Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4719: The anger of the four old posters

The four old posters just remembered that they had promised this Yin Gui clan before that after Lin Fei was to be killed, the Yin Gui clan would let them go.

But now, they did not kill Lin Fei at all.

"Master Yingui tribe, we have done our best.

Originally, we could kill Lin Fei, but the adult fire source beast has been helping Lin Fei.

Moreover, the environment of the space inside is very terrifying, and it has a blessing effect on the fighting power of the fire source beast clan, so we can't beat the adult fire source beast at all. "

One of the old posters carefully explained to the Yinguizu.

"This has nothing to do with me, I only know that you have promised me before to help me kill Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is still alive now, so you can't leave. "

The Yin Gui clan replied lightly.

"Master Yingui tribe, we have been in this time and space for a long time, and there are still many educational affairs in the Years Building waiting for us to go back to deal with.

Please forgive me, let us go. "

Another old poster said in a requesting tone.

"I don't care about other things. I only know that the four of you have promised me to help me kill Lin Fei, and I will let you go.

If you didn't kill Lin Fei, I wouldn't let you leave this place. "

Yin Guizu said lightly.

"Master Yingui tribe, don't deceive people too much!"

After hearing the words of the Yinguizu, the four old posters were a little angry.

You know, the four of them all belong to the top masters of the pyramid in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Call the wind and call the rain, all the wind and cloud! With the status of the four of them, stomping in the sea of ​​absolute space will cause a terrible earthquake to occur in the entire sea of ​​absolute space.

However, since entering this space and time, I first met the Yingui clan and then the ancestors of the Huoyuan Beast clan! Make these four old posters feel extremely aggrieved! They found that in this space and time, they were like a poor bug and a clown, and they couldn't leave.

"Don't talk about those useless nonsense, now you have only two choices, first, become my clone, and second, help me kill Lin Fei before I can leave this space and time."

Yin Guizu said lightly.

There is no joy, anger, sorrow or joy on his face.

"Master Yingui tribe, in that space inside, the strength of the adult fire source beast is really terrifying.

We are not his opponent at all, we want to kill Lin Fei, but we can't. "

An old poster replied.

"It's very simple. If you don't have the ability to kill Lin Fei, then you will become my clone.

Two options, pick one by yourself. "

Yin Guizu said.

The four old posters of the Years Tower all felt very angry.

But they knew that the Yin Ghost Race in front of them was a very terrifying existence. If it was not necessary, they really didn't want to conflict with this Yin Ghost Race.

But they couldn't think of another way! In this way, the four old landlords stood there, and the Yingui tribe stood in front of them.

"Master Yingui tribe, please open the internet, we will always be grateful for your kindness."

An old host said in a loud voice.

"I don't need you to be grateful to me. For the two choices I gave, you can only choose one, there is no third choice."

The Yin Gui clan said lightly, and there was no room for discussion.

The hearts of the four old posters are getting more and more angry, more and more aggrieved, you look at me, I look at you.

"At this point, there is no other way! Fight against this nasty ghost clan!"

One of the old posters suggested.

"Okay! It seems that he won't let us go anymore! Everyone shot together and fought with him! We attacked him at the same time, pushed him back, and then escaped with lightning speed. Go! Remember that you can't have the slightest reservation, you must go all out to display all the means, hole cards, exercises, and secret techniques!"

Another old poster said.

"it is good!"

The other three old posters nodded secretly.

These four old posters all used Transsion to discuss again.

"Do it!"

After the discussion, one of the posters suddenly shouted.

Rumble...The four old posters shot together, only to see that a lot of magic weapons flew out of each old poster! These magic weapons were activated at the same time, and a mighty energy coercion erupted, suppressing the Yin Ghost Tribe and Liu Qi.

At the same time, the four old posters all used their best lore, unleashing a series of glorious magical attacks, tearing time and space, and the mighty Chaoyin ghost clan bombarded the past.

At the same time, these four old landlords also displayed a variety of methods they are good at and trump cards.

It has to be said that the strength of these four old posters is indeed very powerful, and the attack energy that they burst out when they work together is terrible.

Instantly made this piece of time and space boil.

"I advise you not to make senseless resistance!"

Yin Guizu said with a sneer.

The voice fell off.

With a wave of the Yin Gui Clan, the endless avatars of the Yin Gui Clan rushed out from the space behind him, densely packed, and rushed towards the four old posters.

"These nasty guys again!"

The four old posters were extremely frightened.

This ghost clan has endless clones, and these clones cannot really be killed! This is also one of the reasons why this Yingui clan is so difficult! Most of the time, this yin ghost clan doesn't need to act personally at all, and his clones are a headache.


The four old posters looked at all directions, the surging Yin Ghost Clan clones, all feeling grief and inexplicable, one by one roared, full of anger, as if they were about to vent completely, and rushed to the Yin Ghost Clan clones desperately. .

Boom... Soon, the four old posters and these ghost clan clones, fighting together fiercely.

The fighting power of the four old posters is amazing, and every shot can easily smash a large number of ghost clan clones.

However, after these avatars were smashed, they were reorganized for a while, and they went back to the four old posters! "Damn it! Why did we break into this terrible time and space in the first place! If we didn't come in, we wouldn't have to encounter this ghost tribe or the adult fire source beast!"

The four old posters were surrounded by densely packed, like a piece of ocean-like ghost clan clones, and they all felt like crying without tears.

"It's all because of Lin Fei and that juvenile fire source beast. If it weren't for chasing them down, we wouldn't have entered this terrible time and space!"

One of the old posters shouted Li.

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