Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4830: Start

All of these clones of Lin Fei are already the strength of the tenth-level main god, and he remembers everything he has experienced in the past, every scene, even every detail, and even his mood at the time, and there will be no leftovers.

Now, these memories are constantly appearing in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, giving Lin Fei various sentiments, and his heart has gradually become more and more peaceful, with a feeling of seeing everything in the world.

It even gave Lin Fei a feeling of vicissitudes of time and nothingness.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Fei did not rush, and looked through all the experiences of each clone.

Nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one avatars, everything they have experienced, finally completely merged into Lin Fei's soul.

During this process, Lin Fei clearly felt that his soul body seemed to be constantly purifying and sublimating.

Entered into a very mysterious and empty state! This state is most suitable for breaking through the realm.


I don't know how long it took, but at a certain moment, Lin Fei suddenly gave a soft drink.

One after another, the avatars continuously walked out of Lin Fei's body and sat cross-legged beside the body.

"According to what Master said, my main body and these clones, it is best to evolve all the exercises and martial arts that I have practiced in the past in detail.

It's best to upgrade all the exercises and martial arts I have practiced in my life to the highest level, and even through evolution, these exercises and martial arts can be upgraded to a higher level.

Finally, it is best to create a martial art of your own! "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Before Lin Fei entered the small world retreat and attacked the realm, Baidi Shenjun, the third reincarnation ruler, Huang Zhongnian, all of their experience and insights when they hit the Chaos God realm that year, all penetrated into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Especially Baidi Shenjun, he personally cultivated several Chaos Gods in those years, and he has very rich experience in guiding and attacking the realm of Chaos Gods.

Therefore, Lin Fei followed all Baidi Shenjun's guidance.

Next, Lin Fei's body and ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one avatars began to evolve all the exercises and martial arts that Lin Fei had practiced in this life.

Even the exercises and martial arts that were cultivated when they were the weakest in the past have to be re-evolved now.

Lin Fei is now in the realm of the tenth-tier main god, and his combat power far exceeds that of many Chaos Gods. With Lin Fei's current strength and vision, when he goes back and deduces the exercises and martial arts he has practiced before, it feels naturally different.

When Lin Fei retreats in the small world, attacking the realm of Chaos God wholeheartedly.

Baidi Shenjun, the ruler of the third round, and Huang Zhongnian all stood outside the small world, waiting with anticipation.

"I hope he can succeed."

Baidi Shenjun looked at the small world and said softly.

His mood was both expectant and anxious.

"Don't worry, Lin Fei is much stronger than your previous apprentices, and with the guidance of your famous teacher, he will definitely be able to successfully break through to the realm of Chaos God."

Huang Zhongnian said with comfort.

"It's because Lin Fei is too strong and enchanting that I feel a little uneasy.

The apprentices I had handed in before were inferior to Lin Fei in terms of talent and strength.

Lin Fei is too good.

But it was precisely this way. The difficulty for him to break through to the realm of Chaos God was much greater than that of my previous apprentices. "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Not bad.

Sometimes it's too evil, but it's not a good thing.

Lin Fei wanted to break through to the realm of Chaos God, it was indeed much more difficult than others.

I hope he can succeed.

Our reincarnation line finally has such an enchanting heir, and I also hope that he will become the leader of our reincarnation line in the future. "

The third round of the master also said in a loud voice.

"According to me, don’t worry, Lin Fei is not only strong, but his luck is always good. He is a person with great fortune. So many creatures in the world can break through to the Chaos God, and Lin Fei can do the same. ."

Huang Zhongnian said.

"You are not wrong on this point. Lin Fei is indeed a person with great fortune.

This is also part of his strength. "

The third round dominator nodded in agreement.

"I hope his luck will make him successful this time."

Baidi Shenjun nodded.

at this time.

The fire source beast, the chaotic sky swallowing beast, the reincarnation princess, and Wang Tianhu and others also stood in the distance, watching the small world where Lin Fei retreats and hits the realm.

They learned that Lin Fei was about to attack the realm of Chaos God, and they all came one after another to witness the moment when Lin Fei became the Chaos God.

"I don't know how long it will take Brother Lin Fei to break through.

However, no matter how long I will wait patiently.

I really look forward to the moment when Lin Fei becomes the Chaos God.

I want to see with my own eyes how powerful Lin Fei is after he becomes the Chaos God. "

Wang Tianhu said with a smile.

"Lin Fei's current strength can defeat most of the Chaos Gods in the Absolute Space Sea.

After he breaks through to the realm of Chaos God, I estimate that his combat effectiveness, even if it is not as good as the three reincarnation masters, is not far behind. "

The Princess of Reincarnation guessed.

"We don't have to guess, believe that with Lin Fei's talent, he will soon succeed.

Then we will let him demonstrate his combat effectiveness. "

Yao Tianmiao said in a loud voice.

at the same time.

The Dark Clan, in the second lair.

The Black Bar Master and a large group of Dark Masters all sat cross-legged in a huge palace, performing collective deductions.

This is the order of the three dark masters, allowing these wizards to deduce how the dark clan should do so that they can defeat the reincarnation line together.

"Master Heba, during my deduction, it seemed that the line of reincarnation seemed to be raging, and I was well prepared.

It seems that we dark people do not have much advantage. "

Suddenly, one of the wizards said.

"Yes, I also deduced that this time the strength of the reincarnation line seems to be stronger than before."

The other mage also said aloud.

"All of this, the line of reincarnation is indeed unkind."

The black bar master also nodded.

"Well, let's take a break first, replenish energy, and then perform deduction.

The struggle between our dark race and the reincarnation line involves too many things.

It is difficult for us to accurately deduct it for a while. "

The black bar master said.

"Well, let's take a break first."

The other mages nodded.

"By the way, Grand Master Heba, I heard that you were injured by Lin Fei some time ago, is it true?"

Suddenly a mage asked in a loud voice.

The gazes of the other mages also looked at the black bar master.

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