Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4399: War

"It turns out that it was a dark creature who swallowed this remnant soul of Po Meng."

Lin Fei couldn't help but suddenly.

"Damn dark creature!"

When Po Meng saw that dark creature, she was also furious.

You know, the line of reincarnation, and the dark spiritual life, are not shared by the heavens, and there is absolutely no possibility of relaxation! When we meet, either you die or I live! "Haha... During this period of time, our dark creatures sent experts everywhere to look for the reincarnation fragments, and use these reincarnation fragments as bait to lure people in the reincarnation line.

Success often! "

The dark creature looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Unexpectedly, someone who has the same line of reincarnation will be sent to the door to die."

The dark creature continued.

"That's it! It seems that not only the people in our reincarnation line are looking for the reincarnation fragments, but the dark creatures are also looking for the reincarnation fragments.

It's just that we who are in the same line of reincarnation look for fragments of the reincarnation circuit in order to rebuild the reincarnation circuit.

The dark creatures are looking for fragments of reincarnation in order to deal with our reincarnation line. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but suddenly realized what the dark creature said.

Not long ago, Lin Fei had encountered a dark creature who used reincarnation fragments as bait to trap and kill more than a dozen descendants of reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, now, I encountered another one.

"It's you who really suffers."

Lin Fei's gaze, looking at the dark creature, said coldly.

When encountering dark creatures, there is nothing to say, just go to war.

And, I must beat you to death! "Haha, boy, do you think that your opponent is only me."

The dark creature laughed.

next moment.

Boom...The horrible breath after another burst out continuously.

One after another, masters of dark creatures appeared constantly.

Each one is the main god! A total of dozens of the main gods of dark creatures appeared, and surrounded Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

It turned out that the dark creature had already prepared.

Heavy soldiers lay in ambush around, waiting for the reincarnation line of people to come and die.

"Together, kill these guys!"

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

"it is good!"

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast nodded.

The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast is also a militant, and if there is a chance to fight, it will naturally not be missed.

Boom! Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast each performed their unique tricks and took the initiative.

The chaos-swallowing beast directly appeared on its own body and turned into a huge monster.

"Eat it all!"

As soon as he did his hands, the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast directly displayed his talent for devouring, opened his blood basin and his mouth, and swallowed the dark creatures.

"Flick! If it is swallowed by the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, it will never get out!"

"It is said that the mouth of the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast can eat everything, and everything can disappear!"

...Those dark creatures have naturally heard of the prestige of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, all of them were very surprised and avoided.

at this time.

Lin Fei also shot.

Directly, it is the secret technique that is used to transform the three cleansings.

Three, exactly the same Lin Fei appeared.

The strength of each one is exactly the same as the body.

The three Lin Fei, one used swordsmanship, one used swordsmanship, and one used the law of reincarnation, attacking those dark creatures at the same time.

At the same time, one by one time and space formations, and the world of mind and power, are constantly being displayed.

Also, on the three Lin Fei's body surfaces, they all wore law armors. As a result, the effects of those dark creatures' attacks on Lin Fei dropped by more than half! During the battle.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast both displayed all the inheritance left by the Tianmu Chaos God who had previously cultivated in the Tianmu World Sea.

All of a sudden, it was very lively.

Boom...The endless fighting energy, vast and mighty, spread out in all directions.


Lin Fei Yue hit the more courageous, the law armor on his body, all the attacks of those dark creatures were filtered out.

Therefore, in the battle, Lin Fei had no scruples.

Rampage! The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast is to display all its talents.

To sum up, there are three main racial talents of the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast.

The first one is power.

The second one is swallowing.

The third one is defense.

Gradually, the masters of those dark creatures began to fall into a disadvantage.

The combat power of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast was terrifying.

It's not a problem at all to deal with masters who are very dark creatures.

"Look! There is a dark creature who is breeding offspring!"

Suddenly, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast pointed at a dark creature in the distance and shouted.

I saw that the dark creature was rapidly producing one after another.

The way that dark creatures reproduce offspring is very simple and quick.

It was born directly from the ass! The speed is jaw-dropping.

"That dark creature must be killed, otherwise, the number of these dark creatures will increase!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei knew about the amazing fecundity of dark creatures.

call out! One of them, Lin Fei, displayed the reincarnation method, and rushed towards the dark creature that was breeding offspring along a winding path of reincarnation.

Now, Lin Fei's law of reincarnation has reached a fairly sophisticated level.

The reincarnation body technique displayed is also becoming more and more mysterious.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the dark creature.


More than one hundred large formations envelop this dark creature.

A world of mental power, falling from the sky, also enveloped this dark creature.

The mighty energy of the heart attacked into the body of this dark creature, carrying out crazy destruction.

Ah ...... this dark creature, is single-minded, reproduce, simply can not be distracted, to be Fulin Fei attack, immediately issued screams.

Immediately, the other dark creatures, like they went mad, rushed towards this direction to protect this dark creature who was breeding offspring.

However, where did the two Lin Fei and Chaos Swallowing Beast dare to put them?

The dark creatures were dragged on tightly, and they were not given a chance to come to rescue.

Ahhh... the dark creature that was attacked by Lin Fei kept screaming.

Because he is not Lin Fei's opponent at all! Soon, this dark creature was completely maimed.

Bang bang bang... His body continued to explode, turning into a black mist, and then constantly reorganizing.

Under this circumstance, he could no longer give birth to dark creatures.


what! The soul body of this dark creature was completely shattered by Lin Fei and could no longer be reorganized.

Instead, they turned into remnant souls, fleeing in all directions.

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