Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4473: No one dares to do it to me

Lin Fei looked at the light of the laws on the surface of Young Master Xiaoyao, and it turned out to be full of power. These laws are indeed projected by a chaotic **** from the air.

"Okay, I will try now, how strong is a law that Chaos God has displayed!"

Lin Fei took a look and drew out a war knife. This war knife was obtained by Lin Fei from the ancestor of the sword tyrant, and it was a magic weapon left by the Chaos God.

Although with Lin Fei's current strength, there is no way to display the full power of this sword, but after all, this is a magic weapon left behind by a Chaos God, and it is no small thing.

Lin Fei raised the sword in his hand and slashed towards Young Master Xiaoyao. At this moment, Po Meng suddenly said, "Lin Fei, you must never attack Young Master Xiaoyao. Once you attack, you will touch the law on his body surface. , That Chaos God can lock your spirit aura immediately and track you down.

Because you are exposed to these laws, it means that you are actively contacting the Chaos God. When that happens, you will have to spend time and energy to escape. The Chaos God will deduct and track you.

The methods of a Chaos God are very clever, not much weaker than those of the Dark Clan! "

"OK then."

Lin Fei had to stop attacking immediately after listening to Po Meng's words.

"Hahaha... Lin Fei, how is it?

Don't dare to do it to me! My master is a chaotic god, if you dare to move half of my hair, my master will definitely not let you go! If you have the courage, you can try it! "

Young Master Xiaoyao was very proud and laughed loudly.

"You beast, when I see your face, I can't wait to smash you into pieces!"

Seeing Xiaoyao's proud look, Wang Tianhu couldn't help but roar.

"Hahaha...Are you not convinced?

If you are not satisfied, then you can try to me.

Can't accept it! I now have a Master Chaos, and behind me there is the Dark Clan as a backer! I am walking outside, not many people in the world dare to do anything to me! This is the benefit of having a backer, and this is also the main reason why I take refuge in the shrine and the dark people! You simple-minded guys, there is never a way to figure out what exactly should be done to get the most benefit! "

Young Master Xiaoyao laughed triumphantly.

"It's simply a villain's ambition. We don't care about him for the time being. Now let's get the piece of reincarnation fragment in this sea of ​​space first, and then leave.

We are all here. If we miss that piece of reincarnation fragment, next time, I don’t know when we have to wait before we have a chance to come back and take that piece of reincarnation fragment! "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said to the others.

"However, Master Xiaoyao’s master is a chaos god, and he is coming here now. If we don’t hurry and leave, we may not be able to escape when Master Xiaoyao’s master arrives.

Don't worry, everyone, I assure you that even if the Chaos God comes into this space, I will be able to take you away.

Now we still go to find the piece of reincarnation, get it in our hands, and then we leave.

You know, if we rebuild the cycle of reincarnation in the future, without that piece of debris, I am afraid there is no way to perfectly reconstruct the cycle of reincarnation. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, what you said makes sense, I believe you, don't worry, even if a Chaos God comes, Lin Fei has a way to take everyone out of here safely!"

Princess Samsara spoke up.

She knew that Lin Fei did have this ability, because the last time he faced a Chaos God in that shrine in the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World, Lin Fei safely took him and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast to escape.

"Good! Brother Lin Fei, I believe you!"

Wang Tianhu first nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Lin Fei, do what you want!"

Yao Tianmiao also nodded in agreement.

The other descendants of the reincarnation line also nodded in agreement.

"Well, everyone follow me. Let's find the piece of reincarnation now and get it in our hands."

Lin Fei took the lead and strode towards the depths of the sea of ​​space following the guidance of Po Meng.

Those other people also followed Lin Fei one after another.

"Huh! I see you people, you don't know whether you live or die. You know that my master is coming, but you dare to stay here, so just wait and see.

As soon as my master arrives, I see where you can go! "

Young Master Xiaoyao felt very upset when he saw everyone listening to Lin Fei's words.

"Lin Fei, I know that you have a teleportation talisman that can be teleported over long distances, but I have told my master about this a long time ago.

My master is ready to deal with you.

Well, I will follow you now, I see where you can go. "

Young Master Xiaoyao said with a sneer, and then she also used her body skills to follow behind Lin Fei's group.

He wanted to stare at Lin Fei and this group of people. When his master came to this sea of ​​space, he could immediately tell his master the specific location of Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, follow my instructions and find the fragment of the circuit of reincarnation as quickly as possible."

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"Okay, senior!"

Lin Fei nodded, and under the guidance of Po Meng, Lin Fei found the reincarnation fragment after a while.

In a very remote time and space in this sea of ​​space, that piece of reincarnation fragments, suspended in the void, exudes powerful reincarnation energy and endless laws of reincarnation. It looks bright and dazzling. .

"This piece of reincarnation is very large!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"Yes, this is a large piece of reincarnation fragments!"

Po Meng was also very excited.

"This piece of reincarnation is so big!"

The reincarnation princess and others also sighed.

In addition to that piece of reincarnation fragments, there is also a large army of dark creatures guarding around that piece of reincarnation fragments.

Lin Fei had already expected this.

The Dark Clan had long discovered this reincarnation fragment, and used this reincarnation fragment to set up traps to lure the descendants of the reincarnation line to come and then carry out siege.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the world of mind power was displayed to shroud all the army of dark creatures in the world of mind power.

Among this army of dark creatures, there is no main **** at all, because those main gods were all killed by Lin Fei not long ago.

"No, how did we come to this strange world?

where is this place? "

The army of those dark creatures all discovered that they had come into a strange world, panicked one by one, and yelled.

"Give me everything to die!"

Lin Fei appeared at the highest point of this mental power world, with indifferent eyes, looking at the panicked army of dark creatures, and said coldly.

The next moment, the bodies of those dark creatures exploded continuously.

In a moment, all were dead, and there was no one left.

"Brother Lin Fei, your mental power world is really terrible. You killed so many dark creatures in a moment. If we are to kill, we don't know when we will kill them all."

Wang Tianhu couldn't help but exclaimed.

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