Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4847: not welcome

The white-robed old man in front of him is a ghost clone! The avatar of the Heavenly Spirit! In those days, Lin Fei entered the Arctic Continent in order to find the fruit of the ninety-nine and eighty-one avenues. After some turmoil, he finally got the fruit of the ninety-nine and eighty-one avenues on a sacred mountain.

In fact, the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road was planted by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Later, the Heavenly Spirit Master gave Lin Fei the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one avenue.

Moreover, a hundred puppets with the strength of Chaos God were given to Lin Fei.

It's just that the state of the Heavenly Spirit Master is a bit uncomfortable, only a living body and a soul power imprint entrusted in the body are left.

Therefore, the physical body of the Heavenly Spiritual Master can only stay on the sacred mountain and cannot leave.

Heavenly Spirit Master once said that if he collects all the ghost clones and soul power imprints that he has left in the sea of ​​absolute space before, and integrates them into his body, it may be possible to resurrect him.

Lin Fei promised to help him collect the soul clone and soul power imprint.

After Lin Fei left the extremely cold continent, he had been preparing for himself to attack the realm of Chaos God, so for the time being, there was no time to help the Heavenly Spirit Master collect the soul clone and soul power imprint.

Suddenly encountering a ghost clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master, Lin Fei immediately remembered that he had promised to help the Sky Spirit Master collect the soul clone and soul power imprint.

"Old thing, didn't you hear what I said just now! There are only two you can choose, surrender or die!"

The dark race was furious after hearing the words of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"My words are also very clear, let's go."

Heavenly Spirit Master said lightly.

Although it is only a avatar of the soul, the generation of the heavenly spirit master is very old, much older than the three dark masters of the dark clan.

The Heavenly Spirit Master and the three masters of darkness dominate the black tyrants are masters of the same era. Therefore, the Heavenly Spirit Master certainly does not fear the dark race.

Although the Dark Clan in front of him is a Chaos God with relatively strong strength, it is nothing in the eyes of the avatar of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Old thing, it turns out that you are here to make trouble! Well, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

The dark race was furious upon hearing the words of the Heavenly Spirit Master, and immediately rushed towards the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Rumble...The three-edged steel fork in his hand was constantly enlarged, releasing the mighty dark energy, as well as the dark laws, tumbling frantically, crushing towards the Heavenly Spirit Master.

The three-edged steel fork is like a black mountain, condescending and striking.

"Only you are not qualified to cause trouble in our Azure Dimension Sea."

Heavenly Spirit Master did not evade, his face was flat, and he stretched out a palm to grab the three-bladed steel fork.

next moment.

Master Tianling grabbed the three-blade steel fork and squeezed it lightly.

With a bang.

The three-blade steel fork was directly blown up and turned into black fragments in the sky.

Rumbling... The palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master kept stretching forward, and grabbed the dark clan in one fell swoop.

The dark clan watched as the palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master grabbed him and wanted to avoid it, but he didn't know why he just couldn't avoid it, and felt powerless.

"Our Azure Space doesn't welcome you, you should leave as soon as possible."

As soon as Heavenly Spirit Master stretched out his hand, he sent this dark clan out of the azure sea of ​​space and threw him into the sea of ​​absolute space.

"You all leave too."

The Heavenly Spirit Master waved his hand, emitting a vast energy, and rumblingly slammed into the people of the dark race.

Bang, bang... the people of the dark race are like kites with broken wires, and the ones that have been hit have rushed out of the sea of ​​azure space.

In this way, all the people of the Dark Clan were easily solved by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Obviously, the Heavenly Spirit Master was merciful, otherwise all the men and horses of the dark race would be wiped out.

"It's terrifying! Who the **** is this old thing! I really didn't expect that there would be such a master in a mere sea of ​​azure space!"

The dark clan at the head was shocked and angry.

However, he never had the guts to enter the azure sea of ​​space anymore.

"let's go!"

The dark clan waved his hand, leading the other dark clan to leave.

"When you meet me, you can't leave.

Because I once vowed that as long as I meet the people of the Dark Clan and the Years Tower, I will kill one by one. "

A young man suddenly appeared, blocking the path of these dark people.


In the azure sea of ​​space, the Heavenly Spirit Master had a very clear perception of things outside.

"Boy, who are you! Do you dare to provoke us, the dark race!"

The dark clan at the head couldn't help being furious.

"Yes, I only provoke you the dark race, and other forces, I am not interested in provoke."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"You are, Lin Fei!"

Suddenly, the dark clan headed recognized Lin Fei, and was shocked.

The chaos **** of the dark race, he had seen Lin Fei's portrait and spirit aura, so he quickly recognized Lin Fei.

"Know who I am, you can die."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The voice fell off.

Lin Fei stretched out his palm and cut out gently.

A bright sword light slowly beheaded towards the front.

This sword light is not necessarily so terrible.

But wherever he went, time and space were separated instantly, leaving a black gap in time and space.

"This is the sword slashing ten thousand realms."

Lin Fei looked at the sword light slowly moving forward, and couldn't help but nodded, with a sense of enlightenment.

After thoroughly comprehending all the laws in the world, Lin Fei found that his kendo level had been greatly improved.

All of a sudden, you can use the real sword to slash the world! "Lin Fei, I know that you have failed to assault the Chaos God Realm! You are only a tenth-tier main god, what right do you have to be arrogant in front of me! You give me death!"

The dark race rushed towards Lin Fei with a big stride, punched out, a huge fist mark emerged, and the sword light that Lin Fei slashed out was blocked by a thundering rumble.

next moment.

With a pop.

That huge fist mark was directly smashed.

Then, the bright sword light cut the body of the dark clan in half.

Both form and spirit are destroyed! Then, the sword light slashed towards the other people of the dark race.

Wherever they went, one after another dark clan was cut to pieces in an instant.

Less than two breaths.

All the people of the dark race have been destroyed! "Young man, do you have a lot of hatred with the dark race?"

At this moment, in the azure sea of ​​space, Master Tianling looked at Lin Fei and asked.

Lin Fei stretched out his palm, and the laws of reincarnation burst out one after another.

"It turns out that you are a person of reincarnation."

Master Tianling nodded.

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