Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4492: Master's old friend

"Yes, the situation is critical now, it is no longer our turn to choose, we must leave.

Otherwise, if there is another army of dark creatures coming, our boundless sea of ​​chaos will not be able to fight.

Everyone can see the strength of those dark creatures just now. "

Lin Fei said loudly.

"So, everyone quickly go back and prepare, and transfer all the creatures in our sea of ​​space as quickly as possible.

The faster the speed, the better.

I estimate that the next army of dark creatures will soon arrive. "

Lin Fei continued.

Those main gods, look at me, and I look at you.

"Let's listen to Young Master Lin. The strength of those dark creatures just now is indeed terrifying.

Our boundless sea of ​​chaos simply has no strength to fight against. "

One of the more respectable Lord God spoke first.

"So far we can only do what Young Master Lin said."

"We really have no choice."

... After a while, the other main gods also nodded in agreement.

Because they understand that if there is another army of dark creatures like just now, they will not have the strength to fight.

They also understood that Lin Fei couldn't always stay here in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Then Young Master Lin, where do you plan to move the creatures of our boundless Chaos Sea?"

One of the main gods asked aloud.

"I intend to temporarily transfer all the creatures in the boundless Chaos Sea into my human body world.

Then I will take everyone away to find a place suitable for everyone to live and work in peace and contentment.

When I find a suitable space, I will release them and settle down.

In the future, after I have eliminated the Dark Clan, I will bring them back to the Boundless Chaos Sea. "

Lin Fei said loudly.

"Transfer into Master Lin's world of your human body?"

Those master gods of the boundless Chaos Sea felt a little shocked after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Master Lin, can your human world hold so many creatures?"

A main **** asked cautiously.

You know, even if it is the main god, the human body world born in the body is limited in quantity and system.

The greater the strength and realm of the Lord God, the higher the quantity and quality of the human world born in the body.

If the human world in Lin Fei's body could hold all the creatures in the boundless Chaos Sea, it would be really terrifying.

"Don't worry, the human world in my body is enough to hold all the creatures in the boundless chaotic sea."

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

"Young Master Lin really is the most enchanting young genius in our boundless Chaos Sea. It really makes us old things beyond reach."

There is a main god, can't help but sigh.

"Okay, everyone quickly go back and prepare.

Don't wait any longer.

Otherwise, when the time comes, those masters of the dark race will come, and it will be a little troublesome. "

Lin Fei believes that it won't take long for the Chaos God to come to the boundless Chaos Sea. At that time, even if there are wild beasts, it will be very troublesome.

"Well, Young Master Lin, don't worry, we will go back and prepare immediately."

After the main gods made the decision, they turned around and went back without hesitation.

Lin Fei took the desolate beast and the chaos-swallowing beast, and walked back towards the direction of the three thousand-sized world.

Before returning to the three-thousand-size world, the wild beast's gaze suddenly looked at a position, with a surprised expression on its face.

"There is a very familiar atmosphere in that place."

The wild beast couldn't help but strode towards that place.

"Senior, this place is called Luoshan Valley.

It used to be a place where my master lived in seclusion. "

Lin Fei took the wild beast into the Falling God Valley and said.

"Where does your master live in seclusion?"

The desolate beast walked around in the original location of the Valley of Fallen God, sensing it.

"Can't go wrong, this kind of breath is very similar to the breath of an old friend of mine.

It's just that, as far as I know, my old friend, who was chased by his enemy, seems to have fallen.

I haven't heard from him for a long, long time. "

The Desolate Beast said with certainty.

"Could it be..." Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a move when he heard the words of the beast.

The situation described by this wild beast is very similar to that of his master.

"Senior, my master was indeed seriously injured, and it was very serious. He has stayed here to recuperate.

I heard from my master that he seems to be being chased by the enemy.

Later, because the enemy had discovered his aura in the direction of the boundless chaotic sea, my master left the boundless chaotic sea and now he does not know where to go. "

Lin Fei said.

"So, your master, is it really that old friend of mine."

The wild beast said in surprise.

"It's possible."

Even Lin Fei was very surprised. He couldn't imagine that the wild beast in front of him was actually an old friend of his master. This was probably fate.

"Hahaha...Lin Fei, I can't think of it, you are actually the disciple of my old friend, no wonder you have such a wicked strength at a young age.

What I admire most about this old friend of mine is his means and ability in cultivating disciples.

He has personally cultivated several very enchanting disciples. "

The wild beast said with a big smile.

"It's a pity, the proudest disciple in his life betrayed him, took refuge in his enemy, and set a trap to help his enemy deal with him.

The reason why he was seriously injured was all because of his most enchanting disciple.

Otherwise, with his strength, his enemies would have no way to hurt him. "

The wild beast sighed and said.


There is such a thing. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but stared sharply. It turned out that his master's injuries were caused by his disciples colluding with enemies.

Lin Fei had never heard Master talk about this.

"Not bad.

It was indeed because of his disciple's betrayal, colluding with the enemy, and setting up traps that he almost fell seriously injured.

After I received the news that year, I immediately rushed to help him.

But he was wounded and escaped, with no trace.

In my anger, I fought a battle with his enemy, regardless of the outcome.

Later, I always tried every means to find him everywhere, but I never found him.

Unexpectedly, he actually ran into such a remote sea of ​​space to escape. "

The wild beast sighed and said.

"Lin Fei, how about your master's physical condition?"

The barren beast asked.

Lin Fei gave a rough overview of Master's situation.

"It seems that he is seriously injured."

The wild beast was a little worried.

"Then do you know where your master is now."

Desolate Beast asked.

"do not know.

After Master left the boundless Chaos Sea that year, no news came back.

I don't know where his old man is now. "

Lin Fei shook his head.

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