Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4460: Fight together

"Young man, thank you!"

After some venting, the wild beast turned his head, looked at Lin Fei, and said gratefully.

"Young man, I'm not relative to you, but you deliberately ran into that space and rescued me! I will always remember this kindness! Don't worry, from now on, you have something or need help. Wherever you are, just tell me."

The wild beast said to Lin Fei sincerely.

"Senior, you don't have to be polite. Actually, I have a relationship with this race very early. Speaking of which, there is a wild beast that is my friend.

So senior, you don't have to be so polite. "

Lin Fei replied with a smile.

"Oh, young man, are you true?

You are friends with a wild beast, where is he? "

Hearing what Lin Fei said, the wild beast couldn't help being very excited.

You must know that the desolate beasts belong to a rare beast in the sea of ​​absolute space.

This race is exactly the opposite of the dark race, and is particularly not good at reproducing offspring, so the number is very scarce.

The desolate beast in front of me did not know how many years he had not seen a member of the same clan, and now he suddenly heard the news of another desolate beast, why is he not excited?

"Senior, what I said is of course true. That barren beast is a good friend of mine. He lives in my hometown, a relatively remote sea of ​​space."

Lin Fei said to this wild beast.

"That's great. The young man can't think of you. As expected, he has a deep relationship with our wild beast clan.

Rest assured, young man, from now on, my wild beast clan will reincarnate with you and stand together against the dark clan! The dark clan trapped me in that space and caused me to lose my freedom for such a long time. I will definitely repay this hatred! "

The wild beast said to Lin Fei.

"That's great! Senior!"

Of course Lin Fei was very happy.

You know, the desolate beasts are a very powerful beast in charge of time.

The strength of an adult barren beast is equivalent to a chaos god! If the desolate beast clan and the reincarnation line work hand in hand against the dark clan, then the strength will be much stronger.

"Lin Fei, you are amazing, you have pulled such a powerful back-up to our reincarnation line! The desolate beasts and our reincarnation line are cooperating, and it is estimated that the dark clan will be very troublesome!"

Po Meng was also very happy and said to Lin Fei.

At this moment, another Lin Fei appeared in the distant time and space. At an astonishing speed, in the blink of an eye, he came to Lin Fei, and then the two Lin Fei merged into one.

This is the third Lin Fei who has transformed into three cleansers.

Now, the three Lin Fei finally returned, overlapping.

"Young man, what is your secret technique?

It's amazing! You can actually separate two identical bodies! "

Seeing the two identical Lin Fei recombined into one, the wild beast couldn't help being very surprised, and immediately asked.

"Senior laughed, this is just a secret technique I practiced."

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

"Young man, your secret technique is so clever, even I can't see which one is your body and which one is your clone."

The wild beast said in surprise.

Lin Fei smiled slightly and did not answer.

In fact, the two Lin Fei are ontologies, and there is no clone.

Even the wild beast in front of him was surprised, which showed that the body technique of transforming into three clears in one Qi is really rare and very strange.

"By the way, young man, when will you go back to your hometown?

If I have the opportunity, I want to go to your hometown and take a look at my fellow clan. "

The wild beast said to Lin Fei.

"Okay, when I go back, I will inform you seniors and go back to my hometown together."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Okay, let's get out of here quickly. You killed an archmage and rescued me. It is estimated that the entire Dark Clan has become a sensation now, and they will definitely not let you off easily.

It is estimated that a large number of masters of the dark race have already been dispatched to find your whereabouts, and it is even possible that the Chaos Gods have also been dispatched. "

The wild beast said to Lin Fei.

"Well, senior, we will leave here immediately."

Lin Fei also nodded.

Next, Lin Fei and this desolate beast continued to drive in the sea of ​​absolute space, striving to stay away from the 399th Black Sea.

Sure enough, just as the Desolate Beast had guessed, the death of the great mage and the escape of the Desolate Beast caused an uproar among the Dark Clan.

Many of the Dark Masters and Chaos Gods were furious, roaring again and again, and rushed to the No. 399 Black Sea to check.

"That wild beast, which offended the dark lord of our dark clan back then, was captured by our joint efforts and detained here for a long time.

I haven't had any problems, and I can't think of being rescued by a remnant of the cycle of reincarnation now. This is simply terrible! "

"The desolate beast has been imprisoned by our dark clan for such a long time, and the grievance has been very great. Now that he is out of the trap, he will definitely lead the desolate beast clan against our dark clan.

This is not a good thing for us in the dark! "

"The strength of the desolate beast family should not be underestimated. Once the scattered desolate beasts can be gathered in the sea of ​​absolute space, it is a very powerful force!"

There are some masters of the dark race, thinking of this, can not help but feel a little worried.

"It's all to blame for the remnants of the cycle of reincarnation. He not only killed a great mage of our dark clan, but also rescued the barren beast. It is absolutely worthy of death. He must be brought out early and sentenced to death! "

"It's weird, a remnant of reincarnation has such a strength that it can kill a great mage of our dark clan!"

"This is simply unbelievable. According to reason, he has no chance to get close at all, and he has no chance to do it. What is the reason?"

Some archmages said in confusion.

"Yes, I also don't understand. With the abilities of our archmages, even if a chaos **** wants to kill us, we can deduct it in advance."

The other great masters also spoke up, all wondering what happened.

"Well, archmages, you immediately deduced the whereabouts of the remnants of the cycle of reincarnation, and then we sent troops to capture him! He caused us to lose so much, we must not let him go!"

A chaos **** of the dark race said.

"Yes, let's deduce right away, the whereabouts of that guy!"

The great mages nodded one after another.

Then these great masters of the dark clan began to deduct it.

Strange runes flew out from them, penetrated into the space, and extended towards Lin Fei in the distance.

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