Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4849: Run into the nest

"Sky Blue Space Sea is so courageous, it dares to slaughter the people of our dark race! All the creatures come out and die!"

At this moment, a roar suddenly spread from outside into the sea of ​​azure space.

Then a large army rushed into the sky sea with murderous aura.

The army of the Dark Clan is here again! "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Venerable Heavenly Spirit smiled coldly and strode over.

"Old man, go to hell!"

Among the army of the dark clan, a Chaos God came out, holding a **** knife in his hand, and slashed towards the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Rumble...The mighty energy pressure was released from the black sword.

The dense sword air spread, and instantly filled a large area of ​​void.

It can be seen that the fighting power of this dark chaos **** is very powerful.

It is a pity that what he encountered was the avatar of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Venerable Heavenly Spirit gently stretched out his finger and flicked it, hitting the **** knife.

With a bang, the black big knife exploded directly, turning into sky-filled debris, and splashing everywhere.

Then the Venerable Heavenly Spirit stretched his hand forward and grabbed the Chaos God like lightning, and carried him to him like a chicken.

"Old man, who are you! What do you want to do to me?

Don't mess around. I am a member of the dark clan! "

The Chaos God shivered with fright and asked in a frightened voice.

"If you don't want to die, just answer me honestly, which lair of the dark clan are you from?"

Heavenly Spirit Master asked lightly.

"Old man, I advise you to let me go, otherwise, our dark people will never die with you! No matter how strong your strength is, it is impossible to provoke our dark people!"

The Chaos God was shocked and angry, and said in a loud voice.

Although he was caught by the Heavenly Spirit Master, as the Chaos God of the Dark Clan, he has always been accustomed to the attitude of being aloof when walking in the sea of ​​absolute space.

So even in this situation, he appears to be very strong.

"No, Lord Heilu was caught! Let's go and save Lord Hei!"

The other people of the dark race screamed and rushed over.

Then the people of the Dark Clan took action one after another, displaying all kinds of martial arts and martial arts, or throwing out piece by piece of magic weapons to attack the heavenly master.

The Heavenly Spirit Master waved his palm, sending out a powerful hurricane of energy. Wherever this hurricane of energy went, it shook the people of the dark race and threw them away.

With just a light palm, all the men and horses of the dark race were shaken out, and there was not one left.

"You..." The Dark Clan Chaos God, who was held in his hand by the Master of Heaven, trembles with fear when he saw the Master of Heaven showing such terrifying strength.

He finally realized that the strength of the old man in front of him was much stronger than him! "Say it again, if you don't want to die, just tell me which den of the dark clan you belong to."

Heavenly Spirit Master looked at the Chaos God and asked in a loud voice.

"We belong to lair number 413!"

The Chaos God was completely subdued, and said quickly.

"On the four hundred and thirteenth, well, you will give me the detailed space-time coordinates."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

The Chaos God hurriedly stated the time and space coordinates of the 413th lair.

"Senior, I told you everything you want to know, can you let me go now."

The chaos **** begged.

"From now on, you will become an ordinary creature that can never be cultivated."

Heavenly Spirit Master said lightly.

Then the palm of his hand shook lightly, erasing all the meridians, energy and laws in the body of this dark chaos god.

In this way, this dark clan only has one body left, and it will no longer be able to cultivate.

"No! I'm not reconciled! I have been cultivating so long and hard to become the Chaos God, and I look down upon the countless creatures in the entire sea of ​​absolute space. You actually ruined my cultivation!"

The dark race suddenly wailed in despair.

"Lin Fei, let's go, let's get rid of the 413th lair of the Dark Clan, and then rest assured."

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

"Okay! To destroy the lair of the dark clan, I am most interested!"

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

"I understand this, the enmity between your reincarnation line and the dark race will never be eliminated.

And your personal hatred with the dark race is also great.

Between you and the dark race, you are destined to be immortal. "

Master Tianling strode out of the sky beyond the sea of ​​azure space.

"These people of the dark race can't let them stay here."

Lin Fei glanced at the people of the Dark Clan who had been stunned by the Heavenly Spirit, and sneered.

While speaking, Lin Fei raised his palm and chopped lightly.

A dazzling sword light slashed out.

Where this dazzling sword light went, I saw people from the dark race one after another, all of them twisted into pieces.

In less than two breaths, this pair of dark men and horses were all wiped out, and no one was left.

Next, the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei walked in the sea of ​​absolute space, all the way towards the lair No. 413 of the Dark Clan.

The 413th lair of the Dark Clan was not very far away from the Azure Sea of ​​Space, so not long after, the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei came outside the entrance and exit of the 413th lair.

"Destroy this lair, and the Azure Sea of ​​Space will be safe."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Yes, senior, let's just go in."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then Lin Fei strode towards the entrance and exit of the lair number 413.

A large number of people from the dark race guarded here.

"Stop! This is the center of our dark clan. The creatures of foreign races are not allowed to enter and leave without permission! Who are you, and are you allowed to enter here because of something?"

The dark people who guarded the entrance and exit immediately blocked Lin Fei's path and interrogated them.

"What kind of shit, I just want to go in.

Go to death! "

Lin Fei sneered.

Then stretched a palm forward, zoomed in continuously, and slammed all the dark people who were guarding the door into pieces.

Then, Lin Fei walked directly into the lair No. 413.

Master Tianling followed Lin Fei and walked in.

"Just do it, don't waste time."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei strode forward and kept making moves, killing all the Dark Clan he saw.

Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei walked side by side, and they also kept making moves.

Where the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei passed, all the Dark Clan were wiped out and no one remained.

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