Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4663: Back to the same way

"I'm fine."

Lin Fei's voice rang as soon as the third child had finished speaking, and then Lin Fei walked out of the palace accompanied by the middle-aged man.

"Lin Fei, are you okay!"

The three Bingyuan clan brothers greeted him immediately.

The Shuiyuan tribe and the more than one hundred monks also welcomed them one after another.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm fine."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Senior, I am going to leave.

Goodbye! "

Lin Fei turned his head and said to the middle-aged man.

"have a safe journey.

Remember the master's entrustment to you. "

The middle-aged man nodded and said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, don't worry, I will remember.

I will come back here. "

Lin Fei said.

"That's good."

The middle-aged man was very satisfied with what Lin Fei said, then he turned around, walked into the palace and disappeared.

"Okay, we can leave here."

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, have you got the fruit of the ninety-nine-eighty-one road?"

The boss couldn't help asking.

"I already got it."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"That's great! Our purpose of coming here is finally complete!"

The boss said excitedly.

"Not bad.

The goal has been achieved.

Let's go back. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Not only did Lin Fei get the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road, but also under the guidance of the Heavenly Spirit Master, he made a qualitative leap in his mental strength.

At the same time, Lin Fei also got a hundred puppets with the power of Chaos God! The gain is huge! Next, Lin Fei and his group began to walk back along the way they came.

Most of the dangers that existed along the way, I had already encountered it when I came, and I knew it in my heart, so there was no danger on the way back.

"How many places have you explored in this extremely cold continent?"

Along the way, Lin Fei chatted with the three brothers of the Bingyuan clan and the Shuiyuan clan and asked them.

"The extremely cold continent has a vast area and danger everywhere.

Although we are Chaos Gods, the places we have explored are estimated to be less than one-tenth of the entire Arctic Continent. "

The boss said.

"Yes, the three of our brothers used to be together and wanted to explore all areas on this continent.

As a result, the second child was trapped in the formation.

Since then, we have never dared to wander around on the extremely cold continent. "

The third child also nodded and said.

"The places I have explored are less than those of your three brothers.

The Arctic Continent is full of crises everywhere. It is too dangerous. I was too courageous, so I didn't dare to leave my territory and rush everywhere. "

Shuiyuan said.

"It seems that the Arctic Continent is really mysterious.

You are the Chaos Gods living here, and you don't know much about this continent. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sighed.


Even for us, this extremely cold continent is very mysterious. "

Shuiyuan tribe nodded and said.

The Shuiyuan tribe has now transformed into a human form, looking like a handsome young man, covered with a mist of water vapor.

"This extremely cold continent is indeed very dangerous. When we first broke into this continent, we encountered various dangers.

Later, he was still trapped in the formation, and after a long period of time, he was unable to escape. "

The old monk also sighed.

In this way, Lin Fei, the pedestrian principle, went all the way back.

Finally, he returned to the plateau where he had encountered ice wolves.

This plateau is a place that must be passed, and it is impossible to get around.

"Everyone try to keep a low profile, it's best not to alarm those ice wolves!"

As soon as he entered this plateau, the third child became vigilant and reminded others.

"Those ice wolves are all lunatics, it is best not to provoke them! Otherwise it will be difficult to get out!"

The boss is also solemn.

Just come what you are afraid of.

Lin Fei, a group of people, walked cautiously on this plateau for a few days.

Suddenly, there were a series of whining sounds! In the distance, black wolves began to appear one after another between the sky and the earth.

The bodies of these black wolves braved the swelling cold, as if they were carved out of black ice, but their eyes were red, which looked very strange.

"No, the ice wolf is here!"

Seeing the ice wolves, the old third screamed in surprise.

"Everyone, run! Don't do it with them! Once you do it with them, the trouble will be big!"

The boss yelled.

Then, the three Bingyuan clan brothers and Shuiyuan clan speeded up and ran desperately.

"You monks, run away if you don't want to die! Don't think that you are strong enough to beat these ice wolves! No matter how strong you are, it is useless. The number of these ice wolves is endless!"

The boss shouted at the more than one hundred monks while running.

"We ran with Lin Fei! Can't let Lin Fei fall behind."

Said the old monk.

"Where does Lin Fei need you to wait! Lin Fei's speed is much faster than we don't know! As long as we don't drag Lin Fei's hind legs, it will do! You monks, run away!"

The youngest exclaimed irritably.

Before, when I came, I encountered ice wolves through this plateau, and it was Lin Fei who took the boss and the Shuiyuan tribe out.

So the three Bingyuan clan brothers and the Shuiyuan clan didn't worry about Lin Fei at all.

At this time, more and more ice wolves appeared in the distance, densely packed, like a black tide, chasing Lin Fei and his group.

There were so many ice wolves that the whole world was shaking.

"Actually you don't have to run away!"

Lin Fei saw that the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan and the Shuiyuan Clan had already run a long distance, and couldn't help laughing, and said to them happily.

"Don't run away?

why! "

The boss couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Lin Fei's words, and then asked back.

"You just follow me.

If there is danger, you will enter my human body world, and I will take you to escape, the effect will be even better. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Yeah! Why didn't we think of this, Lin Fei, your speed is so fast, we enter your human body world, you just take us to escape."

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the boss couldn't help but slap his head and suddenly realized.

"Yes! Lin Fei, what you said makes sense!"

The second, third, and Shuiyuan clan also nodded.

"Masters, all of you enter my human world."

Lin Fei looked at more than a hundred monks and said.


The old monk nodded.

He was very convinced of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei transported all of these more than one hundred monks into his human body world.

"You can also enter my human world."

Lin Fei looked at the boss and them.

"it is good."

The boss nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei sent the three Bingyuan Clan brothers and Shuiyuan Clan into his own human world.

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