Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4749: Reincarnation

Boom...With Tiangang Reincarnation God's punch, the fist is compelling, and the rolling supernatural power surges.

Boom...wherever the fist power went, the dark army was overwhelmed by the billowing fist wind before they could react, and this time and space was shattered.

In an instant, a large part of the Dark Army died. This time and space became a sea of ​​blood, and the broken weapons and broken bones that could not be splattered together. The Dark Army who had the power of the Absolute Space Sea was completely shattered before they even screamed. There are some flesh and bones left.

Boom... Tiangang Reincarnation made a few punches on one side, fist like a sea, rolling up heavy waves, shattering a large area of ​​time and space, and crushing it toward the remaining dark army.

Not only the dark army, this piece of time and space has also been completely wiped out, time and space collapsed, everything was destroyed, and turned into black and dead places.

"It's terrible! This is the battle power of Tiangang Reincarnation God! One of the ten famous commanders of the reincarnation army at that time, it really deserves its reputation!"

In the distance, those onlookers were all shocked, feeling cold all over, who can stop such a powerful master?

From the beginning to the next level, the Tiangang Reincarnation God made less than ten punches, which caused a terrible disaster and destroyed endless time and space! Those dark armies were completely wiped out, not one left! Many creatures are trembling, cold all over, many people sweat all over! "It's no wonder that the reincarnation line can become one of the most powerful superpowers in the sea of ​​absolute space, and it does have such a background.

Just one of the masters appeared, it was so scary! If those masters of the reincarnation line could gather together, it would be hard to imagine how strong the overall strength is! "

"It has always been said that the line of reincarnation has been destroyed, but now it seems that this is not the case! The return of such a strong master in the line of reincarnation, maybe it can really reproduce the glory of the year!"

"From now on, we must remain in awe of the reincarnation line! We must never provoke the reincarnation line anymore! Apart from anything else, this Tiangang reincarnation **** has come to the door. Just ask, how much is there in the entire sea of ​​absolute space? You can resist it!"

......In the distance, countless creatures are talking in shock.


At this time, Tiangang Reincarnation God has reassembled the reincarnation army.

In the war just now, the casualties of this reincarnation army were very small, almost negligible.

Rumble... Tiangang Reincarnation God continues to advance with this reincarnation army.

Soon after.

The three samsara dominate the sea of ​​space, within the palace of samsara.

"Haha... Tiangang reincarnation returns!"

The masters of the three samsara are very happy.

You know, the Samsara Army is the main force in the line of Samsara! For the cycle of reincarnation, it is of great significance.

Soon after.

Tiangang Reincarnation God finally returned to the Samsara Palace with a reincarnation army.

"See the masters of the three samsara!"

Under the leadership of the **** of reincarnation in Tiangang, the whole army salutes the three samsara masters.

" need to be polite, just come back, just come back!"

Three samsara dominate laughter.

Soon after, one after another masters of the cycle of reincarnation returned continuously and came to the palace of reincarnation.

At the same time, several armies of reincarnation have also returned.

As a result, more and more people gathered in the Samsara Palace! These men and horses are all the forces that survived the reincarnation line in that battle. Now they are summoned by the three samsara masters and have returned! "From now on, announce to the entire Absolute Space Sea that we are one line of reincarnation and officially return! The headquarters will be in the reincarnation palace temporarily!"

The three samsara masters personally gave orders.

As a result, the news of the return of the cycle of reincarnation is like a hurricane, spreading rapidly in the Jedi space sea at an alarming speed! The entire sea of ​​absolute space has become a sensation! Almost every sea of ​​space, every plane, there are countless creatures talking frantically.

The line of reincarnation, this long period of silence, and even the legendary superpower that has been wiped out, finally reappeared! "Next, Absolute Space Sea begins to enter a chaotic era!"

"Yes! The calm period of the absolute space sea has passed! An era of great melee is here!"

... Many old antiques who have lived for a long time can't help but sigh up to the sky and feel deeply worried.

Because they know the enmity between the samsara and the dark race.

The momentum is the same as the fire and water, but not in the same sky! The line of reincarnation returns to the sea of ​​absolute space, and sooner or later it will seek revenge from the dark race.

And the dark clan will certainly not let the reincarnation line return smoothly! There must be a battle on both sides! And it is a fierce battle! It may even be a terrible battle involving the entire sea of ​​absolute space! "First, the four old landlords of Suiyuelou returned, and Suiyuelou rose strongly! Now, the line of reincarnation has suddenly returned! It seems that the general trend of the world has been repetitive and calm for a period of time, and it will definitely enter a period of chaos.

Perhaps, when this period of chaos has passed, we will enter a period of calm again! This may be the cycle of heaven. "

Some old antiques sighed.

In the headquarters of the Dark Clan.

In a huge palace.

"Huh! The three major reincarnation masters have not fallen.

They were all severely and fatally injured back then. Unexpectedly, after these years of treatment, they all recovered and returned. "

A dark master said coldly.

"The battle that year had just ended, I said, one day, the line of reincarnation will return sooner or later, and it is true now.

The three reincarnations dominate the reincarnation of the creatures in the world. How can they fall easily? "

The other Dark Lord said.

"It's just that we were able to severely wound them back then and break the cycle. Today, we still have the ability to maimed them again.

Moreover, this time, we will not only maimed them, but also beat them down! "

The third Dark Lord said coldly.

"Not bad.

The reincarnation line wants to return to the sea of ​​absolute space, and has asked us the dark race.

Hehe... This time, we are going to be more aggressive, trying to completely wipe out the cycle of reincarnation! We can no longer cut the grass without eradicating the roots, leaving so many scourges! "

Said a dark master.

"Well, let's not move for the time being, but I want to see how many remnants of reincarnation will come out.

After all the remnants of reincarnation have emerged, we will try to kill them more thoroughly.

If we do it too early, I am afraid that there are still some remnants of reincarnation that have not appeared. "

Said a dark master.

"Okay, that's it.

Wait for them to get together before you start. "

The other two dark masters both nodded in agreement.

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