Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4735: Kill all the spies

At this time, Lin Fei also wanted to test the effect of the moves he learned from the Yingui clan.

Then, under the control of Lin Fei's mind, in Ye Yunfei's mental power world, batch after batch of terrifying creatures continued to condense.

The quantity is so large that it is impossible to calculate.

Like a piece of ocean, the spies from the Years Tower rushed from all directions.

In the beginning, the spies from the Years Tower were still very active, killing a large number of them, and preparing to kill all these creatures before dealing with Lin Fei.

However, gradually, they realized that something was wrong.

These creatures seem to be inexhaustible! Finally, the spies of these years began to kill a bit tired.

However, the surrounding heavens still have a steady stream of terrifying creatures, constantly being born, constantly rushing over, launching terrible attacks! The spies of these years are beginning to be scared! Becomes irritable and yells.

"Damn it! How could Lin Fei's men suddenly have so many people?

Never heard of it! "

"I heard that Lin Fei seems to be good at mental energy. I guess we must be trapped in Lin Fei's mental energy.

Things are a bit bad.

Let's rush out together! "

"Mind energy is one of the most difficult energy in the world.

To deal with mental energy, only relying on a strong soul body, divine consciousness, and a firm mind, can it be possible to crack the world of mental power.

Everyone try it and stick to your will! "

...These spies expressed their opinions one after another, and gradually began to be in a state that was about to be unsustainable.

However, this unfamiliar world of mental strength has firmly trapped them, and with their strength, there is no way to escape.

Kill... In all directions, there is still an endless army of terrible creatures, and the tide usually rushes towards them.

"Ah... **** it! Lin Fei, if you have a seed, come out and fight us honestly. What a hero with such dirty means!"

"Lin Fei, get out!"

...Finally, the spies of these years began to collapse.

They are beginning to lose strength! "Haha, why should I pretend to be a hero in front of you?

No need for this! "

Lin Fei's figure suddenly reappeared in the high altitude of this strange world, with his hands on his back, and looked at the chaotic gods of the Suiyuelou, who was forced to collapse completely, with his hands on his back, feeling very happy.

"Lin Fei, your understanding is terrible.

You learned this trick from that ghost clan.

Unexpectedly, the ghost clan uses negative emotions to create clones, but you use your mental energy to create so many clones.

This trick has been learned by you! "

The Fire Source Beast stood beside Lin Fei, seeing the situation of the spies in the Years Tower clearly, and couldn't help sighing.

"Hehe, it's just a moment of inspiration."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Ah...I can't stand it anymore, you **** army of creatures, get out of me!"

Finally, the Chaos God of the Years Tower couldn't hold it anymore, and his spirit was completely confused, and he roared madly.

He went all out and bombarded the surrounding frantically.

Even, he started attacking other spies from the Years Building, and couldn't tell the enemy from us! Ah... The spy in another Years Building nearby was caught off guard, and was screamed screaming when he was smashed to pieces by the crazy spy.

Kill... an endless army of creatures surged up, surrounded the soul body of the spy whose body had been shattered, and bitten wildly.

Ahhh... the soul body of the spy screamed in pain.

You know, using mental energy to deal with the soul body is the most effective method.

And these terrifying army of creatures are all condensed by Lin Fei's mental energy! In just a moment, the spy's soul body was torn into pieces and died with hatred.

Ahhh...Almost at the same time, the spy who had gone mad was also rushed up by the dense army of creatures, and even his flesh and soul bodies were torn apart by madness.

In a moment.

Another Chaos God fell.

"No! Lin Fei, don't kill me! I will never be an enemy of you again! You think that I have worked so hard, cultivated for such a long time, and gone through hundreds of millions of hardships, and finally became a chaos god. , You let me go."

"Xia Xiaoxia Lin Fei, as long as you don't kill me, from now on, I will leave the Tower of Time, follow you, be a bull and a horse! Become your most faithful slave!"

"me too!"

At this time, the Chaos Gods of the remaining few years, all of them were shocked, without the slightest intent to fight.

They felt a strong breath of death! They finally understand that if this continues, they will definitely die! However, as the chaos gods, they don't know how many years of cultivation, where would they die?

In many cases, the more real masters, the less reluctant to die! Because, the real masters have a lot more things than ordinary warriors! "Oh?

Be a slave to me? "

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a move when he heard the pleading of the spies.

With the continuous improvement of strength, Lin Fei has not used the secret technique of the soul race like the puppet thread to subdue the new slaves.

Because the enemies that Lin Fei faced were getting higher and higher levels.

And the secret technique of Puppet's thread, as a kind of inheritance secret technique of the soul race, the level is too low.

Lin Fei understands that using the thread of a puppet cannot conquer the **** of chaos! "Pity.

I don't have any secret techniques yet, I can subdue the Chaos God and become my slave.

Otherwise, I will be happy to leave your lives. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little regretful thinking about this, shook his head and said.

"Guardian Lin Fei, don't worry, you don't need any secret skills, we are willing to be slaves to you! It's true, we swear, we will always follow you and never change your heart!"

The spies in the Years Tower heard Lin Fei's words and quickly pleaded.

"Hehe, now you are facing life and death, of course you will say so.

Once in the future, when you find a chance to escape my control, you will definitely betray me.

So, go to death. "

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled.

next moment.

Ahhh...As Lin Fei urged the world of mental power again and launched an attack, the spies in the world of mental power began to scream.

Then, these spies died tragically on the spot one by one, none of them survived! As a result, all the spies lurking in the Years Tower around the Valley of Eight Fires were all easily killed by Lin Fei.

"Young Master Lin, you are so amazing! You have killed all the spies in the Years Building! However, there are still some dark spies still lurking around the Valley of Eight Fires."

At this moment, the sound transmission in the distance resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness again.

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