Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4874: The whereabouts of another clone

"Young people, you mean, do you have something to do when you come to this abandoned world?

How is it possible that this world has been abandoned for a long time, and the location is very hidden. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for outsiders to know that there is an abandoned world in this location.

I have been waiting here for a long time, and there are very few living things here.

What can you do when you come here? "

The old man said suspiciously.

"The last time I met a foreign creature was a long, long time ago.

Moreover, strictly speaking, it was not a complete creature at all, but just a ghost clone. "

The old man added.

"A ghost clone?"

Lin Fei and Master Tianling all had their faces moved when they heard the old man's words.

Lin Fei and Venerable Heavenly Spirit just remembered that another divine and soul clone of Venerable Heavenly Spirit was on this dilapidated continent.

Could it be that the divine and soul clone that the old man said was another clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master?

"Senior, did a ghost clone come here a long time ago?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Yes it is."

The old man nodded.

"Senior, can you imitate that ghost clone to show us."

Lin Fei asked.

"of course can."

The old man nodded.

Then, the old man waved his hand to simulate a figure.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Fei and Master Tianling are both overjoyed.

This figure is just another clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master! "Speaking of it, that divine soul clone seems to have the same breath as yours. It seems that both of you should be clones separated from the same body."

Suddenly, the old man looked at the Heavenly Spirit Master with a puzzled look and asked.

"Not bad.

That avatar and me are both separated from the same ontology. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"Senior, we are here this time to find that avatar.

Where is he now? I hope seniors can give me some advice. "

Lin Fei said to the old man.

"So that's the case.

You are here specifically to find the avatar of the gods and souls.

No wonder you can find it here accurately. "

The old man suddenly realized.

"However, if you want to find that avatar, you must participate in the test arranged by my master.

Otherwise, it is impossible for you to see him. "

The old man said.


why? "

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were both taken aback and asked.

"Because, the avatar of Divine Soul has already participated in the test set by my master, and it is still under test, and it has not completely passed it."

The old man said.

"No way!"

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were shocked when they heard this.

"I want to ask, how long my other ghost clone has been taking part in the test."

Heavenly Spirit Master asked aloud.

"It has been a long time since your ghost clone has participated in the test.

Speaking of it, I haven't seen him for a long, long time.

At the beginning, I went to chat with him from time to time.

Afterwards, I rarely bother him. "

The old man said.

"No way."

Lin Fei and Venerable Tianling groaned secretly when they heard the old man's words.

"You can't be accommodating, let my ghost clone withdraw from the test."

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and asked.

"I can not help you.

I cannot interfere with the test set by my master himself.

So, even if I want to help you, I can't help.

If you want to see that avatar, there is only one way to participate in the test set by my master.

Otherwise, you just wait outside, and you can see him after the Divine Soul clone passes the test.

However, I estimate that it will take a long time.

At the very least, within a few hundred thousand years, you will not be able to see him. "

The old man said.

"How is it good?"

After hearing the old man's words, Lin Fei and Master Tianling couldn't help but look at each other, a little dumbfounded.

Lin Fei collected the avatars and imprints of the gods and souls of the gods and souls, the purpose is to bring the gods and the souls of the gods to resurrection.

If you wait here for hundreds of thousands of years for this avatar, the outside world will no longer know what it will look like.

Moreover, I don't know how long the body of the Celestial Spirit can last.

"Lin Fei, why don't we go? Don't worry about this avatar.

One less ghost clone, the impact shouldn't be great. "

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and said to Lin Fei.

"The lack of a avatar of Divine Soul will have a big impact on Senior's resurrection, I can't tell.

However, the divine soul mark left by your body once said that the more divine soul clones and divine soul mark you can collect, the greater the chance of a successful resurrection. "

Lin Fei said.

"So, if possible, it's best to collect every divine and soul clone and imprint as much as possible."

Lin Fei added.

"However, it is too difficult for us to see this avatar of Divine Soul.

Moreover, with the strength of my Divine Soul clone, it took such a long time to participate in the test, and it has not yet passed the test.

If the two of us participated in the test, we might be trapped inside. I don't know how long it would take to pass the test.

In short, too risky. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Yes it is."

Lin Fei nodded.

For a while, Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven were silent.

"It seems that you are afraid to participate in the test of my host, it will be difficult to pass, and you will be trapped inside.

So I don't want to participate, do I. "

The old man stood aside and asked in a loud voice.

"It is."

Lin Fei and Master Tianling both nod their heads.

"Actually, you don't need to be too scared.

The reason why the ghost clone has gone through a long time, has not yet passed the test set by my master, it is because he has been in it to comprehend the various inheritances left by my master.

Otherwise, with his strength, there is no need to spend such a long time.

Moreover, I once told him that he is just a avatar, not a complete creature, so even if he can pass the test set by my master, he may not be able to get the reward left by my master in the end.

That's why it took him so long to stay in it to cultivate and enlighten. "

The old man said.

"Although you and him are both divine and soul clones separated from the same body, his strength is much stronger than you.

Because he has been comprehending the inheritance left by my master, and the harvest seems to be quite big. "

The old man said to the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"So, if you two go in, it is possible to pass the test set by my master."

The old man said.


is this real?

! "

Lin Fei and Master Tianling were all refreshed when they heard the old man's words.

"of course it's true."

The old man nodded.

"How about it, do you want to participate in the test set by my master."

The old man asked.

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