Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4553: Black Bar Master

"He is already a great disaster for our time.

If you don't want to stop him, in the future, he will definitely destroy more of our time building.

Our time building has been in business for such a long time, and it has finally formed the scale it is today. If Lin Fei continues to destroy it, it will bring us huge losses. "

The fourth floor master said in a loud voice.

"Not bad."

The other posters listened to the fourth poster and couldn't help but nod their heads.

Some time ago, Lin Fei wiped out six or seven sub-bases, all of which have already brought great losses to the Suiyuelou.

If Lin Fei were to continue the destruction like this, I am afraid that the losses caused would be totally unbearable.

"But from the perspective of Lin Fei's strength, even if we send those ninth-tier master gods to guard each branch, it is useless.

Even those veteran Tier 9 Lord Gods in our Time Tower are not Lin Fei's opponents at all.

Moreover, some time ago, our Suiyuelou had been killed by Lin Fei, and several veteran Tier 9 master gods.

Those ninth-tier main gods are all among our time towers, the most promising seeds to break through and become the chaos gods! These 9th-tier master gods are also one of our most precious treasures.

Not only can we no longer send these ninth-tier master gods to guard the sub-strongholds, but instead call all the ninth-tier master gods back to the headquarters to ensure their safety. "

The fifth floor master spoke up.

"Not bad."

The other posters nodded after hearing the words of the fifth poster.

Those ninth-tier main gods are indeed one of the most precious treasures of Sui Yuelou.

It is also one of the foundations for the future development and growth of Suiyuelou! "I will issue an order immediately to summon all the ninth-level master supernatural powers of our Years Tower, so that they can stay here at the headquarters and not go out casually."

The owner of the building immediately issued an order.


In the hall, a Chaos God immediately turned and walked out of the hall to give orders.

"So, how should we deal with Lin Fei?"

The sixth poster also spoke aloud.

For a while, everyone was silent.

Even if the ninth-order main **** is sent, it can't deal with Lin Fei.

Not to mention the other main gods, even if they were sent out, they would be sent to death.

"It seems that we old guys have to go out in person to follow Lin Fei."

After a long time, the owner of the building slowly said.

There was silence in the hall.

Every Chaos God in the Years Tower is a bit unable to accept this fact.

That Lin Fei is just a Tier 3 main god! Originally, a Tier 3 main **** was like an ant on the ground to chaos gods like them.

It's so weak and pitiful! Usually, if they meet a third-tier main god, they will not even bother to take a look.

There is no third-tier main **** in the world who dares to provoke these chaotic gods.

Now, their noble chaotic gods actually want to go out to track a Tier 3 main god.

If this matter is spread out, I am afraid it will shock all the creatures in the world to the extreme, unable to believe it.

However, the Chaos Gods of these ages towers have no other choice.

They understood that with Lin Fei's strength, no matter how many people were sent to deal with Lin Fei, it would be useless.

"It now appears that only those of us who are old can take care of Lin Fei in person."

After a moment of silence in the hall, the second floor master sighed and said.

The other posters nodded silently.

The other Chaos Gods, even though they were unwilling, felt that with their dignified Chaos God identity, it was really shameless to chase and kill a Tier 3 main god.

But they also understand that they are the only chaos gods who want to deal with Lin Fei! "But the most important thing right now is to figure out the whereabouts of Lin Fei.

Once we know the whereabouts of Lin Fei, we old guys will send out together to round up Lin Fei! "

The building owner said in a loud voice.

"If you want to know the whereabouts of Lin Fei, you have to find the great wizards of the Dark Clan.

Only those great masters could deduce Lin Fei's trail! The previous few times, we only found Lin Fei's whereabouts based on the deductions of those great masters. "

The ninth floor master said in a loud voice.

"How about this.

I have a little friendship with the dark clan, the oldest black bar master.

I went to find the Great Master Heba and asked him to take action to personally deduce Lin Fei's whereabouts.

Among all the archmages of the Dark Clan, the black bar archmage should be the most powerful.

Back then, in the battle between the Dark Clan and the Reincarnation Clan, the reason why the Dark Clan was able to win is that it is said that there were many key battles in the course of the war, all of which were performed in detail by the black master. And the arrangement, insight into the secrets of all kinds of reincarnation, that's why the dark race won that war.

It shouldn't be difficult to deduce Lin Fei's whereabouts as long as the Great Master Heba takes action. "

The building owner said in a loud voice.

"Yes! If you can get the Black Bar Master out of the mountain and perform deductions on Lin Fei personally, you will be able to find Lin Fei's whereabouts."

The other landlords in the hall and those Chaos Gods were refreshed after hearing the words of the building owner.

Heba Master, too famous.

The chief archmage of the dark clan! Known as the most powerful one among all the great masters of the Dark Clan.

Among the dark clan, it is said that the status of the black master and the three dark masters are almost the same! "The owner of the building, the identity of the Black Bar Master is too noble, can you really ask him to help us with the deduction?"

The eighth poster couldn't help but ask.

"A long, long time ago, the Heba Archmage had not become the chief archmage of the Dark Clan. At that time, I had a friendship with him, and the relationship was not bad.

Although there have been relatively few contacts over the years, I want to come and read the friendship in those years, Master Heba should be able to help me.

What's more, their dark people are now looking everywhere for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

I asked him to play Lin Fei, he should not object. "

The building owner said.

"That's great!"

The other posters are very excited.

"I'm going to visit the Great Master Heba now and get together with him."

The owner of the building stood up and said in a loud voice.

"You all entered the sea of ​​absolute space, continue to search for Lin Fei's whereabouts, and to protect those branch points of our time building.

Lin Fei can't let Lin Fei continue to destroy the branch of our time building. "

The gaze of the building owner looked at the two hundred chaotic gods.

"Master of the building, don't worry, we know what to do."

Those Chaos Gods all answered one after another.

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