Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4544: Blood Secret Art

Lin Fei Zhan's departure method, a moment later came to the depths of this sea of ​​space.

"Boy, you should be Lin Fei.

Unexpectedly, after you killed Black Wind, you dare to come to me. "

A middle-aged man wearing a blood-red cloak slowly appeared in the void not far before Lin Fei was alive.

This middle-aged man's whole body, including skin, nails, hair, eyes, all visible places, are all red, and the whole body exudes a strong smell of blood, as if his body was condensed with blood Become.

Needless to say, this middle-aged man should be Lord Hongxue.

"Why don't you dare to come to you.

It's just a ninth-tier main **** in a mere mere mere, and there is nothing to be afraid of. "

Lin Fei looked at the Master Hongxue and said coldly.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceived it, and found that the realm of Master Hongxue was actually the same as Master Black Wind before.

He is also a ninth-tier main god, but his foundation in this realm is extremely solid, and a lot of law aura exudes from his body, it is obvious that he has understood many, many laws in the world.

This phenomenon shows that the Master Hongxue in front of him is very likely to take that last step in the future and break through to become a Chaos God.

"Lin Fei, you underestimate me. You can kill Black Wind, but you may not kill me.

Heifeng and I have known each other for endless years, and we used to often discuss together.

But he never beat me. He once admitted personally that he might never be able to catch up with me.

Speaking of which, Heifeng and I have a friendship. You killed him, and now you come to me again, so I can help him get revenge. "

Master Hong Xue said with a sneer.

"Well, I hope you don't let me down."

Lin Fei looked at Master Hongxue with a plain gaze, and said in a loud voice.

"Boy, at a young age, the smell of milk is not dry, and speaking is crazy! Then let me try how much you weigh!"

The Master Hongxue was irritated by Lin Fei's plain attitude and shouted.

Then he shot directly.

Rumble...I saw him wave his hand, and a long river of blood rushed out from his body.

However, in a moment, this piece of time and space completely turned into an endless sea of ​​blood, and Master Hongxue's body was completely submerged by the sea of ​​blood.

Even his body became a part of this blood sea.

What is even more frightening is that this sea of ​​blood is still expanding, drowning more time and space.

Then, Lin Fei discovered that this sea of ​​blood was changing.

Slowly, it became a **** world.

Everything in this world is so real. Rivers, mountains, grasslands, deserts, plains, villages, cities, countries, and even many creatures move around in this world.

However, what makes people feel weird is that everything in this **** world, including those creatures, is all red, the color of blood.

"Lin Fei, I condensed this world with my blood.

In this blood world, I am the supreme master, and all the laws of energy in this world are under my control.

Now that you are trapped in my blood world, I see how you fight with me. "

Master Hongxue's voice resounded in this blood world, very harsh, full of an evil smell.

As Master Hongxue's voice sounded, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the blood in his body seemed to be summoned by some kind of strong call. The blood vessels wanted to explode, and the blood all over his body wanted to gush out.

"This kind of blood secret method is a bit scary.

Even the blood in my body can be summoned! "

Lin Fei felt a little surprised.

You know, Lin Fei's current strength is already very powerful, and can easily crush all the main gods in the world.

However, the secret technique cultivated by Master Hongxue was actually very clever to summon the blood in Lin Fei's body.

However, with Lin Fei's cultivation skills and methods, it is of course impossible to be recruited.

Lin Fei directly cast the law armor.

Immediately, the cascading laws were continuously released from within Lin Fei's body, and condensed into a thick layer of armor on the surface of Lin Fei's body.

This layer of armor was very powerful, and immediately blocked the blood secret technique that Master Hongxue had displayed, and could no longer enter Lin Fei's body.

The blood in Lin Fei's body also began to calm down.

"Lin Fei, what kind of cultivation technique is this, you can actually resist my bloodline summoning Dafa!"

The Master Hongxue was a little surprised and asked sharply.

"I want to show off in front of me."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"Lin Fei, you are going to be rampant, you have entered my blood world, your life and death are under my control!"

Master Hong Xue was furious.

Then, in this world of blood, suddenly an endless number of weapons condensed from blood appeared, aimed at Lin Fei, and attacked.

The whole blood world also rioted at the same time, the mighty blood, like a stormy sea, rolled towards Lin Fei and swooped over.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and ten mind worlds were displayed at the same time.

This is ten mental power worlds, overlapping and intertwined with the blood world, crowding out and attacking each other.

"How is it possible! Your mind strength cultivation is so powerful, and you can condense ten mind strength worlds at once! How can there be such a clever mind strength secret technique in the world!"

Master Hongxue was shocked and angry, because he discovered that his blood world was under the squeeze of Lin Fei's ten mental power worlds and began to be unable to bear it, and cracks appeared one after another.

"Impossible! You are a junior, so much lower than me, how could you break my blood world!"

Master Hong Xue roared.

"Nothing is impossible. I will break your fragile world of so-called blood now."

Lin Fei said with a sneer.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei urged ten mental power worlds, and the mighty mental power energy blasted toward the blood world.

Rumble... The blood world began to tremble violently, and more and more cracks appeared, and everything in the world began to slowly disintegrate.


The Master Hongxue couldn't accept such a thing at all. He tried his best to destroy the blood world to resist, but it was useless. After a while, the blood world was destroyed more and more seriously.

Finally, with a bang, the whole blood world exploded directly, and the endless blood was thrown out in all directions.

The Master Hongxue received a backlash, screamed, and his body was directly shocked and flew out.

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