Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4767: Deducing Lin Fei's clone

"Let's continue to deduct it and see if we can deduct what Lin Fei is plotting in the end."

A mage said.


The other mages agreed.

As a result, the wizards of the Dark Clan began to play Lin Fei's clone again.

Dozens of wizards gathered together to deduct, and quickly formed one mysterious seal after another, and the runes containing the law of darkness continued to float out and penetrate into time and space.

Lin Fei has been listed as one of the number one enemy by the Dark Clan, so the Dark Clan will track down everything related to Lin Fei.

Especially these wizards of the Dark Clan had collectively deduced Lin Fei a long time ago, and more than once, but for a long time, these wizards could not help Lin Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei has become a demon of these wizards! Unless you can catch Lin Fei, or kill Lin Fei, this demon can crack it! at the same time.

Desolate Beast took Lin Fei's clone and returned to the Valley of Fallen God.

"Lin Fei has another clone to break through to the tenth-level main **** and return safely!"

Baidi Shenjun couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw the wild beast bring back a clone of Lin Fei.

The more Lin Fei's clones return, the greater the chance of winning will be when they hit the Chaos God Realm.

The Wild Beast took Lin Fei's clone and returned to the small world of Lin Fei's retreat and practice.

"Thank you, Senior Desolate Beast."

Lin Fei's voice came from the small world.

Then, Lin Fei's clone walked into the small world and merged into the ontology.

Immediately, the various experiences and memories of this clone in the sea of ​​thousands of waves all emerged in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, and completely became part of Lin Fei's memory.

"There is another master, but this master is really nice to me."

Lin Fei could not help but smile after reading all the experiences of his clone in the world of thousands of waves.

"So far, my clone has returned to the Five Realms.

There are still many that have not returned. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"First, take a good look at the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Symbols."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

Nine jade charms were suspended in front of Lin Fei, constantly deducing the laws of the world.

Lin Fei felt these rules one by one.

This is a practice that requires great patience.

You must know that time and space are endless, and there are so many large and small worlds that it is impossible to calculate.

Every world, regardless of level or scale, will have its own different laws.

It takes an amazing amount of time and energy to realize all the laws that have appeared in the world.

Fortunately, as a god, Ye Yunfei has endless time, so there is no need to worry about running out of time.

What's more, Desolate Beast is proficient in the law of time and has already done it himself. Outside of the small world where Lin Fei retreats and practices, he has laid out a lot of time rules and restrictions.

In this way, the small world of Lin Fei's retreat and practice has a different flow of time from the outside world.

In the small world, Lin Fei has more time! at this time.

In a lair of the dark race.

Those dozens of mages were still concentrating on deducing Lin Fei's clone.

"I finally pushed something!"

Suddenly, one of the wizards shouted.

The gazes of other mages immediately turned towards this mages.

"In the process of deduction, I seem to capture some information.

The reason why Lin Fei has so many clones scattered in the sea of ​​absolute space seems to be for cultivation! "

The mage said.

"To practice?"

The other mages were taken aback.

"Not bad.

Very likely, it is for cultivation. "

The mage nodded.


Legend has it that in the ancient times, some strong people would condense many clones for cultivation, enter different worlds, and experience experience.

At the end, these clones all return to the ontology, and the various experiences and perceptions during the training process become part of the ontology.

In this way, the ontology is equivalent to experiencing many different lives.

It is said that the effect of this practice method is very good.

However, this kind of cultivation method is very precious and extremely rare.

Could it be that Lin Fei actually got this kind of cultivation method? "

A mage groaned.

"Lin Fei is very mysterious. His luck seems to be very good. Even if he has obtained this kind of cultivation method, it is not surprising."

Another mage said.

"Yes, it is really possible."

The other mages also nodded one after another.

"In this way, the most likely reason why Lin Fei has so many clones scattered in the sea of ​​absolute space is for cultivation."

A mage said.

"If this is the case, we can't let Lin Fei practice smoothly! Let's deduct it together. We will find out the locations of Lin Fei's clones one by one, and then send troops to destroy all of Lin Fei's clones! If these clones of Fei were destroyed, Lin Fei's cultivation would fail.

This may be a blow to his strength. "

Another mage said.

"good idea!"

The other mages nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Start deducing the whereabouts of those clones of Lin Fei!"

A mage said loudly.

Then, these mages began to deduct Lin Fei's clone.

"By the way, send someone to tell Sui Yue Lou the news.

Because of Lin Fei, Suiyuelou has already fallen to two of the original posters. I believe that Suiyuelou is also willing to send people to deal with Lin Fei's clone. "

Suddenly, one of the wizards said.

"good idea.

Pull up the time floor to deal with Lin Fei together. "

The other mages all nodded in agreement.

Therefore, these mages immediately sent people to the headquarters of the Suiyuelou to deliver the letter.

at this time.

In the reincarnation palace.

On a piece of grass.

At a stone table, three old men sat.

Three samsara dominate! Moreover, it is the main body dominating the three samsara! The three reincarnation masters have announced to the entire Absolute Space Sea that the reincarnation line has officially returned and the headquarters is located in the reincarnation palace.

At this time, the three samsara masters are discussing things about the line of samsara.



There is a little guy who seems to have broken through to become a chaos god! "

Suddenly one of the samsara masters said, a little surprised.

"It's the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast! He is a divine beast, and his breakthrough is the escalation of blood in his body."

Another Samsara master said.

Boom...At this time, the small world of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast's retreat cultivation was filled with a mighty energy frenzy, roaring frantically.

The whole small world was shaken and shaken, and it seemed unbearable.

"I finally broke through.

From now on, I am a master of the Chaos God level. "

In this small world, the sound of the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast sounded.

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