Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4778: Split protection

"In this case, we must hurry up and set off.

The Dark Clan already knows the whereabouts of your clones, and will send troops to deal with your clones at any time. "

Desolate Beast said.

"A total of 65 clones of me have not returned.

How about this.

Senior Desolate Beast, you help me protect the fifteen clones.

My body and those clones that have returned are responsible for protecting the thirty-five clones.

Huoyuan Beast, you help me protect the fifteen clones. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Lin Fei, are you responsible for protecting the 35 clones?

So many, can you handle it. "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the wild beast couldn't help being taken aback.

"Senior, don't worry, with my current strength, I should be able to handle it."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Hehe, old fellow, you can't refuse.

Lin Fei's current strength is indeed much better than our two old guys.

You forget, even the owner of the ninth floor of Suiyuelou let Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast kill them.

And over the years, you two old guys and I have been chased by the ninth floor master and hide in hiding.

Don't think you are a senior, you must not be able to beat Lin Fei now. "

At this time, Baidi Shenjun suddenly laughed.


It seems that you can't accept the old. "

After hearing Baidi Shenjun's words, the desolate beast was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help sighing.

"Okay, let's go now.

These are my secret communication jade slips, which can send messages quickly.

We keep in touch with each other at any time. Once something happens, we can support each other at any time. "

With a wave of the wild beast, a dozen teleportation jade slips flew out.


Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast put away the jade slips.

"Well, let's start now."

Desolate Beast said.

So, the wild beasts, Lin Fei, those clones of Lin Fei that had returned, and the Fire Origin Beast walked out of the Valley of Fallen God at the same time, and began to walk towards the positions of those clones of Lin Fei that had not returned.

"From now on, as long as you encounter the Dark Clan and the creatures of the Years Tower, you can kill them!"

Lin Fei's body walked in the sea of ​​absolute space, with murderous eyes in his eyes.

Lin Fei's current combat power is no longer what it used to be.

In the past, as long as a Chaos God came, he could chase and kill Lin Fei and escape everywhere.

Especially the nine posters of Suiyuelou, any one of them can easily crush Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei's combat power is already stronger than that of the ninth floor owner of the Years Tower! It can be said that Lin Fei is now a top-notch expert in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Unless you meet the top masters of the three dark masters, you need to retreat, and you don't have to be afraid when you meet other Chaos Gods of average strength! Soon after.

Lin Fei came to the sea of ​​space where one of his clones was.

This space sea is called the quicksand space sea.

"My body is here."

At this time, in the sea of ​​quicksand space, on a certain plane, on a certain barren star, a young man was sitting on this star, practicing in retreat, suddenly, the young man raised his head and said.

This young man was called Meng Fei, a clone of Lin Fei.

Now, Meng Fei is already a famous young genius in the sea of ​​quicksand space.

He practiced in retreat on this star, just to hit the realm of the tenth-level main god! "It seems that this clone is not dangerous for the time being."

Lin Fei's body walked around in the Quicksand Space Sea, and around the Quicksand Space Sea, and also walked around. He did not find the Dark Clan, and said to himself.

As a result, Lin Fei left the Quicksand Space Sea and headed towards the location of the next clone.

In the next time, Lin Fei's body was walking quietly in the sea of ​​absolute space, moving around where his clones were.

With Lin Fei's current strength, walking in the sea of ​​absolute space, the speed is already terrifying! At the same time, those clones that Lin Fei had returned, as well as the desolate beasts and fire source beasts were also in the sea of ​​absolute space, walking around to inspect those clones of Lin Fei that had not yet returned.

this day.

In a space sea called Yuede Space Sea.

"Finally, the thunder tribulation of the tenth-level main **** is ushered. As long as the tribulation is successful, my task will be completed."

In the depths of space and time in the Moon De Space Sea, a figure stood in the sky, muttering to himself.

Above this figure, dark clouds were densely covered, and thick thunder-light electric snakes wandered around among the black clouds with a terrifying aura.

"Brother Ouyang, come on!"

In the distance, a large number of young warriors were watching, shouting one after another.

"Hehe, don't worry, Ouyang Fei's accumulation is enough, coupled with his enchanting talent, this time to break through the tenth-level lord god, you can be sure!"

An old man in white robe smiled and said.

"Since the master said yes, it must do."

"I really envy you, Senior Brother Ouyang is about to become the tenth-tier master **** at a young age."

"It's more than the tenth-level main god, wait and see, with Brother Ouyang's talents, he can definitely become a chaos **** in the future!"

...Those young warriors said one by one.

Rumble...Finally, Ouyang Fei's thunder robbery began.

at the same time.

Near the Moonde Space Sea, in the Absolute Space Sea, a large group of dark men and horses are coming toward the Moonde Space Sea mightily.

"Ahead is the Moon De Space Sea.

A clone of Lin Fei is in this sea of ​​space! "

This team of dark people led the team by three chaotic gods, one of them said.

"Hey, it's just a clone, even if Lin Fei's body comes, I can raise my hand to destroy it!"

Another Chaos God sneered.

"We'd better not be too careless. It is said that the ninth floor owner of Suiyuelou was killed by Lin Fei and the fire source beast."

The third Chaos God said.

"It's the fire source beast that is really powerful.

The fire source beasts are ancient legendary beasts, and of course they are very powerful.

But what is Lin Fei's kid?

Even the realm of Chaos God hasn't reached yet, in front of me, it's not worth mentioning! Wait and see, if I encounter Lin Fei's body, I promise to kill him with one hand. "

Another Chaos God said.

"If we can destroy Lin Fei's body, that would be a great achievement.

However, this time, it was not bad to be able to destroy a clone of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was too cunning. He had been hiding for many years. Even if the great masters of our dark clan wanted to find him, it would be difficult. "

A Chaos God said.

"Three adults, we have reached the Moon De Space Sea!"

Suddenly, a guard came to report to the three Chaos Gods.

"Well, let's go directly in, find Lin Fei's clone and destroy it.

Who dares to stop it? "

A Chaos God ordered and said.

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