Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4594: Collect sacred fire

"For you, this is one of the most practical functions. The other functions of the fireball will be discovered later."

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

"Thanks a lot."

Lin Fei was very surprised.

Lin Fei just thought that even if he cultivated his fire control skills, he would go to the outside world without the aid of the eight kinds of sacred fires, it would be useless.

Unexpectedly, the fire bead that the fire source beast gave him can actually store eight kinds of sacred fire in it! For Lin Fei, this is simply a gift in the snow! "Can this fire bead really store the eight sacred fires in it?

This is also amazing! "

While Lin Fei was excited, she couldn't believe it.

"You can try it right away.

Just know if it can.

In the set of fire control techniques that I taught you, there are ways to collect fire.

Just follow that method and use this fire ball to collect these eight sacred fires, and try it.

However, first you have to refine this fire ball to become your magic weapon, and then you can use it to collect the flame. "

Huo Yuan Beast said with a smile.


Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei immediately sat down cross-legged and began to refine the fire ball in front of his incarnation.

Because this fire bead belonged to the fire source beast clan, it was left by a very old senior.

Because every source of fire beast is a powerful existence.

The inner alchemy left by such a powerful existence is of course extraordinary.

It is difficult to refine quickly.

It took Lin Fei about half a year before finally refining this fire bead into his own magic weapon.

Then Lin Fei immediately used the secret technique of collecting fire, and began to use this fire ball to try to collect eight kinds of sacred fire.

With Lin Fei's urging, the fire bead burst out with a bright light, just like a small sun.

There are also a series of fire runes floating out.

Then, this fire ball burst out with powerful suction.

Phew... the eight sacred fires in the surrounding space reacted, and flames of different colors began to gather towards this fire bead.

Then, enter this fire ball! "Really!"

Lin Fei looked at the sacred fire that was constantly being collected in the fire beads, and was extremely excited.

Next, Lin Fei kept urging this fire bead, continuously collecting more and more sacred fire.

As the amount of sacred fire collected increases, the heat radiated from that fire ball becomes more amazing.

"Try to collect as much as possible. In the future, if you encounter someone who bullies you, release these sacred fires. Even the chaotic gods will not dare to provoke you."

Huo Yuan Beast said with a smile.

"If I charge too much sacred fire, the amount of sacred fire in the Valley of Eight Fires will become very small.

Then in the future, if you fight with others, the amount of sacred fire you can use will be less, which will weaken your combat effectiveness.

So I just charge some, not too much. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"You don't have to worry about [Baidu novel].

Let me tell you, there is a fire eye here in the Valley of Eight Fires, and all eight divine fires come out of that fire eye, and the number seems to be endless.

How many sacred fires you collect, and it won’t take long for the eye to replenish the corresponding amount of sacred fires, so you don’t have to worry about the number of sacred fires in the Valley of Eight Fires.

You can collect as much as you can, and it is best to fill this fireball. "

Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei with a smile.

"Really! That's great!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised and happy when he heard what Huoyuan Beast said.

The greater the amount of sacred fire collected, it means that when Lin Fei is facing an enemy in the future, the more combat power he can exert! Therefore, Lin Fei no longer had any scruples, urging the fire ball to collect as many divine fires as possible.

at the same time.

In the palace where the three dark masters are.

The Great Master Heba also sat on the altar and deduced the Fire Source Beast and the Valley of Eight Fires.

"Good news! I just discovered that in the Valley of the Eight Fires, the number of those eight sacred fires is decreasing rapidly! Therefore, in the Valley of the Eight Fires, the terrifying burning power is becoming weaker and weaker! In this situation Below, the combat power that the fire source beast can exert becomes smaller and smaller.

And it seemed that the number of the eight divine fires in the Valley of the Eight Fires continued to decrease.

Three masters, if you want to deal with that fire source beast, now is the best time to go! I estimate that under the current situation, when the strength of the fire source beast is the weakest, it is easier to deal with him with your strength. "

Above the altar, Master Heba suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly.


! That's great! The three of us, set off now, go to the valley! Deal with that fire source beast! "

The three dark masters were very excited and stood up at the same time.

"The main task of the three of us is to catch the fire source beast. As for Lin Fei, leave it to the Dark Demon Guard to deal with it."

One of the Dark Lords said.

The dark master immediately sent a message to those dark guards.

After a while, a group of dark demon guards arrived in front of the three dark masters.

"Okay, let's go now!"

The figures of the three dark masters disappeared at the same time.

Before one of the dark masters left, stretched out a **** hand, grabbed all the dark demon guards, and took it away in his palm.

"I hope that the three masters can smoothly capture the fire source beast back."

Looking at the place where the three dark masters disappeared, the Black Bar Grand Master frowned slightly for some reason, and sighed softly after a while.

At this time, in the Valley of Eight Fires, Lin Fei continued to use the fire bead to collect divine fire.

Since the sacred fire in the Valley of the Eight Fires would automatically replenish it, Lin Fei would not be polite.

Install as much as you can! The sacred fire in the surrounding space was visible to the naked eye, and the number became less and less.

"Why hasn't the number of these sacred fires been replenished?"

Lin Fei asked the Fire Source Beast.

"Where can it be so fast? It will take a certain amount of time for that fire eye to replenish Shenhuo.

Don't worry, it won't be long before the fire eye will automatically replenish a sufficient amount of Shenhuo. "

Huo Yuan Beast said with a smile.

"That's good."

Lin Fei nodded.

In the following time, Lin Fei continued to collect Shenhuo.

I don't know how long it took. Finally Lin Fei felt that the amount of sacred fire that the fireball could hold was about to reach a peak.

At this time, Lin Fei discovered that almost two-thirds of the sacred fires in the Valley of Eight Fires were left, that is to say, one-third of the sacred fires in the Valley of Eight Fires had been taken away by Lin Fei.

"Well, with your current strength, you can only collect so much magic fire at most."

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

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