Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4506: Buddha stayed here

Looking around, I saw the vast expanse of the earth, and the whole body was crystal clear, as if it were carved from a piece of beautiful glazed jade.

On the earth, the roads paved with chaotic real gold are brilliant and brilliant.

High in the sky, a lot of lotus flowers continue to be born, falling below the ground, covering the ground like a carpet.

Moreover, there are all kinds of beautiful birds whose chirps are elegant and harmonious, and they all seem to be talking about some kind of Dharma.

Moreover, in this world, there are temples everywhere, and each temple enshrines an ancient Buddha.

Those ancient Buddhas are chanting ancient Buddhist scriptures in a low voice.

"What a Buddhist world!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's really unexpected that such a sacred world of Buddhism is hidden in the demon world."

The Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast was also amazed.

Just now.

Om mani, chanting, mi hum...The loud and loud Buddhist sounds turned into ancient characters, and they were crushed by Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

The endless brilliance of the Buddha's light shone towards Lin Fei and the two, illuminating them in detail.

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast couldn't help but their expressions changed greatly.

They all felt that there was a terrible Buddhism energy that would assimilate the two and force them to convert to Buddhism.

This kind of Buddhism energy is terrible.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast, at that moment, turned out to be true, and they had a thought of taking refuge.

However, after all, the two of them are both powerful and strong-willed, and they are the generation with good thinking and thoughts. It is impossible that they will be assimilated so easily.

"Roar..." Lin Fei and the Primal Chaos Swallowing Beast roared up to the sky at the same time, and the spirit energy in the sea of ​​consciousness rolled out, instantly covering their heads tightly.

"What a terrible place.

Staying any longer, I'm afraid, we will be unable to sustain it.

In my opinion, let's quit first. "

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said.

"Lin Fei, you are a descendant of reincarnation.

The law of our reincarnation is not weaker than the law of Buddhism.

You display the law of reincarnation, and, by offering sacrifices to the cycle of reincarnation and offering sacrifices to the bridge, it is possible that you can withstand the attacks of this Buddhist world against you two. "

At this time, Po Meng suddenly said.


Lin Fei nodded immediately after hearing this.

Just now, Lin Fei only used the spirit energy to fight against those Buddha sounds and Buddha's mansions. He did not expect to use the law of reincarnation at all.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately displayed his own law of reincarnation.

Rumble...The mighty law of reincarnation was constantly released from Lin Fei's body, forming a thick protective layer, protecting Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast layer by layer.

At the same time, a cycle of reincarnation, as well as the bridge of Naihe, burst out of the body, bursting out powerful reincarnation energy.

Immediately, those Buddhism energy seemed to feel the energy of reincarnation, and began to shrink back.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Of course it works.

You know, we have the same line of reincarnation, and there is no conflict with Buddhism.

Even our relationship with Buddhism in the reincarnation line is relatively good.

Buddhism, under normal circumstances, will not embarrass us in the same line of reincarnation. "

Po Meng said.

"That's it.

Unexpectedly, these Buddhist energy will recognize people. "

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"Of course.

There are many remnants of Buddhist monks in this world of Buddhism. Of course they can recognize that you are a descendant of the line of reincarnation. "

Po Meng smiled.

"What is going on in this Buddhist world.

It's like a living creature, and there is none.

All are some ancient Buddhas that have fallen.

Seems to have suffered something. "

Lin Fei said puzzledly.

Until now, Lin Fei finally had the energy to perceive this Buddhist world well.

"It is very similar to the legendary Buddhist Pure Land. There is no living Buddha.

It's weird. "

The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast also said strangely.

"Senior, do you feel the breath of reincarnation?"

Lin Fei asked Po Meng.

It was precisely because of Po Meng who felt the breath of reincarnation that Lin Fei broke into this strange Buddhist world.

"In this Buddhist world, there is indeed a fragment of reincarnation.

However, the Buddhism energy here is too powerful.

I was disturbed, and for a while, I could not accurately perceive its location.

If you are walking around in this Buddhist world, maybe I will be able to perceive it soon. "

Po Meng said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Just now.

"By the way! I almost forgot! Rong'er and Wan'er, aren't they from Buddhism.

This Buddhist world, to me, knows nothing.

However, for the two of them, perhaps, can know what is going on! "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of Rong'er and Wan'er.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, all the creatures now live in Lin Fei's human world.

Rong'er and Wan'er, naturally too.

Therefore, Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately entered the human body world inside his body, found Rong'er and Wan'er, and sent them both out with a thought.

At the same time, Lin Fei also sent the middle-aged monk out.

This middle-aged monk was the monk who guarded the pure Buddhism pure land on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on Earth.

"Lin Fei, do you want to see us!"

Rong'er and Wan'er were very happy when they saw Lin Fei.

Although the two of them are already Buddhism, they are also Lin Fei's wives, so they miss Lin Fei very much.


! This is..." The middle-aged monk immediately noticed the surrounding scene, and he couldn't help but shake his body.

"Two leaders, look!"

The middle-aged monk yelled and lost his temper.

Originally, as a master of Buddhism, his mentality had long since cultivated so well that he had no waves, but the Buddhism world before him was too shocking and made him unable to calm down.


! What place is this..." Rong'er and Wanhe finally noticed the sacred world of Buddhism in front of them, with a strong expression of shock on their beautiful faces.

"Lin Fei, where is this place?"

Rong Er asked.

"I don't know, so I let you come out and have a look."

Lin Fei said.

Rong'er and Wan'er immediately began to look carefully at this strange Buddhist world.

"There is the breath of Buddha here."

After a while, Rong Er said suddenly.

"Not bad.

I also sensed that the Buddha's ontology had been in this world for a while.

Perhaps this pure land was created by the Buddha. "

Wan'er nodded too.


Two leaders, in this Buddhist world, has the Buddha really stayed here! "

The middle-aged monk trembled with excitement.

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