Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4746: Tiangang Reincarnation

"What, a reincarnation army has appeared?"

The senior officials of the Dark Clan soon received the news.

"Huh, what a **** Samsara army! The Samsara army of the reincarnation line was destroyed by our dark clan long ago.

Now there are still guys who are not afraid of death and dare to pretend to be the Samsara Army. It is really impatient to live. "

Some leaders of the dark clan spoke coldly.

"Stop! Who are you, pretending to be, all kneel down and get checked, otherwise, die!"

In the sea of ​​absolute space, somewhere in the void, a reincarnation army was marching rumblingly. Suddenly a large group of dark people appeared, blocking the way of this reincarnation army. The leading dark clan master, with condescending eyes, Scanned disdainfully at the reincarnation army ahead.

"It turns out to be the people of the dark race.

It is worthy of you rubbish, what right do we have to let our reincarnation army kneel down.

Well, since you people from the Dark Clan dare to send it to the door, let the world see the strength of our Samsara Army again today.

Kill you all today as a sacrifice for the return of our Samsara Army. "

Among the ranks of the Samsara Army, a tall man wearing golden armor came out and said quietly, with an unspeakable majesty.

"Arrogance! Some remnants of the reincarnation line, dare to say such a big thing! Well, today I will cut off the remnants of the reincarnation line, so that the world knows that as long as we are in the dark clan, the reincarnation line will never exist. A chance to stand up! The reincarnation line will always be trampled under our feet by the dark race!"

The leader headed by the Dark Clan said coldly.

Rumble... Suddenly, the people on both sides drew their swords, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

I saw that in the vast time and space, two vast armies were confronting each other, and there were many people on both sides, like mountains and seas, lined up on both sides, iron armor flashing, countless weapons and armor flashing, extremely dazzling.

"Look! The Dark Clan has sent troops to provoke this army that claims to be the reincarnation army!"

At this time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, there have long been many creatures moving after hearing the wind, rushing to watch this lively scene.

Especially some old antiques who have lived for a long time have been very concerned since they heard the news of the re-emergence of the Samsara Army.

Back then, the prestige of the Samsara Army in the sea of ​​absolute space was really terrifying.

"Only you?

Want to kill us too?

Actually, I can single out you cats and dogs.

Our reincarnation army’s prestigious name back then was actually shot out with one shot. "

In front of the camp of the Samsara Army, the man in golden armor suddenly moved, strode forward, and said coldly as he walked.

"It's crazy! Okay, I'm going to try it, you have a few pounds!"

The expert headed by the Dark Clan was furious, holding a pair of black halberds, and strode out.

This dark clan is very tall, surging with terrifying black energy, and has a terrifying aura.

Every step he took made Void tremble violently.

Boom...The golden armored man of the Samsara Army and the leader of the dark clan, both sides strode closer.

The leader of the dark race had a sneer and a trace of disdain.

He is a chaos god! Over the years, the Dark Clan dominated the Absolute Space Sea, and the reincarnation line was almost extinct. Now, these so-called reincarnation forces suddenly appeared, how could he be afraid! The leader of this dark clan felt that even if the real reincarnation army came back then, he didn't need to be afraid.

The golden armored man of the Samsara Army had a plain and indifferent expression.

"Remember, my name is Tiangang Reincarnation God."

Suddenly, the man in the golden armor said.

He has a strong body, his eyebrows are like swords, he has an indescribable heroic spirit, and his eyes are shining brightly, like a pair of golden lanterns.


! Tiangang reincarnation! He is one of the ten leaders of the Samsara Army, Tiangang Samsara God! "

Some of the older generations of creatures lurking in the distance to watch the excitement can't help but gasp after hearing this.

Back then, the Samsara Army had ten commanders, and the entire sea of ​​absolute space was Megatron.

One of them is Tiangang Reincarnation God! "Are you Tiangang Reincarnation God?"

Even the leader of the dark clan had a stature and was puzzled. As the chaos **** of the dark clan, he had naturally heard of the **** of reincarnation in Tiangang.

Moreover, when the reincarnation **** of Tiangang shook the entire Absolute Space Sea, the leader of the dark race was just a small and insignificant role.

The leader of this dark clan knew that if the golden armored man in front of him was really the legendary Tiangang reincarnation god, then he was definitely vulnerable.

"Not bad.

I am indeed the **** of reincarnation in Tiangang. Now that you know who killed you, you can die. "

Tiangang reincarnation said indifferently.

"Huh! The Samsara Army was wiped out by the Dark Army of our Dark Clan early in those years! You pretend to be a **** here and frighten someone! Even if you are really the God of Tiangang Samsara, you will surely be able to kill me! Okay, just let me Try, how much do you have!"

The leader of the dark race was completely angered.

Because, he found that the other side's eyes were ignoring him from beginning to end, not treating him as the same thing.

Boom...In the midst of the rage, the leader of this dark clan took the lead. The pair of black halberds in his hand were activated at the same time, and he slew forward.

This leader of the Dark Clan has cultivated to become a Chaos God for a very long time. He has been serving as a small leader among the Dark Clan for a long time, and he is somewhat confident.

He won't be scared back because the other party reported the name of Tiangang Reincarnation God.

"Kill you, I can do it with one hand."

The man in the golden armor said indifferently.

Rumble... As the voice fell, billowing golden light erupted from his body, extremely flaming, and his eyes seemed even more frightening.

"Arrogance has a price!"

Hearing this, the leader of the Dark Clan turned blue with anger and roared.

The energy in his body poured out, like billowing black wolf smoke, rising into the sky.

Rumble...He was completely dark and his combat power was amazing.

Huh! The double halberd in his hand split the sky, and the cold and faint halberd blade opened the river of time and space! At this moment, he was like a black killing god, with terrifying killing intent.

"The Chaos God of the Dark Clan really deserves its reputation! No wonder, the Dark Clan was able to destroy the reincarnation line."

Those who watched the excitement in the distance immediately started talking in a low voice.

boom! Facing the offensive of this master of the dark clan, the man in golden armor seemed very calm. He made a simple move, stepping in sideways, palm like a knife, and cut forward.

The law of reincarnation bloomed from his palm.

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