Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4471: Behead

As soon as the voice fell, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast rushed towards Young Master Xiaoyao on its own initiative.

Boom... The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast directly displayed one of his racial talents, power, I saw that wherever his body went, the chaos void was instantly knocked into powder.

The two pitch-black scimitars in the hands of Young Master Xiaoyao cut out a series of weird blades, like a series of black flowing water, winding around the body of the chaotic sky swallowing beast, very difficult to avoid.

It's just that another racial talent of Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast has played a role, a powerful defense ability! Rumble...The two sides played inextricably, and for a while, it was difficult to distinguish the outcome.

A chaos-swallowing beast intercepted Young Master Xiaoyao, and the other descendants of the reincarnation line, the reincarnation palace lord, Yao Tianmiao, Wang Tianhu and others, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed to the other army of dark creatures.

These descendants of the reincarnation line are all in the realm of the main god, and each one has cultivated very advanced reincarnation laws and various secret methods of reincarnation.

The army of dark creatures, no matter where they were opponents, were killed crying and crying, and suffered heavy casualties.

"There are dozens of dark creatures over there who are responsible for breeding. I will kill them in the past!"

Yao Tianmiao discovered that by the side of the battlefield, dozens of dark creatures were hiding, and new dark creatures were continuously reproducing.

Yao Tianmiao rushed directly.

"Well, yes, all of these descendants of the reincarnation line are not weak in combat power.

We are in the same line of reincarnation, and the hope of having such a descendant and rebuilding the reincarnation circuit is much greater. "

Po Meng looked in her eyes and was very pleased.

At this time, Lin Fei was fighting fiercely with dozens of main gods.

During the battle, Lin Fei displayed the world of mind and power, and enveloped all the dozens of the main gods of the dark clan.

There is no way to avoid the mental power world, so the dozens of main gods were trapped in Lin Fei's mental power world, and their combat power was invisible and weakened a lot.

At the same time, Lin Fei also displayed the law of time and the law of reincarnation, which had a great impact on the dozens of the main gods of the dark race.

"Damn it, how could this kid's mental power level be so high? The mental power he has shown is terrible!"

"His time law cultivation base is so strong! I can't lock his body at all!"

...The main gods are all very headaches.

"go to hell!"

Lin Fei took aim at the main **** of the dark clan, waved his hand, a sword light that transcended time and space, instantly reached the main god, and rushed into his body.

Ah... the main **** screamed, his body exploded directly with a pop.

He was just a Tier 5 Lord God, facing Lin Fei's brilliant swordsmanship, he couldn't resist.

What's more, when Lin Fei used his swordsmanship, he also urged a large amount of mental energy to attack his body and cause crazy destruction.

"Boy, Hugh is fierce!"

The other main **** rushed to Lin Fei, holding a black spear, like a black flood dragon, and slaughtered Lin Fei.

On the black spear, powerful dark energy and dense dark laws were released, and the lethality was amazing.

Lin Fei applied the law of time.

Immediately, the black spear was affected by the law of time, and its speed began to slow down.

Lin Fei relaxed and drew away when he turned sideways.


Lin Fei slashed out, slicing on the body of this black spear.

when! This black spear flew out without hand.


Lin Fei urged a large amount of mental energy to invade the body of the main **** of the dark clan. At the same time, using the reincarnation method, he grabbed the main god's side in one step and slammed it over.

boom! Lin Fei's current realm, although only the third-order main god.

However, in the process of breaking through the realm, Lin Fei sucked a lot of the fruit of Taiyi Primitive Wood, and there was a lot of chaotic primordial power in his body.

The energy possessed is much stronger than other main gods.

In addition, Lin Fei's physical body had long since cultivated to a state of immortality, and the physical strength was amazing.

This punch directly blasted the body of the Dark Lord God into a cloud of blood.

Bang, bang, bang... Lin Fei showed great power, screaming and screaming again and again, beating the dozens of master gods of the Dark Clan.

Although the main gods of the Dark Clan had the advantage in numbers, Lin Fei's combat power was too terrifying. Under Lin Fei's attack, they had no power to fight back! Soon after.

Lin Fei has killed more than a dozen main gods in a row! And at this time, the army of those dark creatures was also beaten by other descendants of the cycle of reincarnation, defeated and defeated.

Young Master Xiaoyao and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast have not yet decided the victory or defeat, and the fighting strength of both sides is similar.

"Unexpectedly, his strength has improved so much."

Lin Fei couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw it.

"It turns out that he has practiced a lot of secret techniques of the dark clan!"

Soon, Lin Fei discovered this, and his gaze on Young Master Xiaoyao became cold.

This Young Master Xiaoyao was originally a descendant of the reincarnation line, but unexpectedly, he had taken refuge in the dark clan, and also specially cooperated with the dark clan to trap and kill members of the reincarnation line.

"This guy must die!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

This Young Master Xiaoyao must not let him continue to live, otherwise, there will be many members of the samsara family who will die in his hands in the future.

Because he is very confusing.

He has practiced the cycle of reincarnation, the most authentic law of reincarnation, once he meets other members of the cycle of reincarnation, he will definitely be fooled.

"No, this kid's combat power is really terrifying. We can't be his opponents! If we continue to fight, I'm afraid we will be wiped out! Quickly withdraw!"

Suddenly, a master **** of the dark clan roared.

"Yes! Withdraw now!"

The other main gods of the Dark Clan also screamed.

At this point, they had no intention of fighting.

As a result, these main gods, one by one, showed their starting methods and kept retreating.

"Want to go?

late! "

Lin Fei roared, waved his hand, and arranged more than a hundred formations, overlapping and overlapping, covering all the main gods of the dark clan.

At the same time, Lin Fei displayed the reincarnation method, a winding circuit of reincarnation, appeared under his feet and caught up.

boom! However, the bridge appeared and swept forward.

Puff...the main gods of the dark race, as long as they are swept by the Naihe Bridge, their bodies will be blown up immediately.

Lin Fei fully used the reincarnation method, the speed was too fast, and the main gods of the dark race could not escape at all! After a while.

Finally, the main gods of the dark clan were all killed by Lin Fei!

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