Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4870: Handed down

"There are still some people in our reincarnation line who have not yet returned. I will continue to summon those who have not yet returned.

At the same time, everyone thinks about how to enhance the strength of our reincarnation line. "

Said the master of the first round.

"We want to increase our strength in reincarnation, one of the ways is to train the younger generation as soon as possible.

As far as I know, many young chaotic gods have been cultivated in our reincarnation line.

We have to seize the time to cultivate more chaotic gods of the younger generation. "

Baidi Shenjun said in a loud voice.

"Not bad.

Over the years, our reincarnation line has indeed cultivated many young Chaos Gods, which has increased our overall strength a lot.

Baidi Shenjun, you have the richest experience in cultivating young people, so I am going to entrust a large number of young people to you to guide their cultivation. "

The ruler of the first round looked at Baidi Shenjun and said.

"no problem."

Baidi Shenjun nodded.

"Unfortunately, Lin Fei failed to attack the Chaos God. If Lin Fei could successfully break through to the realm of the Chaos God at that time, then now there will be a top master in the line of reincarnation."

Huang Zhongnian sighed suddenly.

"Not bad.

With Lin Fei's talent and strength, if he breaks through to the realm of Chaos God, he can immediately become one of the top masters in the Absolute Space Sea. "

The others nodded.

"I don't know, how is Lin Fei now."

Huang Zhongnian said again.

"I hope he is safe."

The first reincarnation ruler sighed slightly.

Speaking of Lin Fei's matter, all the creatures in this hall were a little sad.

At first, everyone's expectations for Lin Fei were very high. At the beginning, everyone thought that Lin Fei would be able to successfully break through to the realm of Chaos God.

After all, Lin Fei possesses the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road, as well as the nine-pole Yin-Yang talisman. Such conditions are almost certain to be able to break through successfully for other tenth-level master gods.

However, Lin Fei's breakthrough failed due to the interference of the wizards of the Dark Clan.

This is a huge loss for the reincarnation line! at the same time.

Burial in the sea.

Inside the heart tower.

Lin Fei is still cultivating the mental power world.

With the passage of time, Lin Fei's condensed mental power world became more and more numerous.

Six hundred... Seven hundred... Gradually, the number of mental power worlds that Lin Fei could condense began to approach a thousand.

The difference from the past is that the mental power that Lin Fei has condensed now is much harder than the previous mental power world.

Lin Fei estimated that one of the mental powers he has condensed now is equal to more than ten of the previous ones! "very nice.

Lin Fei's strength in the Xin Li Tower during this period of time has gained a lot! "

Outside the Xinli Tower, the ancestor of the white robe sensed Lin Fei's current situation and nodded with satisfaction.

"A thousand!"

Finally, Lin Fei condensed another thousand mental worlds.

"Lin Fei, this is not your highest point at this stage. You have to continue to practice and strive to condense more mental power.

The quality of your mental power world is now good, but in terms of quantity, it has to be improved. "

The white-robed old man said to Lin Fei's voice transmission.

"Okay, got it."

Lin Fei answered.

So in the next time, Lin Fei continued to practice.

One thousand one hundred... One thousand two hundred... Gradually, the number of mental powers that Lin Fei can condense has reached 1,500! "Master, I feel that I have reached a bottleneck in the cultivation of the mental power world. If I continue to practice forcibly, I should not make much progress."

Lin Fei stopped practicing and received a message to the white-robed old man.

"Okay, let's end your experience this time.

The results of your experience this time have been very good, far exceeding my expectations. "

The white-robed old man nodded in agreement.

So Lin Fei came out from the heart tower.

"Lin Fei, you finally came out!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master was very happy to see Lin Fei coming out and walked over immediately.

"Lin Fei, I now teach you all the experience and insights of cultivating mental energy in my life, which should have some effect on you.

There are also all the inheritances of our Xinli School, and I will pass them all to you now. Some of these inheritances have been cultivated, and some have not been cultivated. If you have time in the future, you can slowly learn about cultivation. "

The white-robed old man said to Lin Fei, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and a white light condensed with divine soul energy plunged into Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

This white light records the experience of the white-robed old man in terms of mental energy and energy in this life, and it also contains all the inheritance of the Xinli school, which is very precious.

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Fei said quickly.

"Lin Fei, remember, we can't let the inheritance of our mind-power faction be cut off."

The white-robed old man looked at Lin Fei and said solemnly.

"Master, don't worry, I will do my best to let the Xinli School continue to pass on, and it will continue to grow."

Lin Fei replied.

"Very well, Lin Fei, I did not misunderstand you.

If we can have a descendant like you, our Xinli School will definitely be able to carry forward in the future. "

The white-robed old man nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, Lin Fei, now you can go to your business.

But you have to remember that there are many crises in this burial world, and you must be careful. "

The white-robed old man told Lin Fei.

"Master, don't worry, I will be careful."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"You are just a clone like me. I know that your body strength is very strong, and you want to take care of Lin Fei for me."

The white-robed old man looked at the Master of Heaven.

During this time, he often communicated with the Heavenly Spirit Master, and they were already very familiar with each other.

"Don't worry, Lin Fei is kind to me. As long as I have the ability, I will definitely try my best to take care of him. However, Lin Fei's current strength is not much worse than my clone."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"No matter how strong his strength is, it can't match your body.

In the future, your body will return, so please take good care of Lin Fei for me. "

The white-robed old man said.

"no problem."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"Master, we are leaving."

Lin Fei bid farewell to the white-robed old man.

"Go ahead."

The white-robed old man waved his hand.

"Senior, now we continue to look for your clone in the burial world."

Lin Fei and Master Tianling strode forward, and in a moment they left the white-robed old man's territory.

There was a dark red void in front of them, and Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven were walking forward in this void.

The time and space in the Burial Boundary Sea are very peculiar, so Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master did not care.

It can be said that with the strength of Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master, he would not be afraid of most dangers.

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