Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4395: Naihe Bridge Fragment

Under Lin Fei's constant attacks, his body and soul body had become weaker and weaker, and his vitality was almost exhausted, and it would not last long.


Why, I will meet such a wicked kid! I have used this broken bridge to trap and kill more than 10 people in the reincarnation line. Among them, the second-order main gods have the strength, and there is no resistance in front of me.

Why is my luck so bad, waiting for such a terrible **** kid to come! "

That dark creature is simply resentful.

But at this time, no matter what he said, it was useless. Lin Fei’s attacks were getting faster and faster, one after another, the swords that destroyed the sky and the earth continued to slash on the body of this dark creature, causing his body to continue. Of fried.

Finally, the vitality of this dark creature was completely exhausted.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Before dying, at the last awake moment, this dark creature let out a stern cry.

Then this dark creature fell directly.

You know, this is a sixth-order master god, even among the dark creatures, he is a small well-known master.

But in this way, fell in this remote sea of ​​space.

"I finally avenged the more than 10 people in the reincarnation line in front of me!"

After killing the dark creature, the time and space returned to calm, leaving only Lin Fei standing in the void.

Then, Lin Fei looked at the front half of the broken bridge in the void.

This broken bridge must be part of the cycle of reincarnation, and Lin Fei was quite sure of this.

Lin Fei walked to the side of the half of the broken bridge with excitement.

"Senior, please show up."

Lin Fei saluted the half of the broken bridge and said in a loud voice.

In fact, Lin Fei's divine consciousness had long discovered that there was a remnant soul in this half of the broken bridge.

There is no need to ask this remnant soul, it should belong to a senior in the line of reincarnation and stay here.

"Young man, your fighting power is very enchanting. I can't think of our reincarnation line, and there has been a young enchanting like you.

Does this indicate that our reincarnation line will have the opportunity to rise again? "

On the half of the broken bridge, an old woman slowly appeared, looked at Lin Fei with admiration, and said in a loud voice.

"Senior, you have praised, this broken bridge should be part of the cycle of rebirth."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Yes, this broken bridge is part of the Naihe Bridge, and the Naihe Bridge is a bridge on the cycle circuit, so of course this broken bridge is part of the cycle circuit.

Young man, you should collect the reincarnation fragments to rebuild the reincarnation circuit. This broken bridge must be put away.

You have to collect every piece of debris on the cycle of rebirth.

Otherwise, you can't really rebuild the cycle of rebirth. "

The old woman replied.

"Senior, you should also belong to our reincarnation line."

Lin Fei asked.

"Yes, of course I belong to the line of reincarnation.

Back then, I was dedicated to guarding the Naihe Bridge, and they all called me Po Meng. "

The old woman nodded and replied.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard what the old woman said. He didn't expect that this was the famous Meng Po.

"This is just one of my remnants. After the annual cycle was broken, the bridge of reincarnation also collapsed and turned into many fragments.

In that terrible war, I was beaten to death, and the remnants of the soul that were left behind were waiting for a piece of Naihe Bridge. "

Po Meng said.

"So that's the case, Senior, do you know where the other pieces of Naihe Bridge are located?"

Lin Fei asked.

"There are several pieces of Naihe Bridge among them, and I have already sensed their approximate locations.

There are other fragments of Naihe Bridge, which I have not been able to perceive.

After all, my current state is just a remnant soul, with very limited energy and means. "

Po Meng replied.

"Senior, have you really sensed the other pieces of Naihe Bridge?

That's great! Senior, can you give me pointers and ask me to find and collect the fragments of the Naihe Bridge? "

Lin Fei felt very excited after hearing Po Meng's words.

Lin Fei entered the sea of ​​absolute space, looking everywhere for the debris of the cycle of rebirth. What he feared most was that there was no clue, his eyes were blackened, and he rushed everywhere.

The sea of ​​absolute space is truly boundless, and it is really too difficult to find the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation in it.

However, if there is a clue, it is different. Now that Meng Po knows the location of the other Naihe Bridge fragments, Lin Fei is naturally very excited.

"Young man, let me take you there. I am also a person in the cycle of reincarnation. Rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation is also my biggest wish."

Po Meng said.

"Okay, then trouble seniors."

Lin Fei was very excited.

Next, Lin Fei collected the fragments of the Naihe Bridge.

"Senior, let's set off immediately and look for the other pieces of Naihe Bridge."

Lin Fei said to the Meng Po.

"Okay, go now."

Po Meng nodded.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, in a sea of ​​space full of dark energy, there is a very huge black palace suspended in the depths of the sea of ​​space.

Suddenly, there was an angry roar from the palace.

"The big event is not good, the main **** of Black Mountain has fallen, and his soul rank is blown up!"

Generally speaking, every race, as long as they cultivate to the realm of the main god, will leave a soul tablet in their race.

When these main gods go out to rush, once they fall, the clan will know immediately.

This voice spread, and there were roars in the entire sea of ​​space.

"Who is it that dare to kill the main **** of our dark race."

"The Black Mountain Lord God is a Tier 6 Lord God, who can kill the Black Mountain Lord God is definitely a master!"

"Who is it that dares to provoke the dark race like this!"

The fall of a Tier 6 main god, no matter which race, is a great loss.

Therefore, the upper ranks of the dark creature clan are all furious.

"Immediately send someone out to investigate, and we must find out the cause of death of the main **** of Black Mountain! See who it is, dare to kill the main **** of our dark creature clan! After finding the murderer, we must avenge the main **** of Black Mountain, and let people know Our dark creatures are not easy to provoke!"

The upper level of the dark creatures clan directly gave the order.

Soon, a group of dark creatures went out to investigate the cause of death of the main **** of Black Mountain.

At this moment, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, under the guidance of Po Meng, rushed towards a certain space sea in the absolute space sea.

According to Meng Po's induction, there should be a fragment of the Naihe Bridge in that space sea.

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