Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4877: The fusion of illusion and mental energy

"These illusions are indistinguishable from the real world.

Or, these illusions are not false, they simply move the real worlds here, and then use clever illusions to refine the real world into illusions.

Otherwise, it won't be so realistic! "

Lin Fei felt one after another incomparably vivid illusions, and was extremely shocked.

One illusion after another made Lin Fei unable to move forward at all.

"Okay, take this opportunity to study these illusions!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"This illusion is unique.

It's worth studying.

When you go back in the future, you can teach these illusions to Azi. "

Lin Fei directly sat down cross-legged on the driftwood bridge.

Exerting powerful mental energy to protect his body, letting the illusion invade, and then began to study the illusion and illusion on this driftwood bridge.

"Yes! Facing the illusion set by the master, it can be supported, and there is still room for research."

By the sea, the old man couldn't help but nodded again and again.

"Young man, I have a suggestion. You might as well study it carefully, if you can integrate the illusions and illusions left by my master into your mental energy and mental power world.

Especially your mental power world, if you can incorporate these brilliant illusions and illusions left by my master into it, so that your mental power world will also contain illusions, once it is displayed, its power will be greatly increased. "

The old man said to Lin Fei Chuanyin.

"I have heard from my host before that, in fact, mental energy and illusion can be integrated.

It's just that only a true enchanting genius can combine the two perfectly.

Once the heart energy and illusion can truly blend together perfectly, the power that will be exerted will be very terrifying. "

The old man added.

"Senior, you make sense! Thank you for your advice!"

Lin Fei was shocked and excited when he heard the old man's words, and immediately replied.

So Lin Fei began to study the relationship between illusion, illusion, mental energy, and mental world! "My most powerful thing is the mental energy and the mental world, so I will use the mental energy and mental world as the basis!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Next, Lin Fei, based on the mental power and the mental power world, concentrated on researching how to integrate illusion and fantasy into the mental power and mental power world.

time flies.

Before he knew it, the Heavenly Spirit Master had already walked a long distance on the floating wooden bridge.

However, Lin Fei had been sitting still and did not take a step.

"What's the matter with Lin Fei?

Why didn't you take a step.

Isn't he facing the illusion on this driftwood bridge, he can't take one step, is it impossible? "

The Master of Heavenly Spirit looked back at Lin Fei and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Moreover, Master Tianling found that he could not transmit to Lin Fei at such a distance.

"I hope he can follow."

The Heavenly Spirit could not help but sighed.

time flies.

Lin Fei remained motionless on the driftwood bridge, and didn't know how long it took for the meeting, but there was still no movement.


At a certain moment, Lin Fei smiled.

"Unexpectedly, mental energy, illusion, mental power world, illusion, there are some things in common between these four.

Sure enough, it can be integrated! I already have some experience! But don't worry, study it slowly! "

Lin Fei was very surprised.

Lin Fei understands that he is creating a new genre! Mental power and illusion, the world of mental power and illusion, are all very advanced things, it is not easy to integrate these four together.

It's just that Lin Fei's mental energy and mental power are already very powerful.

Moreover, Lin Fei had practiced illusion and illusion with Azi before, and he was also quite accomplished.

So, gradually, Lin Fei had more experience.

"Illusions and illusions pay attention to confusion and inducement, so that the other party is unconsciously affected, while the world of mental energy and mental power is even more illusory, making the other party impossible to predict and extremely difficult to defend."

Lin Fei thought and deduced.

Time goes by.

In front of the driftwood bridge, the Venerable Heavenly Spirit kept advancing, and gradually went deep into the sea.

"what happened?

Lin Fei has been sitting there for so long. Could it be that he can't bear the illusion and fantasy on this driftwood bridge, and can't even move forward for half a step?

impossible! With Lin Fei's strength, talent, and strong mental energy, it is absolutely impossible to move forward on this driftwood bridge with one step.

There must be something weird in this one! Could it be that Lin Fei is comprehending? "

In the process of advancing, the Heavenly Spirit kept turning his head and looking at Lin Fei, seeing Lin Fei still sitting there quietly, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"In any case, Lin Fei will definitely be able to catch up with me!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei have been together for a while, and they are more aware of Lin Fei's strength. Therefore, although the Heavenly Spirit Master feels a little confused, he has confidence in Lin Fei.

Next, time still goes by.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged on the driftwood bridge, not knowing how much time had passed.

Finally, at a certain moment.

"I seem to be able to integrate the four of my mind energy, illusion, mind world, and illusion!"

Lin Fei, sitting still like an old monk, suddenly showed an expression of excitement.

"Furthermore, the brilliant illusions and illusions that exist on this driftwood bridge touched me a lot.

I will first comprehend the illusion and illusion on this driftwood bridge, and then start to merge. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Then, Lin Fei began to comprehend the illusion and illusion above this driftwood bridge wholeheartedly.

With a strong mental energy as a foundation, Lin Fei found that it became very easy to comprehend the illusions and illusions on this driftwood bridge! Gradually, Lin Fei began to have a deep understanding of the illusions and illusions on the floating wooden bridge.

"The illusions and illusions here are much more sophisticated than the illusion inheritance of the Azi nine-tailed monster fox clan.

I will teach Azi the illusion skills here in the future. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Time passed slowly.

Finally, at some point.


I have initially understood the illusion and illusion on this driftwood bridge! "

Lin Fei said with excitement suddenly.

"Next, you can try to truly integrate the four of mind energy, illusion, mind world, and illusion."

Lin Fei said.

"Okay, start trying to merge!"

Lin Fei said to himself.

Next, Lin Fei began to try to merge the four.

"Not bad."

By the sea, the old man had been paying attention to Lin Fei's behavior, and could not help but nodded slightly at this time.

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