Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4445: Perseverance of the Archmage

"Lin Fei, I think it's possible that you just killed the masters of the dark creatures, especially the master of the eighth-level master god's strength, which shocked the dark clan, so I asked the archmage to step on the altar and perform deductions.

The masters of the dark creatures just now, it can be said that they died because of you.

Therefore, this section of cause and effect will naturally be deduced to your head! "

Po Meng said.

"So this is it."

Lin Fei nodded.

"In this way, my whereabouts, isn't it, will be controlled by the archmage?"

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning. At this time, in the surrounding time and space, the number of black threads became more and more dense, like a large group of black deep-sea swimming fishes, surrounded by Lin Fei's body, making Ye Yunfei do not know how to escape. .

Moreover, Lin Fei was surprised to find that the various energies he had displayed, including heart energy, divine consciousness, and divine power, seemed to be ineffective on these black threads.

"Immediately activate the Styx fragment.

Also, activate the Naihe Bridge.

Use the law of reincarnation to fight! "

Po Meng thought for a while and said.


Lin Fei nodded and waved.

Boom...The Stygian fragments and Naihe Bridge appeared beside Lin Fei at the same time, releasing the powerful law of reincarnation.

Boom... I saw that the mighty laws of reincarnation tightly protected Lin Fei's body.

Although the black silk threads had strong penetrating power, they couldn't penetrate the laws of reincarnation and approached Lin Fei's body.

at the same time.

Beyond the distant time and space.

In that dark misty space, above the black altar.


Something is actually preventing my deduction.

Humph, I don’t believe it! "

On the altar, the little archmage let out a cold snort.


Rumble...In his body, black weird runes and a lot of dark energy spewed out, and the black altar under him also shook violently.

A large number of black silk threads are constantly born, like a black river, flowing continuously, passing through time and space, and permeating into the distance.

at this time.

In the Moon Saint Chaos Sea, in the time and space around Lin Fei's body, suddenly, a large number of black silk threads spurted out, the number of which made people numb! In the end, they almost converged into a black river, violently ramming towards Lin Fei's location.

"Lin Fei, what happened!"

Finally, the Lord of the Samsara Palace found out and asked in surprise.

"What happened?


What are these black threads? "

Those other people also found out.

In shock, the Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Palace Master of Reincarnation, the ancestor of the Wind Demon, and the descendants of the nine reincarnations all wanted to take action to help Lin Fei deal with these black threads.

"Everyone, get out of the way! Don't get these black threads.

Once contaminated, there will be a steady stream of dark creatures following you from now on! "

Lin Fei shouted.

Po Meng had already told Lin Fei that these black silk threads were the traces released by the great mage of the dark clan! These trace lines are very weird. Once contaminated, it is very difficult to get rid of them! "Get out now!"

Lin Fei shouted at the people around.

At the same time, Lin Fei desperately urged the Naihe Bridge to fight against the fragment of the Styx.

"Huh! I want to see who is stopping my deduction!"

At this moment, far away, in that black misty space, on the altar, the great mage of the dark clan couldn't help but roar.

"You guys, donate all your blood, give it to me!"

The great mage yelled at the dark creatures around him.

Immediately, the surrounding dark creatures didn't hesitate, they took out a sharp blade and thrust it into his chest.

Then, a stream of jet-black essence and blood gushed out from their chests and fell on the altar, on the body of the great mage.

Wow...A stream of black blood, like a river, flows continuously, flowing down the body of the great mage.

Boom...The body of that great mage suddenly burst out, a horrible energy.

Shoo...a lot of black weird runes, like a volcanic eruption, gushing out from his short body.

Then, these weird black runes turned into black silk threads, penetrated into the space, and crossed towards the distant Moon Saint Chaos Sea.

Moon Saint in the Chaos Sea.

Rumble...The space around Lin Fei's body began to shake violently.

Woo...More and more black silk threads appeared around Lin Fei's body, and finally, they merged into a black ocean, roaring and roaring frantically, and swooping towards Lin Fei.

"Block me!"

Lin Fei also roared, displaying all the laws of reincarnation, pouring it into the Naihe Bridge and the Stygian fragments.

Rumble...I saw that the Naihe Bridge and the Stygian fragments burst out with amazing reincarnation energy to fight against those black silk threads.

"damn it!"

Far away, in that dark misty space, on the altar, the great mage of the dark clan was so angry that he roared up to the sky.

"Call all the tribesmen in this space! All of them must dedicate their blood to me! I must act out, who is the murderer who killed the blood moon!"

That little archmage, with anger rising all over, seemed to have entered a state of madness.

Therefore, in this space, a large number of dark creatures continued to gather in the direction of the altar, and they sacrificed to the great master, their blood.

Boom... The whole altar was shaking more and more severely.

Endless black silk threads are constantly being generated, traversing into time and space, and traversing in the direction of Moon Saint Chaos Sea.

Moon Saint in the Chaos Sea.

"Lin Fei, it seems that the great mage of the dark clan is desperate to push you.

That's right, the fall of a Tier 8 main **** is indeed a great loss for the dark race.

It seems that even with the protection of the Naihe Bridge and this fragment of the Styx, you can't escape your destiny. "

Po Meng couldn't help but shook her head and exclaimed.

Boom... As soon as Po Meng's words fell, a large number of black silk threads finally broke through numerous obstacles and landed on Lin Fei's body.

"Senior, you are right."

Lin Fei also sighed helplessly.

Shoo...a strip of black silk threads, like rice dumplings, wrapped around Lin Fei's body.

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