Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4425: The power of sword slash

As a result, the three continued to advance in the fire.

"Be careful! The front is going around! The dark and faint flames in front are all karma.

Do not contaminate, otherwise it will be very troublesome. "

Suddenly, Po Meng said in a loud voice.

After entering the Heavenly Fire Realm, Po Meng gave Lin Fei three directions along the way.

Otherwise, Lin Fei and the three would be very embarrassed.

Because, in this sky fire state, there are karma fires everywhere.

Under the guidance of Po Meng, the three Lin Fei bypassed the large karmic fire ahead and passed smoothly.

After another moment.



The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast suddenly took a halt, pointed its finger forward, and said in a certain time and space.

The gazes of Lin Fei and the Palace Master of Reincarnation immediately followed the fingers of the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast and looked over.

I saw that in that space and time, there were a dozen dark creatures standing, all sneered, the black mist was over the sky, their eyes staring at Lin Fei and the three of them.

Although the distance between the two sides is still far away.

However, both parties can clearly see each other.

The dozen or so dark creatures are all murderous, obviously, they are here specifically, waiting for the three of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei glanced at it and saw that the strength of these dozen dark creatures were all at the level of the Lord God.

"The remnants of three samsara and one vein, roll over and kneel and die."

One of the dark creatures said in a loud voice.

His voice was very gloomy, cold, and harsh, just like the sound of a venomous snake.

"You three remnants of the cycle of reincarnation are really cheating.

We just do a little trick, let you Baba rush to die.

It's really fun. "

Another dark creature sneered.

"The remnants of the cycle of reincarnation are all the same thing. Just ask, which one is smarter."

Another dark creature said in a mocking tone.

"I also admire you beasts of the dark race.

Wanting to die so much, tricked us here and ended your filthy lives.

Okay, now, stop talking nonsense, roll all over, kneel down and die.

If, when I take the shot, I will smash you all, and even a whole piece of flesh and blood will not be left to you. "

Lin Fei looked at the dozen dark creatures and said with a sneer.

Not only did he not panic at all, on the contrary, he appeared aggressive.

You know, not long ago, Lin Fei practiced so many reincarnation inheritance, and the law of reincarnation has also made great progress.

Moreover, he also cultivated the sword slashing ten thousand realms, the sword is out of time and space, the inheritance of these two swords, the overall strength.

In addition, the level of mental strength has also greatly improved.

Now, Lin Fei's combat power has been greatly improved compared to before.

During this period of time, Lin Fei wanted to find the enemy, come to fight for a while, to check his current real combat power.

Unexpectedly, these dark creatures came to the door.

"Haha, it's rare to have such a stiff mouth when you die! We have already ambushed a lot of people in this Heavenly Fire Realm, just to besiege the three of you.

Since the three of you have come in, it is difficult to fly.

In short, the three of you are dead. "

The dozens of dark creatures laughed in anger.

"Let's see who is dead."

Lin Fei sneered.

The voice fell off.

Huh! Lin Fei raised his hand, cut it out, and cut it out with a dazzling sword light.

Sword slash the world! The most important feature of this kind of kendo inheritance is that the sword light can break through the boundaries of time and space, and can hurt the enemy at a very long distance.

As long as the mind is moved, the sword light can reach it, very far away in time and space.

Even in different seas of space, in different time and space, you can still hit the enemy.

Huh! The sword light cut by Lin Fei traversed numerous obstacles of time and space, and all of a sudden, it was cut into the time and space where a dozen dark creatures were.

After such a long distance, the sword energy contained in this sword light did not change at all. It was as powerful and terrifying as the moment it was cut out of the hand.

Moreover, Lin Fei was still in this sword of light, with a powerful law of reincarnation attached.

"Roar..." The dozens of dark creatures did not expect that Lin Fei's kendo level would be so terrifying, they were all startled and angry, and roared.

Because, at such a distance, if they launch an attack on Lin Fei's trio, their power will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Lin Fei could completely ignore the distance and attack them fiercely and terribly.

Swishw...Lin Fei's palms were cut out again and again, one after another with sword light, constantly cutting out, breaking through numerous time and space obstacles, and constantly appeared in front of the dozens of dark creatures.

"Roar, **** it!"

The dozens of dark creatures were so angry that they hurriedly made moves to resist those fierce sword lights.

The strength of these a dozen dark creatures is about the fourth-order main **** and the fifth-order main god.

With such strength, Lin Fei was very easy to deal with.

Lin Fei's current strength is equivalent to that of Tier 7 and Tier 8 Lord God! Ah... Soon, there was a dark creature's main **** who was slashed by the sword light, and the whole right arm flew out directly from the arm, blood splashed wildly, and screamed.

"Hoho... Damn, how can his attack be so terrible after such a distance!"

The dozens of dark creatures, the sword light cut out by Lin Fei, were forced to rush and roar again and again.


We go over. "

Lin Fei took the lead and walked over to the dozen dark creatures.

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast and the Palace Master of Reincarnation were both following Lin Fei.

The two of them were also shocked by Lin Fei's swordsmanship.

"The remaining alleys of this cycle of reincarnation are terrible.

We first withdraw.

Assemble more people, and then come to deal with him! "

One of the dark creatures roared.

"Okay, withdraw first!"

The other dark creatures also nodded.

As a result, these dozen dark creatures retreated one by one, trying to escape.

"Haha, I can't fight, just want to escape, is it so easy?"

Lin Fei laughed.

Swishw...Lin Fei's palm was cut out again and again, and more sword light broke through time and space, and continuously cut around the bodies of a dozen dark creatures, squeezing them into a ball, and there was no way to escape.

After a while.

Lin Fei and the three have already approached! "Now, you should know who is dead."

Lin Fei sneered, looked at the dozen dark creatures surrounded by sword light, and said in a loud voice.

The voice fell off.

Wow... an invisible, but very powerful heart fluctuation, instantly enveloped the dozens of dark creatures.

Then, a huge world appeared beside those dozen dark creatures.

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