Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4486: Reason for being detained

"Ah! Wait, our Time Tower will never let you go! Waiting for our Time Tower's revenge!"

The blood master let out a scream, and then his very aging body was completely shattered, and his body and spirit disappeared.

Then the bodies of the dozens of Tier 9 main gods also exploded.

"Now it is your turn.

Back then, if it weren't for you great masters who used various secret arts and mana to trap me in that small space, I wouldn't have been imprisoned for that long. You said, how should I repay you. "

The wild beast looked at the great mage and said with a sneer.

"As the saying goes, enemies should be settled and not settled. Since you have escaped, the hatred with our dark people should be resolved.

Do you still want to provoke the dark race again? "

The great mage said bitterly.

"Hahaha... you said it lightly, you dark people, you have imprisoned me for such a long time, this hatred, you want to resolve it with a word.

From now on, our wild beast clan and your dark clan will not share the enemy of heaven! "

The barren beast gritted his teeth and said.

"Now, you die for me!"

The wild beast waved his hand, a mighty time energy immediately enveloped the great mage.

The body of the archmage instantly turned into fragments.

It's just that the great mage of the dark clan is notoriously tenacious.

He quickly reorganized his body and reappeared in place.

However, another powerful time energy bombarded his body once again and shattered his body.

In this way, the archmage continued to reorganize his body, and then his body was continuously shattered.

over and over again.

I don't know, how long has passed, the breath of that great mage is getting weaker and weaker, and the vitality is constantly fading away.

Finally, the great mage couldn't support it anymore, his body exploded for the last time, and his body and spirit disappeared.

"Wait, we dark people will never let you go! My master will avenge me!"

The archmage roared, and then disappeared completely.

At this time, Lin Fei finally succeeded in refining the time ship.

"Young man, are you planning to go back to your hometown?"

The barren beast asked.

"Yes! Because of me, my hometown has been targeted by the dark race.

I must hurry back.

Otherwise, my hometown will suffer a catastrophe. "

Lin Fei replied.

"In this case, let's go to your hometown quickly."

The wild beast nodded and said.

"Just take this time boat, the speed seems to be OK."

Lin Fei stretched his hand and pointed, the spaceship in front of him kept zooming in, and in a blink of an eye it became a huge spaceship.


The time ship of the time building is indeed a very good flying magic weapon.

Moreover, generally only those nine posters are eligible to ride.

Let's try it too. "

The wild beast said with a smile.


Is it so precious. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Lin Fei had been in the sea of ​​absolute space for so long, and he had already heard of the organization of Suiyuelou.

There are a total of nine posters in the Suiyuelou, and each of them is terrifying in strength and powerful.

Unexpectedly, there are only nine owners who are eligible to ride this kind of time vessel.

That shows that it is indeed very precious.

Lin Fei, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and the Desolate Beast all walked into the spaceship.

Then, the Chronicles trembled slightly and flew back toward the boundless chaotic sea.

The speed of the time boat did not disappoint Lin Fei.

Compared with Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, it was much faster to drive through the sea of ​​absolute space by relying solely on his own strength.

"Senior, how is your injury?"

Lin Fei asked the barren beast.

"It's over 70 or 80. I have been imprisoned by the Dark Clan for such a long time, and I was injured by the Chaos God of the Dark Clan back then. Some injuries in my body are already very stubborn, and I can't get better all at once.

The wild beast replied.

"By the way, senior, why does the dark race treat you like this."

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Back then, the dark clan fought with reincarnation.

The dark clan pulls help everywhere.

They approached me and wanted me to take the desolate beast clan to deal with the reincarnation line.

I have no grievances with Samsara, and of course it is impossible to do such thankless things.

The result angered the dark race.

More than a dozen chaotic gods of the dark race suddenly attacked me when I was alone, and I was outnumbered and was finally captured.

The Dark Clan has kept me detained all these years.

Moreover, I have been forced to surrender to the dark clan, and only let me out until I promised a slave of the dark clan.

Of course I would not agree, so I have been detained until now. "

The wild beast replied.

"That's it.

The dark race is really hateful. "

Lin Fei learned that the reason why this barren beast was imprisoned by the Dark Clan was originally related to reincarnation.

"Sooner or later this enmity will be reported! Young man, from now on, my desolate beast clan will fight side by side with your reincarnation line to deal with the dark clan!"

When mentioning this matter, the desolate beast gritted his teeth.


Lin Fei nodded.

The desolate beast clan, but the beast of time, every desolate beast is terrifying in strength.

With the joining of the desolate beast clan, the power of reincarnation has become even stronger.

The time ship traverses time and space quickly in the sea of ​​absolute space, and is constantly approaching in the direction of the boundless chaotic sea.

at the same time.

In a certain lair of the Dark Clan.

"The big thing is not good, a great mage of our clan has just fallen!"

A panicked voice sounded in this sea of ​​space.

Then one by one, the masters of the dark race walked out of their retreat and practiced, showing angry expressions.

You know, some time ago, an archmage had fallen, and now another archmage has fallen.

Every archmage is very precious to the dark race.

"Investigate immediately to find out what the **** is going on! During this time, our dark clan has lost two archmages! This is simply unacceptable! Check it out for me immediately!"

A ruler of the dark clan roared angrily.

Soon, a large group of dark masters gathered together and started deduction.

Moreover, there were also the Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan, rushing towards the location where the great mage fell.

"It seems that the great wizards of the Dark Clan are deducing us again."

In the time boat, the desolate beast smiled.

Then he used a time mystery to hide the entire ship of time.

In this way, those great masters of the Dark Clan would be difficult to deduct.

Soon after, a large number of chaotic gods of the dark race rushed to the location where the great mage had fallen.

These Chaos Gods displayed all kinds of supernatural powers, trying to figure out who killed the great mage.

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