Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4692: Fight in hell

"you flatter me.

I want to know how to completely eliminate these Yingui tribes. "

Lin Fei said.

"Do you really want to wipe out those Yingui tribes?"

Liu Qi asked in a daze.

"Not bad.

I think you should know the way to really destroy them. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Well, I can tell you the way to completely eliminate those Yingui tribes.

In fact, the real lair of the Yingui tribe is in hell.

The underworld is just a stronghold for them.

If you want to completely eliminate these ghost races, you must enter hell.

If you can wipe out all the ghost races in hell, maybe you can really wipe them out. "

Liu Qi thought for a while and said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei and Huo Yuan Beast were all taken aback when they heard Liu Qi's words.

However, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast soon figured out.

Since there are two realms of Yin and Yang above this mountain, it is not strange that there is another hell.

"Then can you tell me where the **** is."

Lin Fei asked Liu Qi.

"Hell is below the underworld."

Liu Qi pointed in the direction of the underworld.

The gazes of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast immediately looked over.

Sure enough, under the underworld just now, there was another dark and gloomy space.

In that space, there are all sorts of bizarre and terrifying scenes, as well as densely packed Yingui tribes! Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast looked at the hell, feeling a little weird.

Because before, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast had not seen the slightest shadow of this hell.

With the divine consciousness of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, it is impossible to feel that there is another space above the underworld within such a close distance.

Now this Liu Qiyi said, that **** will appear immediately.

This Liu Qi feels too mysterious and weird.

"Be careful, this Liu Qi must have a problem! I have a hunch that our biggest enemy may be him!"

The fire source beast quietly transmitted to Lin Fei.

"Yes, we really have to be careful of this Liu Qi."

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

In the hearts of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, they became more and more vigilant towards Liu Qi.

"Can these ghost tribes be completely wiped out by entering hell."

Lin Fei asked Liu Qi.

"I'm not sure about this, but **** is the true base camp of the ghost tribe. If you can eliminate all the ghost tribes in hell, it will definitely be a huge disaster for them, or you can really eliminate them. It might be dropped.

Of course, this is just my guess. "

Liu Qi replied.


I will enter **** now, and completely wipe out these ghost tribes! "

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast walked towards the hell.

With Lin Fei's and Huoyuan Beast's level of time and space laws, of course, they can easily travel through time and space and enter any different space.

After a while, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast arrived before hell.

In hell, there are densely packed Yingui tribes, and the number is so large that it makes the scalp numb.

"There seems to be a lot more Yin ghost tribes here than there are in the Yin world."

The fire source beast felt a little thrilling.

"It is indeed a lot more.

But don't be afraid, my mental energy can deal with them.

Let's go in. "

Lin Fei said.

Then Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast walked into hell.

In the hell, there is a billowing black mist surging. The black mist is so thick that it is impossible for people to see the real situation in hell.

From the moment they stepped into hell, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast felt that their sense of consciousness was greatly restricted.

The black mist rolled in all directions.

In these black mists, the shadows and shadows are so beautiful, as if there are thousands of troops gathered in it.

Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast could feel that there were countless malicious things staring at them in all directions.

At the same time, there was a mighty and terrifying murderous aura, surging with a chilling breath of death.

Feeling the terrifying aura around them, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were very vigilant.

"In this hell, there is a very strange law, and this law has a very restrictive effect on us.

Lin Fei, you have to be careful. "

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

"I know."

Lin Fei nodded.

Just at this time.

kill! There were bursts of violent roars in all directions, and then I saw the dense Yingui tribe rushing out of the black fog, each with a hideous and disgusting face, and murderously charged towards Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast.

These Yingui tribes finally couldn't wait, they had to take action on Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast.

"Beasts, good coming! I'm waiting for you!"

With a loud roar, Lin Fei immediately released fifty to sixty worlds of mental power, rumblingly shrouded in all directions.

Immediately, a large number of Yingui tribes were shrouded in the mental power world that Lin Fei showed.

At the same time, Lin Fei arranged hundreds of isolation formations to protect himself and the Fire Source Beast.

As a result, it would be much more difficult for those Yingui tribes to rush to Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast.

Bang Bang Bang... Lin Fei urged the mental power world to launch an attack. The mighty mental power energy bombarded the ghost tribes like a stormy sea. The bodies of the ghost tribes one after another were instantly shocked and exploded. For nothing.

When Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast saw this scene, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that even in this hell, their mental energy has a great restraint effect on these ghost tribes.

As long as the mental energy is effective, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast are relieved a lot.

It's just that the number of Yingui tribes in this **** is really too much, like a tide, densely packed, continuously coming out of the black fog, and culling them crazy.

Soon, the mental power worlds that Lin Fei arranged were smashed into pieces.

However, Lin Fei's current mental energy is already very smart, and he can deploy more mental energy in an instant.

Those formations were the same, constantly being smashed by those Yingui tribes, and Lin Fei continued to arrange more formations.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast stood in the middle of hundreds of formations.

For the time being, no Yingui clan could rush to his side.

"Lin Fei, fortunately you are good at mental energy.

Otherwise, the two of us would break into this place, and I'm afraid we would be torn to pieces by these ghost tribes in an instant.

This is called being born all things, one thing restrains one thing! "

The Fire Source Beast couldn't help sighing.

"It is indeed the most effective to deal with these Yingui tribes with mental energy!"

Lin Fei also nodded.

With the passage of time, the number of Yingui tribes killed by Lin Fei increased.

After those Yingui tribes were killed, no flesh, bones and human organs were left behind, only a large number of negative thinking fragments.

These fragments of negative thinking flooded the surrounding space, making the atmosphere of this **** even more eerie and terrifying.

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