Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4898: I do not believe

Lin Fei and Master Tianling completely ignored the roar of the hundreds of Chaos Gods and walked directly into the sea of ​​space ahead.

"No, they went in!"

"damn it!"

...Hundreds of Chaos Gods roared one by one.

The violent roar almost shook the entire creation space.

at this time.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling have entered into the sea of ​​space.

I saw that this is a very bustling sea of ​​space! In the sea of ​​space, there are many planes.

All planes are arranged neatly.

Many creatures are still active.

"This is not like a temple, but a sea of ​​space with a large number of creatures, abundant energy, and sound laws."

Lin Fei looked at it, a little surprised.

"In this sea of ​​space, the energy and laws possessed by these planes are much higher than those in the sea of ​​space outside.

Moreover, the creatures in this sea of ​​space are much stronger than those in the outer space. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei felt it for a while and found that it was indeed the case.

"Stop, who are you!"

Just as Lin Fei and Master Tian Ling were looking around in this sea of ​​space, suddenly, an old man with white beard and hair appeared not far away, looking at Lin Fei and Master Tian Ling with a vigilant look.

"This is a strong one.

Be careful. "

Venerable Heavenly Spirit spoke to Lin Fei secretly.

"I know."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei could also perceive that the strength of the white-haired old man in front of him was very powerful! Shoo... Soon, in the nearby space, Chaos Gods began to appear one after another, each exuding a powerful aura, staring fiercely at Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

In a moment, there were six or seven hundred Chaos Gods, surrounded Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

These chaotic gods in front of them are much stronger than the chaotic gods outside! "be prepared.

It seems that we are about to have a fierce battle. "

Heavenly Spirit Master said to Lin Fei's voice transmission.

Just now.

"You two, are you outsiders?"

The white-haired old man asked suddenly.

"Yes it is.

Senior, the two of us entered here to find someone.

There is no malice. "

Lin Fei quickly replied.

"Find someone?

Here we are a closed sea of ​​space, which has never been connected to the outside world.

Who are you looking for here? "

The white-haired old man was taken aback for a moment.

"We did come here to find someone."

Heavenly Spirit Master stepped forward and said.

After speaking, Master Tianling waved his hand, and a figure gradually changed from illusory to solid, and appeared in front of him.

This is an old man, his appearance is a bit similar to the Heavenly Spirit Master, but there is a difference.

Because, every divine soul clone and divine soul imprint of the Heavenly Spirit Master was left in a different time and space.

There are some differences between the Heavenly Spirit Masters in different time and space.

"So it was him!"

The white-haired old man was a little surprised when he saw the clone modeled by the Master of Heaven, and said.

"So, do you know him?"

Heavenly Spirit Master heard the white-haired old man's words and asked immediately.

"Of course I know him.

I know him very well. "

The white-haired old man smiled.


How are you and breath so similar to him?

Not only are they similar, they are exactly the same! Could it be that you two are clones of the same person! "

The white-haired old man stared at the Heavenly Spirit Master suddenly, a little surprised, and said.

"hehe, not bad.

He and I are two clones of the same person. "

Master Tianling nodded and smiled.

The Heavenly Spirit Master could feel that the white-haired old man in front of him was really familiar with another clone of himself.

Because, at this time, the Heavenly Spirit Master gave birth to a sense of familiarity and even closeness to this white-haired old man.

You know, different clones are all from the same body, it is easy to get the same feeling.

The closer the distance, the more they can sense each other.

At this time, the Heavenly Spirit Master had vaguely sensed another clone, and began to vaguely acquire some memories and various emotions and feelings of the other clone.

"Haha...In that case, everyone is an old man.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the clone of the old man who found it.

Welcome, welcome! "

The white-haired old man carefully perceived the Master of Heaven, and finally completely confirmed that the Master of Heaven and the other clone he knew were the same person. All of a sudden, his attitude became kind.

"Haha, we almost started fighting."

Heavenly Spirit Master also had a good impression of this white-haired old man, and he seemed to have met a good friend whom he had known for many years.

"You all go back."

The white-haired old man waved his hand, and the other chaotic gods around all left one after another.

These Chaos Gods have completely relaxed their vigilance against the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei.

"Brother Ling, the strength of your clone is almost the same compared to the clone I know.

It seems that the strength of your ontology is much stronger than what I imagined. "

The white-haired old man felt the breath of the Heavenly Spirit Master and said in a loud voice.

"you flatter me."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.


Although this young man is only a tenth-tier main god, he gives me a very strange feeling.

Is his true combat power far beyond his realm? "

The white-haired old man glanced at Lin Fei at random, suddenly his face moved, and he began to pay attention to Lin Fei seriously.

His divine consciousness was released tremendously, and his perception was on Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei remained calm and converged.

"Weird, indeed weird! Young man, you are only a mere tenth-level master god.

However, why does my divine power seem to be unable to perceive your true details? "

The white-haired old man stared at Lin Fei and looked up and down, very curious.

"Young man, how strong are you?

Could it be that although you are only the strength of the tenth-level main god, you have the fighting power of the chaos god? "

The white-haired old man stared at Lin Fei and asked.

"Haha... Old man, do you think that Lin Fei just has the fighting power of Chaos God?

You look wrong.

You take a good look. "

Heavenly Spirit Master heard the white-haired old man's words and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Did I miss you?

He does possess the power of Chaos God.

Well, it is indeed an evildoer.

A Tier 10 main god, but possesses the fighting power equivalent to the Chaos God.

Such young people are really rare in the world. "

The white-haired old man said.

"Old man, look at it more carefully.

This little friend of mine is more than just having Chaos God's combat power.

Here, you have called out a hundred Chaos Gods with you, and it is not his opponent.

Do you believe it? "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a laugh.


I do not believe. "

The old man shook his head.

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