Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4893: All annihilated

"I've said that with regard to the people of the Dark Clan and Time Tower, I saw one kill one, and it is impossible to let you go."

Lin Fei looked at the chaotic gods who were struggling in the world of mental strength with indifferent eyes, and said lightly.

Those Chaos Gods continue to fall one after another. These Chaos Gods are the elites of the Dark Clan and the Years Tower. In the sea of ​​absolute space, countless forces are afraid of the existence, but now in front of Lin Fei, they appear to be So weak and powerless, he can only let him slaughter.

After a while, Lin Fei finally killed all those Chaos Gods, not one left! "Too much relief!"

Lin Fei took back all of his mental power and said in a loud voice.

"Haha...The Dark Clan and Suiyuelou spent so much effort to prevent you from assaulting the Chaos God Realm. Although they succeeded, there are endless troubles.

Invited you this terrible killer! "

The Heavenly Spirit shook his head and smiled.

"By the way, Lin Fei, what is the reward you got for passing the third level."

The Heavenly Spirit Master suddenly asked.

"It's about how to create a new world and new laws of the secret technique, and how to eliminate the hidden physical hazards left by me after I failed to hit the Chaos God Realm last time."

Lin Fei answered directly.

"Sure enough, it's what you need most."

Master Tianling nodded and smiled.

"The reward I got is how to resurrect my body, which is what I need most."

The Heavenly Spirit Master continued.

"That senior's methods are so powerful!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, the seniority of this senior is much higher than me, and his strength is much stronger than me. Until now, I finally have a deep understanding of the truth that there are people outside the heavens and the heavens."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a wry smile.

Originally, the Heavenly Spirit Master himself was a terrifying strong man who backed up the ancients in the sea of ​​absolute space, and he did not expect to encounter a existence that was older than his own generation.

"Well, let's leave now."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

Then, Master Tianling and Lin Fei left this time and space.

"Senior, we have collected about half of the ghost clones and imprints you have left so far.

Collect the remaining half, and we can go to resurrect your body. "

Lin Fei said.

In the ensuing time, Lin Fei and Venerable Heavenly Spirit displayed their supreme supernatural powers and continuously traveled through different time and space, hurriedly rushing towards the position where the next divine and soul clone of Venerable Heavenly Spirit was located.

At this moment, in a lair of the Dark Clan, the Great Master Heba and the other mages were still sitting in a palace.


"No, the elite experts sent to deal with Lin Fei have all fallen, and all the experts sent by Sui Yuelou have fallen."

A mage suddenly changed his face and called out.

Some of these mages are specifically responsible for deducing Lin Fei's trail.

"How can it be?

! "

Hearing what this mage said, the other mages were shocked and couldn't believe it.

"It seems to be true. If you don't believe it, you can also deduct it and you will know."

Said the mage.

"Well, let's deduct it too."

The black master nodded.

You know, the Chaos Gods sent to hunt down Lin Fei are all elite masters of the Dark Clan. If all of them fall, it would be a big loss.

Heba Master and the other mages immediately began to deduct it.

Soon after.

"Yes, the elite masters sent to hunt down Lin Fei, as expected, all fell, and the masters sent by Sui Yuelou were the same, all fell.

It seems that Lin Fei did it! "

"How is this possible? This time, there are hundreds of elite masters sent by our clan and masters sent by Suiyuelou. Each of them is a real master with strong combat power, and they were all killed by Lin Fei. Lost!"

"Why did Lin Fei's combat effectiveness suddenly become so strong?"

The mages ended the deduction one after another and spoke.

The result they deduced is the same! "Damn it, how could this happen, each of the Chaos Gods sent out is the true elite of our dark clan!"

Heba Archmage gritted his teeth with anger.

"Master Black Bar, do you want to report this matter to the three dark masters."

A mage asked.

"I will report to the three masters now."

The Heba Master turned and walked out of the palace.

After a while, the Great Master Heba came to the place where the three Dark Lords were.


! Have all the elite masters sent by us been killed by Lin Fei! "

The three masters of darkness heard the report from the Great Master Heba, frightened and angry.

"Damn it! This Lin Fei has caused us the Dark Clan to lose so many Chaos Gods! It's hateful!"

The three dark masters gritted their teeth with hatred towards Lin Fei.

"Three adults, Lin Fei's combat effectiveness seems to have improved a lot! In the future, his degree of harm to our dark race will become even greater."

The black bar master said.

"A mere junior kid, actually made our dark race so embarrassed!"

While the three masters of darkness were angry, a sense of helplessness rose in their hearts.

They found that Lin Fei was too difficult! In order to deal with Lin Fei, the three Dark Lords of them all went out in person several times, but until now Lin Fei is still alive and well.

"Yes, if you don't kill this Lin Fei, he will definitely continue to trouble the dark race."

The First Dark Lord said slowly.

"Master Black Bar, you continue to deduct and pursue Lin Fei's specific whereabouts.

Next time, the three of us will go out to deal with him personally! "

The First Lord of Darkness thought for a while and said in a loud voice.

For a while, the three dark masters and the black master mage were silent, not knowing what to say.

Lin Fei was just a junior, and he actually made the Dark Clan so embarrassed that he needed the three great Dark Lords to go out and deal with it himself.

If such a thing spreads in the sea of ​​absolute space, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

"I understand.

The three masters can rest assured that I will find out the specific whereabouts of Lin Fei as soon as possible. "

The black bar master said.

"By the way, Master Heba, have you deduced what kind of strategy our dark people should use to deal with the reincarnation line now, the effect is the best."

The First Dark Lord asked.

"The three masters, after deduction during this period of time, we found that the current strength of the reincarnation rule is actually not comparable to our dark race.

What's more, our dark race also joined forces with Sui Yuelou and a group of other forces.

Therefore, I think we dark people should do it as soon as possible and have a decisive battle with the reincarnation line, and destroy the reincarnation line in one fell swoop.

Can't wait any longer, this will give time and opportunity to reincarnate and grow slowly. "

Heba Master thought for a while and said in a loud voice.

"What you said makes sense!"

When the three dark masters heard the words of the Great Master Heba, their eyes brightened, and they nodded in agreement.

"Well, we will make arrangements right away, and strive to get started as soon as possible to eliminate the cycle of reincarnation! Can't wait any longer!"

The First Dark Lord said.

"Master Black Bar, please continue to deduct, how should we deal with the reincarnation line!"

The First Dark Lord said to the black bar master.

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