Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4802: The spy of reincarnation

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded, his face a bit solemn.

"Lin Fei, is it because you worry too much?

With our strengths, coupled with these reincarnation troops, unless the core masters of the dark race and the dark army are dispatched in person, it is possible to deal with us.

Otherwise, we don't need to worry too much. "

Desolate Beast said.

"Two seniors, please believe me.

I have cultivated my mental energy, and I have begun to give birth to the sixth sense supernatural powers. To a certain extent, I can predict what will happen in the future.

Now, I do have a very bad feeling. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Sixth sense supernatural power! You have actually born this supernatural power!"

Desolate Beast and Tianfeng Chaos God are both shocked.

The sixth sense supernatural power is a very advanced supernatural power, and very few creatures in the world can give birth to this supernatural power.

"Not bad.

I did begin to give birth to the sixth sense supernatural powers.

Although it is still a bit weak, I often feel it when there is a real danger coming. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Senior, next, we can't continue to act.

Go back now, and hide first. "

Lin Fei said to Tianfeng Chaos God.

Originally, according to Tianfeng Chaos God's plan, he was preparing to destroy a dozen of the dark clan's lairs in one go.


In this case, our next action is cancelled. "

Tianfeng Chaos God thought for a while, nodded and said.

"Well, Lin Fei, let's go back to lurking around your clones and continue to protect your clones.

Your clones are very important to you. Any loss of one will affect your breakthrough. "

Desolate Beast said.


Lin Fei nodded.

So, next, Tianfeng Chaos God, Desolate Beast, Lin Fei, and Fire Source Beast brought the Samsara Army back to the sea of ​​space where Lin Fei's clones had been practiced, and lurked.

At the same time, the three masters of darkness, the black bar master, led a small group of men and horses to leave the second lair of the dark clan and enter the sea of ​​absolute space.

"Master Heba, come and lead the way."

A dark master said to the black bar master.


The black bar master nodded and strode forward.


The three dark masters actually left their usual retreat and practice lair at the same time! "

Not long after the three Dark Lords left Lair No. 2, a seemingly illusory figure suddenly appeared near the No. 2 Lair, looking at the direction where the three Dark Lords were leaving, and said in surprise.

"The three dark masters leaving Lair No. 2 at the same time are not trivial. Maybe they are planning something extraordinary.

This matter must be reported immediately to the three samsara dominating adults! "

This illusory figure thought for a while and said.


Just now.

"not good!"

This illusory figure was suddenly shocked, turned around and fled.

Boom...In the distant time and space, a large black hand exuded an astonishing energy aura, and it stretched out quickly.

"Huh, I don't know how to live or die, how dare I spy on the lair of my dark clan!"

There was a majestic shout from the big hand.

Wow...A chain of laws condensed from the laws of darkness, continuously released from the big hand, and quickly wrapped around the illusory figure.

Puff...the speed of these chain of laws is too terrible, and instantly caught up with the illusory figure, passing through.

Ah... this illusory figure screamed.

Boom...At the same time, a large number of laws of reincarnation were released from this illusory figure, against the chain of laws condensed by the laws of darkness.

It's just that the strength of that big hand was too terrifying, and Rumble grabbed the illusory figure.

"Huh! It really is the remnant of the reincarnation line! Go to death!"

The big hand let out a cold snort.

Just now.

boom! That illusory figure was directly exploded into pieces, turning into fragments of the law of reincarnation, permeating into the time and space in all directions.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to practice this kind of disintegration secret technique and want to escape in front of me, is it possible!"

The big hand snorted coldly.

Wow...the dark chains shot out in all directions, chasing after the fragments of the law of reincarnation.

Puff puff... Pieces of fragments of the law were shattered by those dark chains and turned into nothing.

Every fragment of the law was shattered, and there was a faint scream.

In these fragments of the law, there is a small part of vitality.

After a while, this time and space was completely silent.

All the fragments of the law have disappeared.

Only the **** hand was left floating there, motionless.

"Hmph, I didn't expect it, but let part of his soul body escape successfully."

After a while, the big hand let out a cold snort.

Then, this big hand slowly disappeared.

In the end, this piece of time and space returned to tranquility.

At this time, a distant space and time.

Three dark masters, the black bar master, and a small group of dark elites stood in this space and time.

One of the dark masters looked a little gloomy, and one of his palms slowly pulled back from a time gap in front of him.


Another Dark Lord asked.

"It's the remnant of the line of reincarnation. It's probably a spy who specializes in finding out the news. He practiced a disintegration method. I wiped out most of his body fragments, but some of them escaped."

Said the Dark Lord who withdrew his palm.

"It seems that the three masters of reincarnation are sent to monitor us."

The black bar master said.

"It must be sent by those three old guys.

Master Heba, you take this opportunity to make a good deduction, around the second lair, whether there are other spies in the cycle of reincarnation, get rid of them together. "

Said a dark master.


The black bar master nodded and said.

"The three masters, now there are no spies near the second lair.

It is estimated that the three reincarnation masters did not want to be too obvious, so only one spy was sent to monitor the second lair. "

After a while, the Heba Master said in a loud voice.

"should be.

Well, let's get rid of those clones of Lin Fei first. "

Said a dark master.

The three dark masters and the black bar master strode forward, and a small group of dark people followed behind.

Soon after.

The headquarters of the cycle of reincarnation, in the palace of reincarnation.

An extremely illusory figure, with a very weak aura, stood in front of the three reincarnation masters.


The three Dark Lords, all left Lair No. 2 and entered the sea of ​​absolute space? "

One of the samsara masters said questioningly.

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