Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4783: My body is coming

Just now.

Lin Fei suddenly changed his face, took out a piece of jade slip for transmission, and perceived it in.

"Another clone has been found! There are people from the Dark Clan who are chasing down this clone of me!"

Lin Fei's face sank.

call out! Lin Fei immediately cast the reincarnation illusion technique and hurried towards the position of the clone that was being hunted down.

At this time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, a young man was being chased by a large group of dark people.

In this group of dark people, there are four chaos gods and one mage.

"Haha... Lin Fei, don't run away.

You are just a clone, with limited strength, it is impossible to escape.

What's more, even if your body comes, you may not be able to escape in front of me! "

The wizard of the dark clan, with the team of dark clan men and horses, laughed wildly while chasing.

The young man being chased was naturally a clone of Lin Fei.

This clone was originally being practiced in a sea of ​​space, and soon after, there was a chance to break through to become the tenth-level main god.

Unexpectedly, a large group of dark people suddenly arrived and hunted down this clone.

Moreover, the sea of ​​space that this clone has experienced has also been ruined by these dark people.

"If it's my main body, I would kill you disgusting guys, it would be easy!"

Lin Fei's clone turned around and said.

"Haha...Lin Fei, what are you talking about? Your body is just a tenth-tier main god, what's so great.

If you are not convinced, let your ontology come right away, and I will fight with your ontology. I promise you can easily kill your ontology.

dare. "

A chaotic **** of the dark race said with a wild laugh.

"Of course I dare.

Wait, my body will come soon. "

Lin Fei's clone said.

"Haha...Lin Fei, just blow it.

Your body hasn't known where it is hiding for a long time, and the turtle can't get out.

If your body dared to appear, our dark race, and the people of the Years Tower, will immediately be dispatched to pursue and kill.

No matter how bold you are, you dare not let your body show its face in the sea of ​​absolute space! "

The mage laughed and said.

"is it.

Let's just wait and see.

My body is coming soon.

Just wait. "

Lin Fei's clone said.

"Haha, Lin Fei, do you think you can scare us off by saying this.

Simply naive! "

The mage and the chaos gods all laughed at the same time.

Rumble...Between speaking, the mage and the four chaos gods accelerated their speed and pursued them with all their strength.

However, this clone of Lin Fei used the reincarnation illusion technique, which was very fast, even the Chaos God was a little hard to catch up.

You know, Samsara Illusion Technique is one of the core inheritance techniques of Samsara, and it is very powerful.

Furthermore, Lin Fei's level of the law of reincarnation has reached a very clever level, and the reincarnation illusion technique he has displayed is very powerful.

Therefore, the Mage and the four Chaos Gods couldn't catch up with Lin Fei's clone for a while.

"Damn it! Lin Fei, your clone is so fast, how can it be!"

The Mage and the four Chaos Gods became more and more impatient, and they yelled.

They found that no matter how hard they tried to catch up, it was difficult to catch up for a while.

Just now.

Lin Fei's avatar smiled with joy, he sensed that the main body had already arrived, and it was nearby, coming soon! then.

Lin Fei's clone stopped suddenly, no longer fleeing, turned around and looked at the mage and the four Chaos Gods coldly.

Behind the mage and the four chaos gods, there is also an army of the dark clan, which is catching up with great strength.


! Lin Fei didn't run away! What is he doing? "

The mage and the four chaotic gods of the dark clan suddenly stopped when Lin Fei's avatar suddenly stopped. They couldn't help but froze for a moment, a little surprised, and even a bad feeling rose in their hearts.

"Lin Fei, what are you doing?

Why not escape? "

The mage couldn't help but asked.

"Didn't you just say that if my body is here, you can easily beheaded.

Now that my ontology is here, you have a chance to try it.

Hope you don’t let me down. "

Lin Fei's clone said.


Lin Fei, could it be that your ontology really came? "

The mage and the four Chaos Gods were all taken aback and asked.

"Not bad.

I did come.

So, your death date has come. "

Suddenly, not far away, a young man came with his hands on his back and strode, which was Lin Fei's body.

"You..." Immediately, the eyes of the mage and the four Chaos Gods were staring at the young man who came by, showing an expression of astonishment, a little unbelievable.

"You really are Lin Fei's body! You are so courageous! You dare to appear in front of us!"

After a moment of stunned, that mage recovered his senses and yelled at Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, since your body appeared in front of us, then you are dead today!"

"Haha... Lin Fei, killing you, this is a great achievement!"

"Lin Fei, roll over and die!"

The three chaotic gods of the dark race all laughed.

Although Lin Fei is already a small celebrity in the Sea of ​​Absolute Space, he and the Fire Source Beast joined hands to kill the ninth floor owner of the Years Building, so that in the Sea of ​​Absolute Space, there are many chaotic gods who have given Lin Fei's name. There was a sense of fear.

However, now, the four chaotic gods of the Dark Clan felt the divine power fluctuations emanating from Lin Fei's body, and they were obviously only a Tier 10 main god.

They are chaotic gods, and they can't pay attention to a tenth-tier main **** anyway.

"Huh! How much can a tenth-tier main **** have?

It seems that the legend must have exaggerated the strength of this Lin Fei! "

The chaotic gods of the four dark races all had this idea.

"Lin Fei, today, you cast yourself into the trap, and finally you can punish you."

Even the mage had a contemptuous attitude towards Lin Fei, and said with a sneer.

"Well, for the sake of insurance, let the four of you go together.

Killing Lin Fei is a great achievement.

After I return, I will definitely report to the three dark masters, and the three big masters will give you four generous rewards! "

The mage said to the four chaos gods.

"Thank you Master!"

The four Chaos Gods heard the mage's words and couldn't help but lift their spirits.

Among the dark clan, the status of the mage is very high, and even the mage of the three dark rulers treats each other with courtesy.

If this mage can really say a few words for the four chaos gods in front of the three masters, maybe the three masters will really give a huge reward!

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