Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4488: found it

"Young man, you mean, is your hometown in that direction?

There seem to be several army of dark creatures in that direction! It seems that the dark race will soon find your hometown.

Our speed is better. "

The wild beast suddenly changed his face and said in a loud voice.

"So they have already found it."

Lin Fei's face also changed slightly.

Lin Fei understood that if the army of dark creatures found the Boundless Chaos Sea, with the strength of the Boundless Chaos Sea, there would be no way to resist it.

I am afraid that it will be ruined in the first place.

Therefore, Lin Fei controlled the spacecraft, speeding up and rushing back towards the boundless chaotic sea.

at this time.

Near the boundless Chaos Sea, at a certain location in the Absolute Space Sea, black fog is overwhelming, and an army of dark creatures is advancing.

The number of this army of dark creatures is very large and mighty, and it shook the space and time wherever it passed.

This dark forest army is led by dozens of main gods.

The strongest among them is a sixth-order main god.

"Report your lord, there is a sea of ​​space ahead!"

Suddenly, a dark creature in front of him who was responsible for exploring the way ran back and reported to the dozens of main gods.


Then quickly look up, what is the name of this space sea. "

The Lord God of the Six Worlds ordered.

As a result, a small group of dark creatures quietly entered the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The current boundless Chaos Sea is in a peaceful era, but it is another glorious era.

Since Lin Fei drove Dijiang away, the boundless Chaos Sea has entered a golden era of rapid development.

All ethnic groups and religions are competing to develop, you chase me.

Because Lin Fei was suppressing it, no one in the world dared to dominate.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, all creatures knew that Lin Fei was the supreme ruler in this sea of ​​space.

But as time passed slowly, Lin Fei hadn't appeared for a long, long time.

Generations of old people keep getting old, and batches of young talents continue to emerge.

There are even many new forces, new big religions have appeared.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward! So that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the name Lin Fei began to fade slowly.

Only the older generation of creatures still deeply remember the name that once suppressed the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

However, no matter how the times change, there is always a place in the boundless sea of ​​chaos that all creatures awe and yearn for.

That is a world of three thousand sizes! Three thousand big worlds have become the center of the entire boundless chaotic sea! Among the three thousand worlds, the masters who occasionally come out can make the entire boundless chaotic sea have a sensational effect.

Especially a young man named Lin Tianjun came out of a world of three thousand sizes.

It is said that he has never encountered an opponent in the boundless chaos.

It is said that he played against the younger generation, and he always had only one move to decide the outcome.

Never need to make a second move! Only when you meet some strong people of the older generation, can you make a second move.

Over time, this young man named Lin Tianjun broke out a famous man in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Lin Yi move! Later, the name Lin Yizhao became louder and louder, but it was his original name, and Lin Tianjun was slowly forgotten.

Lin Yizhao walked in the boundless chaotic sea for a while, then suddenly disappeared, rarely reappearing.

It is said that before he disappeared, he once said to people that the creatures of the boundless Chaos Sea were too weak and meaningless.

Such words made all creatures feel very speechless after hearing them.

In addition to Lin Yizhao, there have also been other masters in the world of 3,000 sizes.

For example, the Eight Stone Saints.

All eight belong to the holy spirit in the stone family, and the weapons used are all a huge stone rod.

Each one is infinite and terrifying.

All are the level of the main god, and every one who stands out can easily crush other masters in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In addition to the Eight Stone Saints, there is also a young man called a goblin who also walks out of three thousand worlds from time to time.

This young man called a goblin has almost no rival in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In addition, there will often be other masters in the three thousand worlds.

Anyway, in the impression of all creatures in the Boundary Chaos Sea, as long as a master casually walks out of the three thousand worlds, he can easily suppress the entire Boundless Chaos Sea.

This is also the main reason why the entire boundless chaos creatures are in awe and yearning for three thousand worlds.

It's just that the three-thousand-size world seems to have no interest in contending for dominance, and it has been very low-key.

Another point is that the three thousand worlds will never restrict or hinder the development of other forces in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

this day.

A small group of strangers suddenly appeared in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

This small group of unfamiliar visitors belonged to a very special creature, shrouded in black mist, exuding a kind of terrifying black energy.

These strange visitors inquired about in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Soon, some basic information in this sea of ​​space became clear.

"Can't be wrong.

This is the boundless sea of ​​chaos we are looking for.

It's the hometown of that kid named Lin Fei! We will report back immediately.

This space sea is very weak, as long as the iron hoof of our dark creatures arrives, we can easily conquer this space sea. "

After inquiring about the basic situation of this space sea, this small group of strangers was very excited, quietly discussed it, and then left the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

A moment later, in a space near the boundless Chaos Sea.

"Report to sirs, the sea of ​​space in front is called the boundless sea of ​​chaos! We have already gone in to find out clearly, there are many legends about Lin Fei in this sea of ​​space.

So it is certain that this sea of ​​space is the boundless sea of ​​chaos we are looking for! "

A dark creature came to the dozens of main gods to report.

"Hahaha... It's really nowhere to find anything to break through the iron shoes! It's not too much trouble! Very good! You have done a great job, and you have many prizes! Now the order is passed, the army directly enters the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and puts this space into the sea All the creatures, especially those related to Lin Fei, were arrested!"

The sixth-order Lord God was very happy, looked up to the sky and laughed, and then issued an order.

"Yes! Your lord!"

The other dark creatures should be.

Then, this army of dark creatures walked in the direction of the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

at the same time.

Lin Fei was controlling the Time Ship, and it was getting closer and closer to the boundless Chaos Sea.

"It seems that they have discovered your hometown."

The wild beast said to Lin Fei.

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