Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4636: Way of fighting

"Okay, let's all go in with Lin Fei!"

The boss nodded and received.

The youngest and Shuiyuan clan also nodded in agreement.

Lin Fei's formation level completely impressed them! "Then let's go in."

Lin Fei led the way and walked inside the formation.

The eldest and youngest and the Shuiyuan clan followed behind Lin Fei, quickly walked into the formation, and came to the gate of the palace.

Lin Fei reached out and pushed towards the gate of the palace.

Immediately, the gate of the palace opened slowly.

Lin Fei took the lead and walked into the palace.

Then, Lin Fei found that a plane appeared before his eyes.

It turned out that the interior of this palace was a large-scale plane.

There are many stars and interfaces in the plane.

There are many creatures living in this plane.

Lin Fei, the eldest son, and the water source clan walked into this plane and immediately released them to perceive this plane in detail.

The creatures that exist in this plane are of various races, as well as humans.

"There seems to be a fight over there."

Suddenly, Lin Fei looked at a nearby star. Above that star, a war was taking place, and the people on both sides were fighting fiercely.

"Let's go and take a look."

Lin Fei said, and then walked to the star.

Soon, the four Lin Fei came to the top of this star.

Above the stars, there are two groups of people who are fighting fiercely.

"There are main gods on both sides! And the most powerful one is the third and fourth-tier main gods!"

Lin Fei looked a bit surprised.

"The overall strength of this plane is very powerful.

I feel that there are chaos gods in this plane, and there are still a lot of them! Unexpectedly, there is such a plane hidden in the extremely cold continent. "

The boss said to Lin Fei.

"I don't know where the second child is.

Let's find him as soon as possible, and leave it alone. "

The third child said.

The most anxious thing for him is to find his second child quickly.

"Don't worry, since we have already come in, we will definitely find the second child.

Let's go find those creatures and ask about the situation on this plane.

In this plane, there are many Chaos Gods, which are not simple. "

Lin Fei said.

"okay then."

The third child nodded.

The eldest and youngest now regard Lin Fei as a great benefactor, and will not refute Lin Fei's words.


At this moment, Lin Fei's expression suddenly moved.

"On both sides of the war, no matter how strong or weak, every creature is good at arranging formations! And their methods of arranging formations are very clever!"

Lin Fei looked at the stars below, and the two sides fighting fiercely said with excitement.

Lin Fei saw that the two sides who were at war had taken out a large number of formation flags during the battle, and then took out a handful of formation flags to arrange a formation, and these formations were more powerful.

Among them, the main method for some creatures to fight is formation.

The formations arranged by these creatures are defensive, offensive, and psychedelic. They are all very clever, making Lin Fei nod in praise.

"Check with them."

Lin Fei was very interested, and moved down to the stars below.

The eldest, the third and the Shuiyuan clan also followed Lin Fei and landed towards the stars below.

Soon Lin Fei came to the battlefield that was breaking through.

"You Tianluo faction is really deceiving.

This star was originally divided and conquered. We Xuanfeng faction occupies half of the territory, and your Tianluo faction also occupies half of the territory. For so many years, everyone is in peace! Now your Tianluo faction actually asks our Xuanfeng faction to bow to you! impossible! "

On the battlefield, a gray-haired old man roared.

"Our Profound Wind faction people are all hard-bodied and will never bow their heads and give in. Even if we fight to the last soldier, we will definitely not surrender like your Tianluo faction!"

The white-haired old man said loudly.

"Kill me [the eighth district]!"

The white-haired old man waved his hand when he was excited.


The white-haired old man was surrounded by a large number of creatures, and also roared at the same time.

Then these creatures took out a large number of formation flags, and constantly threw them forward.

One powerful formation after another was laid out, and rumblingly attacked forward.

"Hahaha... I have already given you the opportunity. Since you members of the Profound Wind Sect do not know what is good or bad, then I will kill all of you members of the Profound Wind Sect today! From now on there is only one star left above this star. Those of our Celestial Sect! This star will be ruled by our Celestial Sect!"

On the opposite side, a tall and thin man with a black cloak had a grim face and laughed wildly.

"Those of Tianluo faction, kill me, don't keep any of them, kill them all!"

The tall and thin man waved his hand.

Immediately a large number of creatures clustered around him also took out a large number of formation flags and threw them forward.

One after another powerful formations were continuously deployed, and rumblingly attacked the Profound Wind faction.

Then, a large number of formations constantly collided violently between the two sides.

The arrays exploded continuously one after another, releasing the tumbling array energy, shaking the sky to an unbearable earthquake.

"It turns out that there is such a fighting method, and the formation can be used in this way! It is an eye-opener!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing when seeing the fighting methods of both sides.

These two factions simply smashed each other with the formation as a magic weapon! It was indeed the first time that Lin Fei saw this fighting method, and it was simply amazing! "Lu Jie, I played it with you!"

The white-haired old man yelled, and then one hundred and eight huge array flags burst out of his body, and each array flag was very high, dancing in the wind.

These 108-stroke array flags, combined together, instantly formed a powerful and mysterious array.

"Kill me!"

The white-haired old man reached out his hand.

Rumble... That huge array of 108 flags, carrying a terrifying array of energy, rolled towards the Tianluo faction, and bombarded the past.

"Wu Da, do you think I am afraid of you if you are desperate? I don't know your tricks! I tell you today you can't escape death!"

The tall and thin man in the black cloak laughed.

Then inside his body, a large number of array flags rushed out. These array flags grew long in the wind, and instantly turned into an upright array flag.

There are a total of one hundred and eighty array flags! These array flags formed a huge array.

"Kill me!"

The tall and thin man stretched out his hand and pointed out that the huge formation in front of him also rumblingly attacked forward.

With the white-haired old man and this tall and thin man taking action, the other people on both sides kept retreating in fright.

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