Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4433: news

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei was a little surprised when he heard it.

However, when you think about it carefully, what Meng Po said makes sense.

In the past, there were indeed souls whose numbers could not be counted, and went through the Naihe Bridge to reincarnate. Therefore, the Naihe Bridge was indeed contaminated with a strong breath of reincarnation.

"Palace Master of Reincarnation, you can also take a good look at the time."

Po Meng said to the reincarnation palace lord.

"Thank you senior."

The Lord of Samsara replied quickly.

"Also, Naihe Bridge is still a very powerful magic weapon.

Lin Fei, in the future battles, you can activate the Naihe Bridge and use it as a magic weapon. "

Po Meng said.


Can also be used as a magic weapon? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Not bad."

Po Meng nodded.

Then, she stretched out her hand, squeezed a magic trick, and entered the Naihe Bridge.

Rumble... Immediately, the Naihe Bridge burst out with an amazing light, as if it had been lit, dazzling.

Boom... Meng Po waved her hand, but the bridge flew out in the sky, moving towards Lin Fei slowly.

"Lin Fei, you are now refining Naihe Bridge.

From now on, it will be kept by you.

Moreover, it is also a magic weapon for you.

Let me start, let me teach you how to refine it. "

Po Meng said.

"it is good!"

Lin Fei did not decline, but nodded directly.

Po Meng, it is just a state of remnant soul, she is indeed very difficult to keep the Naihe Bridge.

So Lin Fei immediately sat down and under the guidance of Po Meng, began to refine the Naihe Bridge.

With the strength of Lin Fei's divine consciousness, it is naturally very easy to refine Naihe Bridge.

However, it takes time.

Time passed slowly.

Until half a month later.

"Finally refined!"

Lin Fei took a long breath and said in a loud voice.

I saw that the entire Naihe Bridge was suspended in front of Lin Fei, dazzling, exuding a strong law of reincarnation and reincarnation energy.

"Lin Fei, how can you succeed in refining!"

The Lord of Samsara exclaimed.

In fact, the Naihe Bridge is not only in the boundless chaotic sea, but also very famous.

In many seas of space, the name of Naihe Bridge is widely spread.

Therefore, the Lord of Samsara, like Lin Fei, had already heard of the name of Naihe Bridge when he was a child.

Now, seeing Lin Fei refine the Naihe Bridge, the Lord of Samsara was naturally very excited and shocked.

"Lin Fei, you are the master of Naihe Bridge."

The ancestor of Wind Demon also sighed.

"I heard of the name Naiheqiao a long, long time ago.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei, you now own the Naihe Bridge. "

Wind Demon ancestor said.

"Not owning.

Just keep it temporarily. "

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand and put away the Naihe Bridge.

"Let's go.

We continue to look for other reincarnation fragments. "

Lin Fei said.

"Not bad.

The reorganization of the Naihe Bridge is just the first step, and we will continue to collect other reincarnation fragments. "

The Lord of Samsara nodded and said.

Therefore, Lin Fei and several people left this deserted sea of ​​space.

for the rest of the time.

Several people, Lin Fei, continued to wander around in the sea of ​​absolute space, passing through sea of ​​space one after another.

Whenever he went to a sea of ​​space, Lin Fei first inquired whether there was anything related to reincarnation.

this day.

Lin Fei suddenly heard a news.

That is, in a space sea called Moon Saint Chaos Sea, there are reincarnation fragments.


This news seems to have been released specifically by someone.

Will there be a problem? "

When Lin Fei told Po Meng about the news, Po Meng couldn't help but muttered.

"has a problem?

Senior, what's the problem? "

The Lord of the Reincarnation Palace asked.

"Could it be that it is a group of dark creatures that deliberately set up a trap to lure members of the reincarnation line, and then, besieged."

Po Meng frowned and said.

"Well, senior, your guess is reasonable.

It is indeed possible. "

Lin Fei also nodded.

After all, Lin Fei has already experienced such things.

Now, the dark creatures have also dispatched many people to move around in the sea of ​​absolute space, specifically chasing and killing people in the line of reincarnation.

"In this case, we don't want to go."

Said the Reincarnation Palace Master.

"Do not.

Let's go. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.


The Lord of Samsara couldn't help being taken aback, and asked.

"If this news is true, we are going.

After all, we cannot miss every piece of reincarnation.

If this news is false, then it means that the dark creatures must have set a trap in the Moon Saint Chaos Sea, waiting for the people of our reincarnation line to come.

In case, if there are other members of the reincarnation line, hear the news, believe it, and go to the Moon Saint Chaos Sea, wouldn't it be the trap of the dark creatures.

Therefore, even if this news is a false news deliberately released by the dark creatures.

We are going to do the same.

Get rid of those dark creatures, lest they harm the members of our reincarnation line.

The number of members of our reincarnation line is already small, so how can they be hurt?

Moreover, when we go to Moon Saint Chaos Sea, maybe we have the opportunity to get to know other members of the reincarnation line. "

Lin Fei said.

"However, if there is really a family of dark creatures in the Chaos Sea of ​​Moon Saint, and set up traps, can we deal with it?"

The Lord of Reincarnation is a little worried.

"do not be afraid.

Even if the Chaos God came, I had the confidence to run away. "

Lin Fei smiled.

On Lin Fei's body, there were many teleportation charms left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

At that time, if the situation is not right, it's a big deal, just activate a teleport symbol and teleport away.

Even the Chaos God could not stop the teleportation talisman left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

Lin Fei believes that nothing can stop him.

"Not bad.

Let's take a look, don't be afraid. "

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also said.

He also knew the power of those teleportation charms left by the Tianmu Chaos God, so, like Lin Fei's mind, he felt nothing to be afraid of.

What's more, as a clan of Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beasts, his character is just a little fearless.


In that case, Lin Fei, let me go with you. "

The Lord of Samsara nodded.

"Lin Fei, I will go with you too."

Wind Demon ancestor said suddenly.


Wind Demon ancestor, you don't need to participate in the matter of our reincarnation.

You can venture into the sea of ​​absolute space by yourself.

No, go on an adventure with us.

The enemies we face are the dark creatures, and they are always in danger. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, you heard that I was in danger, and without a word, you came to rescue me.

How can I be ungrateful.

What's more, I have been in the sea of ​​absolute space for so long.

I found that it would be better to be with you and to be more able to experience yourself.

Wind Demon ancestor said.

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