of the mainland.

"This is the final dash. Once they leave this continent and enter the sea of ​​absolute space, it will be difficult for them to catch us!"

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast said in surprise.

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