Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4859: constantly improving

"Where is it?"

Heba Master asked.

"this place."

The mage waved his hand and simulated a space-time coordinate, floating in the palace.

All the mages stared at this space-time coordinate.

"This space-time coordinate seems to be the burial world sea!"

Suddenly, a mage called out.

"Yes, it's Burial Boundary Sea!"

The other mages also said aloud.

"It is indeed Burial Boundary Sea.

This is a forbidden place with a fierce reputation. What did Lin Fei kid do when he ran into the sea of ​​burial?

Even if the Chaos God enters the Burial Boundary Sea, there is always the danger of falling. "

The black bar master said in doubt.

"It's possible that Lin Fei failed to attack the Chaos God Realm. Therefore, he developed a self-defeating psychology, rushing around in the sea of ​​absolute space."

A mage guessed.

"It's possible."

The other mages also nodded.

"Master Black Bar, how about it, now I have found Lin Fei's whereabouts, can I report the three masters?"

A mage asked.

"Of course you have to report.

I will report now.

The real decision-making power of the actions of our dark people is the three masters, and we mages only play a supporting role. "

The black bar master said.

"Yes it is."

The other mages nodded.

"Everyone wait here.

I will first report Lin Fei's whereabouts to the three masters, and see what the three masters have ordered. "

The black bar master said.

The other mages nodded.

So, the Great Master Heba left the palace and headed towards the place where the three dark masters were.

After a while, the Great Master Heba came to the place where the three Dark Lords were.

"Master Heba, what do you want us to do?

Is Lin Fei's whereabouts? "

The First Dark Lord said.

"Report the three masters, after some deduction, we have indeed found Lin Fei's whereabouts.

The black bar master replied.

"Oh, is it true.

Come on, where is Lin Fei now! "

When the three dark masters heard it, their spirits came immediately.

You know, Lin Fei has become one of the targets that must be eliminated in the minds of these three dark masters! A young junior can make three Dark Lords so concerned, there is only Lin Fei in this world! "Three masters, Lin Fei is now in the burial boundary sea."

The black bar master said.

"What, Lin Fei is in the burial boundary sea!"

The three dark masters were a little surprised.

"The Burial Boundary Sea is one of the most dangerous forbidden places in the sea of ​​absolute space. Even if it is the three of us, there is nothing wrong with it and I don't want to break in casually.

With Lin Fei's strength, he actually dared to break into the sea of ​​burials. Doesn't he want to live anymore? "

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"Master Heba, are your deductions accurate? Has Lin Fei really entered the sea of ​​burial?"

The Second Dark Lord asked.

"The three masters, after a long time of deduction, the results of the deduction should not be wrong.

It is very possible that Lin Fei has entered the sea of ​​burial boundary.

I guess that because Lin Fei failed to hit the Chaos God Realm last time, he developed a self-deprecating psychology and wandered everywhere in the sea of ​​absolute space. "

The black bar master said.

"It's possible."

The three dark masters nodded when they heard it.

"The three masters have found Lin Fei's whereabouts now. Do you want to take some actions against Lin Fei?"

Heba Master asked.

"Who is following Lin Fei."

The First Dark Lord asked.

"There is only one ghost clone."

The black bar master replied.

"A ghost clone, no matter how strong it is, it is limited.

This is a good opportunity to deal with Lin Fei. "

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"It's just that the Burial Boundary Sea is more dangerous. If it is not necessary, we'd better not enter the Burial Boundary Sea to avoid unnecessary damage."

The Second Dark Lord said.

"How about this.

Send our dark people, the most elite masters, to lie in ambush outside the sea of ​​burial.

Master Heba, you can deduce when Lin Fei will come out of the sea of ​​burial circles.

As soon as he came out, we immediately let our expert hands kill him.

Although Lin Fei's strength is strong, as long as we send more elite players, we should be able to deal with him.

The three of us old guys don't need to be dispatched in person.

Once the three of us are dispatched in person, maybe it will alarm the three old guys in the line of reincarnation, as well as those wild beasts, and then there will be another melee, and it will not necessarily kill Lin Fei.

By the way, send someone to inform Suiyuelou, so that Suiyuelou will also send elite masters to bury Jiehai and deal with Lin Fei together. "

The First Lord of Darkness thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I will organize the mage in the clan to continue deducing Lin Fei. Once I find him out of the sea of ​​burial, I will report it immediately."

The black bar master replied.

"There are many crises in the Burial Boundary Sea. Lin Fei has entered it, and maybe he will fall inside."

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"If that's the case, then it's the best."

The First Dark Lord said.

"Actually, the most important thing for us dark people now is to plan carefully how to deal with the three old guys in the reincarnation line.

As long as you get rid of those three old guys and reincarnate in the same vein, there is no fear.

Heba Master, you and the mages in the clan, don't focus on Lin Fei's body.

Give it a good deduction, how we should deal with the three reincarnation masters. "

The First Dark Lord said to the black bar master.

"The three masters don't worry, I understand."

The black master nodded.

"Three masters, I retired."

The black bar master said.

"Well, go ahead.

If you have anything, report it to us in time. "

The First Dark Lord said.


The Heba Master bowed a respectful salute, then turned and left.

Soon after, a team of elite masters of the Dark Clan left the No. 2 Lair, entered the sea of ​​absolute space, and quietly moved towards the location of the sea of ​​burial.

at this time.

Buried in the sea, in the small world.

Lin Fei is following the inheritance of the white-robed old man to cultivate the psychic school.

As time goes by, Lin Fei's mental energy level is getting higher and higher! "very nice.

Lin Fei, you didn't let me down. Your talent in mental energy is very high. In the future, we will certainly let our spiritual heritage be carried forward! "

The white-robed old man looked at Lin Fei's continuous improvement in his mental energy level, feeling very satisfied.

The Heavenly Spirit stayed in this small world, meditating all day long, looking very leisurely.

"Haha... Lin Fei, the mental power you can display now has reached a thousand!"

In the small world, the white-robed old man's surprise burst of laughter suddenly sounded.

"It's just that it's not enough.

keep it up! "

The white-robed old man added.

"Master, rest assured, I will work hard."

Lin Fei was also very excited.

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