Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4674: Serving the Fruit of the Avenue

"Those hundred puppets with the strength of the Chaos God were given to you by the Heavenly Spirit Master?

Show it to us. "

Desolate Beast said curiously.

"It was given to me by his old man."

Lin Fei smiled.

Then, Lin Fei teleported all the hundred puppets out and stood in front of him neatly.

"The master of the heavenly spirit can refine such a powerful puppet, and the skill of the method is simply amazing."

Baidi Shenjun and Desolate Beast looked at the 100 puppets in front of them in detail, feeling the breath they radiated, and couldn't help but marvel.

A puppet with the strength of the main **** is absolutely unique in the sea of ​​absolute space! "Well, Lin Fei, take them back quickly.

You have these hundred puppets, and from then on, you will never fight alone.

It can be said that the strength you have now has achieved a skyrocket.

However, in the future, you'd better try to show these puppets as little as possible in front of outsiders, and only release them suddenly when necessary, so that you can achieve the outstanding effect of the magic weapon. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Master, I remember."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei teleported all the 100 puppets into one of the human worlds.

"According to the Heavenly Spirit Master, among the Dark Clan, there is also a black tyrant who is stronger than the three Dark Lords.

Heiba ​​is the top master of the dark race.

In this way, we have always underestimated the true strength of the dark race.

The three masters of darkness are already so powerful.

So, isn't that black bully even more terrifying?

Lin Fei, you have to be more careful in your actions in the future. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"It turns out that there is also a samsara master in the line of samsara.

Master Samsara, and Hei Ba is a master at the same level.

If the Samsara Master can return, then it will be easy for you to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation and rise again.

It stands to reason that the Master of Samsara is a stronger existence than the ruler of the three major reincarnations, such a terrifying master, there should be no accidents. "

Desolate Beast said.

"A powerful existence like Heavenly Spirit Master has fallen, leaving only a corpse and a trace of the imprint of the soul hidden on the extremely cold continent.

Since the Heavenly Spirit Master will fall, it is not strange that the Samsara Master will fall. "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"thats right."

The beast nodded.

"Lin Fei, if you enter the Arctic Continent this time, you can get the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road. Then, your chances of breaking through and becoming the Chaos God has greatly increased.

Next, don't worry about other things, just practice wholeheartedly, and strive to break through quickly and become a chaos god.

You already have this kind of strength now. If you can break through and become a Chaos God, then you can definitely become a master at the level of the Ninth Floor Lord.

Even your future achievements are much higher than those of the ninth floor master! "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Well, Master, I'll listen to you. In the next time, I will practice wholeheartedly and strive to break through and become the Chaos God."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, I have already worked out a specific training plan for you.

In the first step, you first take the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one [new pen quge] Tao, condensing the nine-nine-nine and eighty-one road clone.

Each of these nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one dao avatars possesses the realm of the upper gods and true gods, and has different personalities, hobbies, and talents.


These ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars will enter different seas of space with different identities to carry out experience training.

After these ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars have cultivated to reach the realm of the tenth-level main god, they will reunite and become one whole you.

At that time, the accumulation and perception of each clone will be accumulated.

This means that you have lived again for ninety, ninety and eighty-one! Get the experience of ninety-nine and eighty-one! At that time, coupled with the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, then your chances of breaking through and becoming the Chaos God will be greatly improved! "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you, Master, for thinking of such a comprehensive training plan for me."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

I have to say that Baidi Shenjun is indeed very good at training apprentices.

In the past, he had cultivated all the five disciples he received into Chaos God! Since Lin Fei met the Baidi Divine Sovereign, under his training, his strength has been advancing all the way, and he has achieved such amazing achievements at a young age.

"All right.

Between you and me, master and apprentice, no need to say thanks.

Now, you start to take the fruit of the ninety-nine-eighty-one road.

Two of us, protect the law for you. "

Baidi Shenjun said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Baidi Shenjun himself opened up a small world.

Lin Fei entered the small world, waved his hand, and took out a space ring.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand to touch this spatial ring.

Immediately, ninety-nine-eighty-one black and white fruits appeared, suspended in front of Lin Fei.

It is the fruit of the ninety-nine eighty-one road! Each fruit exudes a strong and attractive fragrance.

It's so drunk! "Start taking it."

Lin Fei looked at the ninety-nine-eighty-one fruits in front of him, and then said.

Shoo... Lin Fei opened his mouth and sucked, immediately, one after another, Lin Fei kept sucking into his mouth.

Boom...As the fruits continued to enter the body, bursts of huge mysterious energy began to erupt in Lin Fei's body, vast and mighty, like a deep sea.

After Lin Fei swallowed all the fruits of the Great Dao, Lin Fei's body began to become illusory, and the breath exuding was extremely mysterious.

There are many ever-changing laws, floating out of Lin Fei's body, like ribbons, rippling in the space around Lin Fei's body.

I don't know how long it took.

call out! Suddenly, a light and shadow burst out of Lin Fei's body.

Then, this light and shadow were constantly changing beside Lin Fei, slowly condensing, and finally turned into an entity.

Another Lin Fei! A Lin Fei exactly like the body! After a while.

call out! Another light and shadow rushed out of Lin Fei's body, changing and condensing, and after a while, another Lin Fei appeared.


Groups of light and shadows continuously rushed out of Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei changed one after another.

All Lin Fei are exactly the same.

Moreover, these Lin Fei realms are all high-level gods! "The fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road is exactly the same as the legend."

Outside the small world, the Baidi Shenjun and Desolate Beast could see the situation in the small world clearly, and couldn't help but wonder.

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