Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4731: Escape into the Valley of Eight Fires

"it is good!"

Lin Fei nodded.

Both Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast understood that under the chase of the four old masters of Suiyuelou, it was difficult for them to escape with their normal strength.

Only when the source of divine power is burned and the potential is stimulated, it is possible to escape.

As a result, Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast once again burned a part of the source of divine power, and the speed suddenly increased.

" two little guys, don't you want to die?

Well, you can burn the source of divine power slowly, I want to see how much of the source of divine power you can burn.

Perhaps, we won’t have to take action at all at that time, you two will be exhausted because of their divine power, and then you will die! "

In the rear, the four old posters clearly saw Lin Fei and the fire source beast's actions to burn the source of divine power, but they were not in a hurry at all, instead they laughed.

They are confident that no matter how Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast escape, they can perceive the direction and trajectory of their escape, and thus track them accurately.

Even the four of them started to have a cat-and-mouse mentality, and wanted to take a good look at how Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast struggled in despair before they were caught.

Therefore, the speed of the four old posters was not hurried or slow, and they kept a certain distance from Lin Fei.

The other seven young posters felt very happy seeing this situation.

"Haha, Lin Fei, Huoyuan Beast, now you know how powerful our Time Tower is! Two of our owners in the Time Tower died in your hands. Wait, wait until you two are caught, and I will run out As far as I know, the most cruel punishments in the world are imposed on you one by one! Let you two completely regret it, why do you want to be right with us! And, from now on, I swear, we will definitely do Use all your energy to find out all the families, teachers, and friends in this world that are related to you, and kill them all! Especially you, Lin Fei, I know you still have your family and teachers, they can’t escape !"

The building owner of Years Tower stared at the back of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, and said with a wild smile.

"The eleven owners of the Suiyue Tower personally pursued and killed Lin Fei and the fire source beast. It seems that they are inevitable with their wings.

Years House is too strong.

In the future, you must not provoke the years.

Otherwise, even such a powerful source of fire beast would be hunted down so miserably! "

"Not bad.

The fate of Lin Fei and the fire source beast must have been very miserable.

You know, the four old posters of the Suiyuelou, but the masters of the same level as the three masters of darkness, provoke such terrible masters, the entire Absolute Space Sea, there are not many forces and strong people, can withstand their anger! "

In the distance, countless creatures were watching this chase and sighed.

"Just leave them alone.

Let's escape into the Valley of Eight Fires! "

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

"I know."

Lin Fei nodded.

Under the condition of burning the source of divine power, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were very fast.

Before I knew it, I was getting closer and closer to the Valley of Eight Fires! "We are almost at the Valley of the Eight Fires!"

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were both very excited, and their speed accelerated a bit when they were refreshed.


Isn’t the Valley of Eight Fires ahead?

The two of them want to escape into the Valley of Eight Fires, right? "

At this time, the four old posters at the back also discovered that Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast seemed to have been fleeing towards the location of the Eight Fire Valley, and couldn't help being shocked.

If you ask, in the sea of ​​absolute space, which place is most afraid of these four old posters, the answer is definitely the Valley of Eight Fires! Because they had just escaped from the time and space in the depths of the Valley of Eight Fires not long ago.

In that time and space, there are Yingui tribe! Thinking of the Yingui tribe, these four old posters chilled their backs.

"No! The hearts of these two little beasts are too cruel, they really want to escape into the Valley of Eight Fires! We quickly stop them, and absolutely can't let them escape into the Valley of Eight Fires, otherwise, we won't have a chance to catch it. They are!"

An old poster yelled.

Shoo... the four old posters all speeded up suddenly, no longer daring to have the slightest reservation, and pursued Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast with all their strength.

In the hearts of these four old posters, there was some regret.

I regret why I didn't go all out just now, I had already caught Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast! In fact, with the strength of the four of them, if they had gone all out just now, it would have been possible that Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast would have been caught.

It's just that now after the four of them wake up, it's a bit late.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were getting closer and closer to the Valley of Eight Fires.

After burning part of the original divine power again, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were extremely fast.

Shoo! Finally, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast arrived at the entrance and exit of the Valley of Eight Fires.


The four old posters sprinted with all their strength, getting closer and closer to Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, but when they saw that Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were close to the entrance and exit of the Valley of Eight Fires, they were all anxious and shouted.

"Haha, four old guys, you can't catch us.

Wait, next time, we will definitely go to you to settle the account! "

Lin Fei turned around and laughed.


Shoo! Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast rushed into the Valley of Eight Fires at the same time.

Behind, the four old posters and the seven young posters were all dumbfounded.

They tracked Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast for most of the day, and as a result, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast escaped into the Valley of Eight Fires.

You know, the Valley of Eight Fires is one of the places they are most afraid of! "Damn it! We will follow up, as long as we don't enter the time and space deep in the eye of the fire, we shouldn't be afraid!"

One of the old posters gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay! Chase in! Be sure to catch these two little beasts anyway!"

Several other old posters also nodded.

Thus, the four old posters took the lead and rushed into the Valley of Eight Fires.

The seven young posters behind, with a large number of people from the Years Tower, also quickly caught up and came to the entrance and exit of the Valley of Eight Fires, all of them hesitating.

You know, the seven of them already have a serious psychological shadow on the place of Eight Fire Valley.

In the past, one of the owners of the Ninth Building was killed by the Fire Source Beast in the Valley of Eight Fires.

Later, they broke into that time and space in the depths of the Valley of Eight Fires, met the Yingui clan, and almost couldn't get out! "Haha... Once you enter the Valley of the Eight Fires, it's my territory!"

In the Valley of Eight Fires, the fire source beast's cheerful laughter sounded.

Boom...With the laughter of the fire source beast, all the sacred fires in the entire Valley of Eight Fires began to riot.

These sacred fires produced a powerful force that pushed Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast forward at great speed.

Suddenly, the advancing speed of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast doubled!

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