Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4368: The third step is successful

Finally, the first step in the cultivation of the mental power world, at the most critical moment, endless, extremely terrifying pain, continuously impacted on Lin Fei's soul body.

And this terrible pain was transmitted from the soul body and spread all over Lin Fei's body. Even the flesh felt this extremely terrible pain! It seems that there are hundreds of millions of sacred mountains oppressing the body, and the whole body, including the soul body, feels about to collapse.

Lin Fei always felt that his whole body and mind was about to explode and exploded into nothingness.

Ka Ka Ka... Lin Fei's whole body began to tremble violently, and dense blood stains appeared on the skin on the surface of the body, and blood was constantly flowing out, his face was extremely hideous.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth as if he was about to crush both rows of teeth.

However, Lin Fei always stuck to his original mind with a strong mind, even if it was about to explode, Lin Fei still held the last strong mind in his heart.

The pain continued to escalate, Lin Fei's eyes were pitch black, his eyes began to see nothing, his ears began to hear no sound, and the soul body was unable to display his spiritual power to perceive the surroundings.

The only thing Lin Fei could feel was the endless pain, crushing him from all directions.

I don't know how long this state lasted.

Finally, at a certain moment, Lin Fei felt that his body and soul body were about to explode, about to explode into nothingness.

"Hold me!"

Lin Fei still clung to the last thought.

Although this last hint of thought has become weaker and weaker, it is very clear and has never been lost.

"Ah, get out of here!"

Suddenly Lin Fei yelled.

Then, the next moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt that his mind was sober, all the pain subsided in an instant, disappeared, and the soul and the body were restored at the same time.

"The first level of the mental power world, stick to the heart, it is a pass!"

Lin Fei lowered his head and looked at his body. He had recovered as before, without any scars.

Within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the energy of the Divine Soul Body at least soared by a hundred times, and the Divine Consciousness was also increased by a hundred times accordingly.

The biggest improvement was mental strength. Lin Fei found that his mental strength level was at least a thousand times stronger than before.

"The first level of the Mind Power World Dafa, I can say that I have succeeded in initial cultivation!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

"Okay, now continue to practice the second level!"

Lin Fei said.

The second level of the mental power world Dafa is to cultivate the mind in the red dust. The first level is to stick to the original mind. The one who cultivates is to be able to stick to the original mind in the face of extreme pain.

The second level of cultivation is to be able to stay unmoved in the face of all the tempting glory and wealth in the world.

So Lin Fei closed his eyes, put his hands on his chest, and kept pinching out one after another profound rules, muttering words in his mouth.

Slowly, the whole person entered a mysterious state.

Suddenly, Lin Fei found himself in one strange world after another.

In these unfamiliar worlds, Lin Fei has various identities, some of them are ordinary mortals or traffickers, and live a mediocre life.

Some are princes and nobles in the mundane world, emperors and generals, seal borders and crack soil.

Some identities are ordinary martial artists in the world of martial arts, and in the cruel world of martial arts, they act as ordinary characters.

There are also identities that are top masters in a certain world, and become the masters of the world, with boundless scenery.

With different identities, Lin Fei appeared in one unfamiliar world after another, experiencing different lives after another.

In the end, Lin Fei has at least experienced tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of different lives. After experiencing so many different lives, even Lin Fei himself is a bit confused about what his true identity is! In this way, Lin Fei played different roles in different worlds. In the red dust, he would gradually get lost.

But, fortunately, deep in Lin Fei's heart, there is always a firm mind. It is this firm mind that makes Lin Fei feel sober when he is about to lose his mind. feel.

Slowly, Lin Fei began, remembering his true identity.

At the end, Lin Fei suddenly became enlightened, and suddenly retreated from one strange world after another, one different life after another.

Before the stone stele, Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes, and his gaze showed an extremely firm mind.

"I [58 fiction] is finally back!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh softly.

Thinking back to the billions of different lives he had experienced, Lin Fei's heart had never been as firm as it is now.

"The second layer of red dust refinement, I finally finished it again!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

After completing the second level of training, Lin Fei felt that his mental strength level had made another huge breakthrough, which was once again strengthened by a thousand times.

"Young man, I have to say that your talent in mind strength cultivation is really great. You actually succeeded in cultivating the second level of mind strength world Dafa so quickly.

I didn't see you wrong. "

The golden giant looked at Lin Fei with admiration and said.

"Okay, now let's practice the third step of mental power world Dafa, and build a simple mind power world!"

Lin Fei said excitedly.

Then, Lin Feipan sat in front of the stone tablet and started the third step of cultivation. The third step is to use his strong mental power to build a mental power world step by step.

This step is mainly to cultivate the precise control of the mind. Only when the control of the mind reaches the most accurate level, can it be possible to slowly build a world of mind with the effort.

Before the stone stele, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, motionless, as if an old monk entered concentration, releasing a series of mental strength, according to the method introduced in the third step of the Mind Power World Dafa, he began to slowly build a space in the surrounding space. Mental world.

I don't know how long it took, and finally at a certain moment.

"I finally constructed a new force world initially!" Lin Fei Meng opened his eyes and looked very excited.

Then around Lin Fei's body, a world of mental strength that was almost transparent, gently rippling like water waves, began to slowly emerge. "

Young man, congratulations, you can finally build a new world! Your current mental strength level is thousands of times stronger than before! "The golden giant said.

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